# AccelByte Python SDK
A software development kit (SDK) for interacting with AccelByte services written in Python.
This SDK was generated from OpenAPI specification documents included in the [spec](spec) directory.
## Setup
This SDK requires Python 3.9 to be installed.
### Install with Pip
Install dependencies.
pip install requests httpx websockets PyYAML PyJWT[crypto] mmh3 bitarray
Install from PyPI
pip install accelbyte-py-sdk
or install from source.
pip install git+https://github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-python-sdk.git@{VERSION}#egg=accelbyte_py_sdk
Replace `{VERSION}` with a specific release version tag. When starting a new project,
using the latest release version is recommended. For the list of available versions, see [releases](https://github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-python-sdk/releases).
**Special note only for Windows environment**
If you encounter error `path too long` when attempting to install the SDK. The steps to solve this are:
1. [Enable long paths in registry.](https://docs.python.org/3/using/windows.html#removing-the-max-path-limitation)
2. Enable long paths in git.
git config --global core.longpaths true
3. Restart the powershell window you used to take effect.
4. Try installing SDK again.
pip install git+https://github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-python-sdk.git@{VERSION}#egg=accelbyte_py_sdk
### Environment Variables
The following environment variables need to be set when using `EnvironmentConfigRepository` (default).
| Name | Required | Example |
| AB_BASE_URL | Yes | https://demo/accelbyte.io |
| AB_CLIENT_ID | Yes | abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789 |
| AB_CLIENT_SECRET | Yes, only if you use a private `AB_CLIENT_ID` | ab#c,d)ef(ab#c,d)ef(ab#c,d)ef(ab |
| AB_NAMESPACE | Yes, the SDK will automatically fill up the `{namespace}` path parameter (overridable) | accelbyte |
| AB_APP_NAME | No, the SDK will automatically fill up the `User-Agent` header (overridable) | MyApp |
| AB_APP_VERSION | No, the SDK will automatically fill up the `User-Agent` header (overridable) | 1.0.0 |
## Usage
### Initializing
You'll have to initialize the SDK using the `initialize()` function.
import accelbyte_py_sdk
if __name__ == "__main__":
# uses EnvironmentConfigRepository by default
# which in turn uses '$AB_BASE_URL', '$AB_CLIENT_ID', '$AB_CLIENT_SECRET', '$AB_NAMESPACE'
You could also pass in options like so:
from os import environ
import accelbyte_py_sdk
from accelbyte_py_sdk.core import MyConfigRepository
if __name__ == "__main__":
base_url = environ["MY_BASE_URL"]
client_id = environ["MY_CLIENT_ID"]
client_secret = environ["MY_CLIENT_SECRET"]
namespace = environ["MY_NAMESPACE"]
app_name = environ["MY_APP_NAME"]
app_version = environ["MY_APP_VERSION"]
my_config_repository = MyConfigRepository(
options = {
"config": my_config_repository
# you could still set some of these options after initializing.
# ex. accelbyte_py_sdk.core.set_config_repository(my_config_repository)
### Logging In and Logging Out
#### Login using Username and Password
from os import environ
import accelbyte_py_sdk
from accelbyte_py_sdk.services.auth import login_user, logout
if __name__ == "__main__":
username = environ["AB_USERNAME"]
password = environ["AB_PASSWORD"]
token, error = login_user(username, password)
assert error is None
_, error = logout()
assert error is None
Here `login_user(username, password)` and `logout()` are wrapper functions.
#### Login using OAuth Client (Public or Confidential)
from os import environ
import accelbyte_py_sdk
from accelbyte_py_sdk.services.auth import login_client
if __name__ == "__main__":
client_id = environ["AB_CLIENT_ID"]
client_secret = environ["AB_CLIENT_SECRET"]
token, error = login_client(client_id, client_secret)
# passing '$AB_CLIENT_ID' and '$AB_CLIENT_SECRET' is same as:
# token, error = login_client()
assert error is not None
:bulb: Using `login_x(..., auto_refresh=True)` automatically refreshes the token once the expiration draws near.
# set the refresh rate for 'login_client'
# 0.5 means refresh when we 50% of the expiration duration has passed
res, err = login_client(client_id, client_secret, auto_refresh=True, refresh_rate=0.5)
# set the refresh rate for 'login_user'
# 0.5 means refresh when we 50% of the expiration duration has passed
res, err = login_user(username, password, auto_refresh=True, refresh_rate=0.5)
The auto refresh is only triggered when another request is fired. If you want to the refresh run automatically in the background. Use any of the `LoginXTimer` classes.
from accelbyte_py_sdk.services.auth import LoginClientTimer, LoginPlatformTimer, LoginUserTimer, RefreshLoginTimer
res, err = login_user(username, password)
if err is not None:
# creates a threading.Timer-like object that calls login_user every 1800 seconds repeatedly 'inf' times
interval = 1800
timer = LoginUserTimer(
repeats=-1, # <0: repeat 'inf' times | 0 or None: repeat 0 times | >0: repeat n times
To manually refresh the token:
from accelbyte_py_sdk.core import get_token_repository
from accelbyte_py_sdk.services.auth import refresh_login
token_repo = get_token_repository()
refresh_token = token_repo.get_refresh_token()
token, error = refresh_login(refresh_token)
assert error is None
## Using multiple SDK instances
The examples above demonstrates using just one instance of the Python SDK (the default which is also global), but you could also instantiate multiple instances of the SDK and use them at the same time.
import accelbyte_py_sdk.services.auth as auth_service
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.iam as iam_service
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.iam.models as iam_models
from accelbyte_py_sdk import AccelByteSDK
from accelbyte_py_sdk.core import EnvironmentConfigRepository
from accelbyte_py_sdk.core import InMemoryTokenRepository
# Create 3 instances of the SDK
client_sdk = AccelByteSDK()
user_sdk1 = AccelByteSDK()
user_sdk2 = AccelByteSDK()
# Initialize the SDKs
"config": EnvironmentