programming idioms and utilities library
.. contents:: Table of Contents
:depth: 2
**acris** is a python library providing useful programming patterns and tools.
**acris** started as Acrisel's internal idioms and utilities for programmers.
It included:
1. programming idioms that are repeatedly used by programmers.
#. utilities that helps programmers and administrators manage their environments
We decided to contribute this library to Python community as a token of appreciation to
what this community enables us.
We hope that you will find this library useful and helpful as we find it.
If you have comments or insights, please don't hesitate to contact us at support@acrisel.com
Programming Idoms
**Note:** inherent from acrilib
decorator for methods that can be executed as a thread. RetriveAsycValue callable class used in the example below provide means to access results. One can provide their own callable to pass results.
.. code:: python
from acris import threaded, RetriveAsycValue
from time import sleep
class ThreadedExample(object):
def proc(self, id_, num, stall):
s = num
while num > 0:
print("%s: %s" % (id_, s))
num -= 1
s += stall
print("%s: %s" % (id_, s))
return s
example output
.. code-block:: python
print("starting workers")
te1 = ThreadedExample().proc('TE1', 3, 1)
te2 = ThreadedExample().proc('TE2', 3, 1)
print("collecting results")
te1_callback = RetriveAsycValue('te1')
te2_callback = RetriveAsycValue('te2')
print('joining t1')
print('joined t1')
print('%s callback result: %s' % (te1_callback.name, te1_callback.result))
result = te1.syncResult()
print('te1 syncResult : %s' %result)
result = te2.syncResult()
print('te2 syncResult : %s' % result)
print('%s callback result: %s' % (te2_callback.name, te2_callback.result))
will produce:
.. code-block:: python
starting workers
TE1: 3
TE2: 3
collecting results
joining t1
TE1: 4
TE2: 4
TE1: 5
TE2: 5
TE1: 6
TE2: 6
joined t1
te1 callback result: 6
te1 syncResult : 6
te2 syncResult : 6
te2 callback result: 6
Singleton and NamedSingleton
**Note:** inherent from acrilib
meta class that creates singleton footprint of classes inheriting from it.
Singleton example
.. code-block:: python
from acris import Singleton
class Sequence(Singleton):
step_id = 0
def __call__(self):
step_id = self.step_id
self.step_id += 1
return step_id
example output
.. code-block:: python
A = Sequence()
print('A', A())
print('A', A())
B = Sequence()
print('B', B())
will produce:
.. code-block:: python
A 0
A 1
B 2
NamedSingleton example
.. code-block:: python
from acris import Singleton
class Sequence(NamedSingleton):
step_id = 0
def __init__(self, name=''):
self.name = name
def __call__(self,):
step_id = self.step_id
self.step_id += 1
return step_id
example output
.. code-block:: python
A = Sequence('A')
print(A.name, A())
print(A.name, A())
B = Sequence('B')
print(B.name, B())
will produce:
.. code-block:: python
A 0
A 1
B 0
**Note:** inherent from acrilib
meta class to produce sequences. Sequence allows creating different sequences using name tags.
.. code-block:: python
from acris import Sequence
A = Sequence('A')
print('A', A())
print('A', A())
B = Sequence('B')
print('B', B())
A = Sequence('A')
print('A', A())
print('A', A())
B = Sequence('B')
print('B', B())
example output
.. code-block:: python
A 0
A 1
B 0
A 2
A 3
B 1
use acrilog instead.
MpLogger and LevelBasedFormatter
use acrilog instead.
**Note:** inherent from acrilib
Useful decorators for production and debug.
logs entry and exit of function or method.
.. code-block :: python
from acris import traced_method
traced = traced_method(print, print_args=True, print_result=True)
class Oper(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.value)
def mul(self, value):
self.value *= value
return self
def add(self, value):
self.value += value
return self
o = Oper(3)
would result with the following output:
.. code-block :: python
[ add ][ entering][ args: (2) ][ kwargs: {} ][ trace_methods.py.Oper(39) ]
[ add ][ exiting ] [ time span: 0:00:00.000056][ result: 5 ][ trace_methods.py.Oper(39) ]
[ mul ][ entering][ args: (5) ][ kwargs: {} ][ trace_methods.py.Oper(34) ]
[ mul ][ exiting ] [ time span: 0:00:00.000010][ result: 25 ][ trace_methods.py.Oper(34) ]
[ add ][ entering][ args: (7) ][ kwargs: {} ][ trace_methods.py.Oper(39) ]
[ add ][ exiting ] [ time span: 0:00:00.000007][ result: 32 ][ trace_methods.py.Oper(39) ]
[ mul ][ entering][ args: (8) ][ kwargs: {} ][ trace_methods.py.Oper(34) ]
[ mul ][ exiting ] [ time span: 0:00:00.000008][ result: 256 ][ trace_methods.py.Oper(34) ]
Data Types
**Note:** inherent from acrilib
varies derivative of Python data types
Similar to ChainedDict, but merged the keys and is actually derivative of dict.
.. code-block:: python
a={1:11, 2:22}
b={3:33, 4:44}
c={1:55, 4:66}
d=MergedChainedDict(c, b, a)
Will output:
.. code-block:: python
{1: 55, 2: 22, 3: 33, 4: 66}
Resource pool provides program with interface to manager resource pools. This is used as means to
funnel processing.
ResourcePoolRequestor object can be used to request resource set resides in multiple pools.
ResourcePoolRequestors object manages multiple requests for multiple resources.
Sync Example
.. code-block:: python
import time
from acris import resource_pool as rp
from acris import Threaded
import queue
from datetime import datetime
class MyResource1(rp.Resource): pass
class MyResource2(rp.Resource): pass
rp1 = rp.ResourcePool('RP1', resource_cls=MyResource1, policy={'resource_limit': 2, }).load()
rp2 = rp.ResourcePool('RP2', resource_cls=MyResource2, policy={'resource_limit': 1, }).load()
def worker_awaiting(name, rp):
print('[ %s ] %s getting resource' % (str(datetime.now()), name ) )
r = rp.get()
print('[ %s ] %s doing work (%s)' % (str(datetime.now()), name, repr(r)))
print('[ %s ] %s returning %s' % (str(datetime.now()), name, repr(r)))
r1 = worker_awaiting('>>> w11-direct', rp1)
r2 = worker_awaiting('>>> w21-direct', rp2)
r3 = worker_awaiting('>>> w22-direct', rp2)
r4 = worker_awaiting('>>> w12-direct', rp1)
Sync Example Output
.. code-block:: python
[ 2016-12-11 13:06:14.659569 ] >>> w11-direct getting resource
[ 2016-12-11 13:06:14.659640 ] >>> w11-direct doing work ([Resource(name:MyResource1)])
[ 2016-12-11 13:06:14.659801 ] >>> w21-direct getting resource
[ 2016-12-11 13:06:14.659834 ] >>> w21-direct doing work ([Resource(name:MyResource2)])
[ 2016-12-11 13:06:14.659973 ] >>> w22-direct getting resource
[ 2016-12-11 13:06:14.660190 ] >>> w12-direct getting resource
[ 2016-12-11 13:06:14.660260 ] >>> w12-direct doing work ([Resource(name:MyResource1)])
[ 2016-12-11 13:06:18.662362 ] >>> w11-direct returning [Resource(name:MyResource1)]
[ 2016-12-11 13:06:18.662653 ] >>> w21-direct returning [Resource(name:MyResource2)]
[ 2016-12-11 13:06:18.662826 ] >>> w12-direct returning [Resource(name:MyResource1)]
[ 2016-12-11 13:06:18.662998 ] >>> w22-direct doing work ([Resource(name:MyResource2)])
[ 2016-12-11 13:06:22.667149 ] >>> w22-direct returning [Resource(name:MyResource2)]
Async Example
.. code-block:: python
import time
from acris import resource_pool as rp
from acris import Threaded
import queue
from datetime import datetime
class MyResource1(rp.Resource): pass
class MyResource2(rp.Resource): pass
rp1 = rp.ResourcePool('RP1', resource_cls=MyResource1, policy={'resource_limit': 2, }).load()
rp2 = rp.ResourcePool('RP2', resource_cls=MyResource2, policy={'resource_limit': 1, }).load()
class Callback(object):
def __init__(self, notify_queue):
def __call__(self, resources=None):
def worker_callback(name, rp):
print('[ %s ] %s getting resource' % (str(datetime.now()), name))
r = rp.get(callback=Callback(notify_queue))
if not r:
print('[ %s ] %s doing work before resource available' % (str(datetime.now()), name,))
print('[ %s ] %s waiting for resources' % (str(datetime.now()), name,))
ticket = notify_queue.get()
r = rp.get(ticket=ticket)
print('[ %s ] %s doing work (%s)' % (str(datetime.now()), name, repr(r)))
print('[ %s ] %s returning (%s)' % (str(datetime.now()), name, repr(r)))
r1 = worker_callback('>>> w11-callback', rp1)
r2 = worker_callback('>>> w21-callback', rp2)
r3 = worker_callback('>>> w22-callback', rp2)
r4 = worker_callback('>>> w12-callback', rp1)
Async Example Output
.. code-block:: python
[ 2016-12-11 13:08:24.410447 ] >>> w11-callback getting resource
[ 2016-12-11 13:08:24.410539 ] >>> w11-callback doing work ([Resource(name:MyResource1)])
[ 2016-12-11 13:08:24.410682 ] >>> w21-callback getting resource
[ 2016-12-11 13:08:24.410762 ] >>> w21-callback doing work ([Resource(name:MyResource2)])
[ 2016-12-11 13:08:24.410945 ] >>> w22-callback getting resource
[ 2016-12-11 13:08:24.411227 ] >>> w22-callback doing work before resource available
[ 2016-12-11 13:08:24.411273 ] >>> w12-callback getting resource
[ 2016-12-11 13:08:24.411334 ] >>> w22-callback waiting for resources
[ 2016-12-11 13:08:24.411452 ] >>> w12-callback doing work ([Resource(name:MyResource1)])
[ 2016-12-11 13:08:26.411901 ] >>> w11-callback returning ([Resource(name:MyResource1)])
[ 2016-12-11 13:08:26.412200 ] >>> w21-callback returning ([Resource(name:MyResource2)])
[ 2016-12-11 13:08:26.412505 ] >>> w22-callback doing work ([Resource(name:MyResource2)])
[ 2016-12-11 13:08:26.416130 ] >>> w12-callback returning ([Resource(name:MyResource1)])
[ 2016-12-11 13:08:28.416001 ] >>> w22-callback returning ([Resource(name:MyResource2)])
Requestor Example
.. code-block:: python
import time
from acris import resource_pool as rp
from acris import Threaded
import queue
from datetime import datetime
class MyResource1(rp.Resource): pass
class MyResource2(rp.Resource): pass
rp1 = rp.ResourcePool('RP1', resource_cls=MyResource1, policy={'resource_limit': 2, }).load()
rp2 = rp.ResourcePool('RP2', resource_cls=MyResource2, policy={'resource_limit': 2, }).load()
class Callback(object):
def __init__(self, notify_queue):
self.q = notify_queue
def __call__(self, ready=False):
def worker_callback(name, rps):
print('[ %s ] %s getting resource' % (str(datetime.now()), name))
callback = Callback(notify_queue, name=name)
request = rp.Requestor(request=rps, callback=callback)
if request.is_reserved():
resources = request.get()
print('[ %s ] %s doing work before resource available' % (str(datetime.now()), name,))
print('[ %s ] %s waiting for resources' % (str(datetime.now()), name,))
resources = request.get()
print('[ %s ] %s doing work (%s)' % (str(datetime.now()), name, repr(resources)))
print('[ %s ] %s returning (%s)' % (str(datetime.now()), name, repr(resources)))
r1 = worker_callback('>>> w11-callback', [(rp1,1),])
r2 = worker_callback('>>> w21-callback', [(rp1,1),(rp2,1)])
r3 = worker_callback('>>> w22-callback', [(rp1,1),(rp2,1)])
r4 = worker_callback('>>> w12-callback', [(rp1,1),])
Requestor Example Output
.. code-block:: python
[ 2016-12-13 06:27:54.924629 ] >>> w11-callback getting resource
[ 2016-12-13 06:27:54.925094 ] >>> w21-callback getting resource
[ 2016-12-13 06:27:54.925453 ] >>> w22-callback getting resource
[ 2016-12-13 06:27:54.926188 ] >>> w12-callback getting resource
[ 2016-12-13 06:27:54.932922 ] >>> w11-callback doing work ([Resource(name:MyResource1)])
[ 2016-12-13 06:27:54.933709 ] >>> w12-callback doing work ([Resource(name:MyResource1)])
[ 2016-12-13 06:27:54.938425 ] >>> w22-callback doing work before resource available
[ 2016-12-13 06:27:54.938548 ] >>> w22-callback waiting for resources
[ 2016-12-13 06:27:54.939256 ] >>> w21-callback doing work before resource available
[ 2016-12-13 06:27:54.939267 ] >>> w21-callback waiting for resources
[ 2016-12-13 06:27:56.936881 ] >>> w11-callback returning ([Resource(name:MyResource1)])
[ 2016-12-13 06:27:56.937543 ] >>> w12-callback returning ([Resource(name:MyResource1)])
[ 2016-12-13 06:27:56.947615 ] >>> w22-callback doing work ([Resource(name:MyResource2), Resource(name:MyResource1)])
[ 2016-12-13 06:27:56.948587 ] >>> w21-callback doing work ([Resource(name:MyResource2), Resource(name:MyResource1)])
[ 2016-12-13 06:27:58.949812 ] >>> w22-callback returning ([Resource(name:MyResource2), Resource(name:MyResource1)])
[ 2016-12-13 06:27:58.950064 ] >>> w21-callback returning ([Resource(name:MyResource2), Resource(name:MyResource1)])
Virtual ResourcePool
Like ResourcePool, VResourcePool manages resources. The main difference between the two is that ResourcePool manages physical resource objects. VResourcePool manages virtual resources (VResource) that only represent physical resources. VResources can not be activated or deactivated.
One unique property VResourcePool enables is that request could be returned by quantity.
Virtual Requestors Example
.. code-block:: python
import time
from acris import virtual_resource_pool as rp
from acris.threaded import Threaded
from acris.mplogger import create_stream_handler
import queue
from datetime import datetime
class MyResource1(rp.Resource): pass
class MyResource2(rp.Resource): pass
rp1 = rp.ResourcePool('RP1', resource_cls=MyResource1, policy={'resource_limit': 2, }).load()
rp2 = rp.ResourcePool('RP2', resource_cls=MyResource2, policy={'resource_limit': 1, }).load()
class Callback(object):
def __init__(self, notify_queue, name=''):
self.q = notify_queue
self.name = name
def __call__(self,received=False):
requestors = rp.Requestors()
def worker_callback(name, rps):
print('[ %s ] %s getting resource' % (str(datetime.now()), name))
notify_queue = queue.Queue()
callback = Callback(notify_queue, name=name)
request_id = requestors.reserve(request=rps, callback=callback)
if not requestors.is_reserved(request_id):
print('[ %s ] %s doing work before resource available' % (str(datetime.now()), name,))
resources = requestors.get(request_id)
print('[ %s ] %s doing work (%s)' % (str(datetime.now()), name, repr(resources)))
print('[ %s ] %s returning (%s)' % (str(datetime.now()), name, repr(resources)))
r2 = worker_callback('>>> w21-callback', [(rp1,1), (rp2,1)])
r1 = worker_callback('>>> w11-callback', [(rp1,1),])
r3 = worker_callback('>>> w22-callback', [(rp1,1), (rp2,1)])
r4 = worker_callback('>>> w12-callback', [(rp1,1),])
Virtual Requestor Example Output
.. code-block:: python
[ 2016-12-16 14:27:53.224110 ] >>> w21-callback getting resource
[ 2016-12-16 14:27:53.224750 ] >>> w11-callback getting resource
[ 2016-12-16 14:27:53.225567 ] >>> w22-callback getting resource
[ 2016-12-16 14:27:53.226220 ] >>> w12-callback getting resource
[ 2016-12-16 14:27:53.237146 ] >>> w11-callback doing work ([Resource(name:MyResource1)])
[ 2016-12-16 14:27:53.238361 ] >>> w12-callback doing work before resource available
[ 2016-12-16 14:27:53.241046 ] >>> w21-callback doing work before resource available
[ 2016-12-16 14:27:53.242350 ] >>> w22-callback doing work ([Resource(name:MyResource1), Resource(name:MyResource2)])
[ 2016-12-16 14:27:54.238443 ] >>> w11-callback returning ([Resource(name:MyResource1)])
[ 2016-12-16 14:27:54.246868 ] >>> w22-callback returning ([Resource(name:MyResource1), Resource(name:MyResource2)])
[ 2016-12-16 14:27:54.257040 ] >>> w12-callback doing work ([Resource(name:MyResource1)])
[ 2016-12-16 14:27:54.259858 ] >>> w21-callback doing work ([Resource(name:MyResource1), Resource(name:MyResource2)])
[ 2016-12-16 14:27:55.258659 ] >>> w12-callback returning ([Resource(name:MyResource1)])
[ 2016-12-16 14:27:55.262741 ] >>> w21-callback returning ([Resource(name:MyResource1), Resource(name:MyResource2)])
**Note:** inherent from acrilib
Class interface to generator allowing query of has_next()
.. code-block:: python
from acris import Mediator
def yrange(n):
i = 0
while i < n:
yield i
i += 1
n = 10
m = Mediator(yrange(n))
for i in range(n):
print(i, m.has_next(3), next(m))
print(i, m.has_next(), next(m))
Example Output
.. code-block:: python
0 True 0
1 True 1
2 True 2
3 True 3
4 True 4
5 True 5
6 True 6
7 True 7
8 False 8
9 False 9
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/private/var/acrisel/sand/acris/acris/acris/example/mediator.py", line 19, in <module>
print(i, m.has_next(), next(m))
File "/private/var/acrisel/sand/acris/acris/acris/acris/mediator.py", line 38, in __next__
.. code-block:: python
usage: commdir.py [-h] [--dir1 DIR1] [--dir2 DIR2] [--quiet] [--out [REPORT]]
[--follow] [--detailed] [--sync-cmd] [--merge] [--total]
[--ignore [PATTERN [PATTERN ...]]]
Reports differences in directory structure and content. commdir.py will exit
with 0 if directories found the same. otherwise, it will exit with 1.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dir1 DIR1 source folder for the comparison
--dir2 DIR2 target folder for the comparison
--quiet avoid writing any report out, default: False
--out [REPORT] file to write report to, default: stdout
--follow follow links when walking folders, default: False
--detailed provide detailed file level diff, default: False
--sync-cmd provide commands that would align dirs and files,
default: False
--merge when sync-cmd, set how diff commands would be
resolved, default: dir1 is base.
--total outputs summary.
--ignore [PATTERN [PATTERN ...]]
pattern to ignore
example: python commdir.py --dir1 my_folder --dir2 other_folder --ignore __pycache__ .*DS_Store
commdir.py also provides access to its underlined function commdir:
.. code-block:: python
commdir(dir1, dir2, ignore=[], detailed=False, followlinks=False, quiet=False, bool_result=True)
compares two directory structures and their files.
commdir walks through two directories, dir1 and dir2. While walking, it aggregates information
on the difference between the two structures and their content.
If bool_result is True, commdir will return True if difference was found.
When False, it would return a DiffContent namedtuple with the following fields:
- diff (boolean)
- folders_only_in_dir1 (list)
- folders_only_in_dir2 (list)
- files_only_in_dir1 (list)
- files_only_in_dir2 (list)
- diff_files (list)
- diff_detail (list)
dir1, dir2: two directories structure to compare.
ignore: list of regular expression strings to ignore, when directory is ignored, all its sub folders are ignored too.
detailed: if set, will generate detailed file level comparison.
followlinks: if set, symbolic links will be followed.
quiet: if set, information will not be printed to stdio.
bool_result: instruct how the function would respond to caller (True: boolean or False: DiffContent)
commdir example output
.. code-block:: python
folders only in other_folder
files only in my_folder
files only in other_folder
files different:
Folders only in my_folder: 0
Files only in my_folder: 2
Folders only in other_folder: 4
Files only in other_folder: 7
Files different: 4
utility to run commands on multiple hosts and collect responses.
.. code-block:: python
usage: bee.py [-h] -c COMMAND [-p PARALLEL] -t HOST [-u USERNAME]
[--sudo-user USERNAME] [--keep-log]
Sends ssh command to multiple destinations.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c COMMAND, --command COMMAND
command to execute over ssh channel
-p PARALLEL, --parallel PARALLEL
number of parallel session to open
-t HOST, --target HOST
destination host to run against
user to use for ssh authentication
--sudo-user USERNAME sudo user to use to run commands
--keep-log indicates bee to keep host logs instead of deleting
converts multiple CSV file to XLSX file. Each CSV file will end on its own sheet.
.. code-block:: python
usage: csv2xlsx.py [-h] [-d DELIMITER] [-o OUTFILE] CSV [CSV ...]
Creates Excel file from one or more CSV files. If multiple CSV are provided,
they wiull be mapped to separated sheets. If "-" is provided, input will be
acquire from stdin.
positional arguments:
CSV csv files to merge in xlsx; if -, stdin is assumed
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
select delimiter character
output xlsx filename
send mail utility and function API
.. code-block:: python
usage: mail.py [-h] [-a ATTACHMENT] [-o FILE] -s SUBJECT [-b BODY]
Send the contents of a directory as a MIME message. Unless the -o option is
given, the email is sent by forwarding to your local SMTP server, which then
does the normal delivery process. Your local machine must be running an SMTP
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Mail the contents of the specified directory or file,
Only the regular files in the directory are sent, and
we don't recurse to subdirectories.
-o FILE, --output FILE
Print the composed message to FILE instead of sending
the message to the SMTP server.
-s SUBJECT, --subject SUBJECT
Subject for email message (required).
-b BODY, --body BODY Boby text for the message (optional).
-f MAILFROM, --mailfrom MAILFROM
The value of the From: header (optional); if not
provided $USER@$HOSTNAME will be use as sender
-c CC, --malicc CC The value of the CC: header (optional)
A To: header value (at least one required)
Reformat XML in hierarchical structure.
.. code-block:: python
usage: pretty-xml.py [-h] [-o OUTFILE] [XML [XML ...]]
Pretty prints XML file that is not pretty.
positional arguments:
XML XML files to pretty print; if - or none provided,
stdin is assumed
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
output filename; defaults to stdout
Runs single shh command on remote host
.. code-block:: python
def sshcmd(cmd, host, password,)
cmd: command to execute
host: remote host to run on
password: user's password on remote host
UNIX like touch with ability to create missing folders.
.. code-block:: python
touch(path, times=None, dirs=False)
path: to touch
times: a 2-tuple of the form (atime, mtime) where each member is an int or float expressing seconds.
defaults to current time.
dirs: if set, create missing folders
Runs UNIX command on multiple directories.
.. code-block:: python
usage: mrun.py [-h] [--cwd [DIR [DIR ...]]] [--exception TAG] [--nostop]
Run command in multiple directories. Example: mrun --cwd dir1 dir2 -- git add .
positional arguments:
cmd command to run.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cwd [DIR [DIR ...]]
path where command should cd to; or file that congaing
list of directories to operate on.
--exception TAG tag exception message.
--nostop continue even if failed to run in one place.
--verbose, -v print messages as it goes.
camel2snake and snake2camel
camel2snake(name) and snake2camel(name) will convert name from camel to snake and from snake to camel respectively.
xlsx2rst is a utility and function to convert xlsx to restructuredtext.
.. code-block:: python
usage: xlsx2rst.py [-h] [-o RST] [-s [SHEET [SHEET ...]]]
[--start-row [NUMBER]] [--end-row [NUMBER]]
[--start-col [NUMBER]] [--end-col [NUMBER]] [-r [NUMBER]]
Converts xlsx workbook into restructured text format
positional arguments:
XLSX xlsx files to convert
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o RST, --output RST destination rst file
-s [SHEET [SHEET ...]], --sheet [SHEET [SHEET ...]]
list of sheets; default to all available sheets
--start-row [NUMBER] table start row, defaults to 1
--end-row [NUMBER] table start col, defaults to 1
--start-col [NUMBER] table start row, defaults to 0
--end-col [NUMBER] table start col, defaults to 0
-r [NUMBER], --header [NUMBER]
header row count
--one-file when set, single file is created
Change History
Version 2.3
1. Improvement in how threaded passes result.
#. Add xlsx2rst utility.
#. Fix bug with MpLogger multiprocessing queue (changed to use Manager().)
Version 2.2
1. MpLogger was change to have single log instead of two (error and debug).
#. MpLogger add new arguments: name, console, force_global, etc.
Version 3.0
1. MpLogger moved to acrilog project
2. Some functions moved to acrilib project
3. Added mrun for execute command on multiple directories (for git operations)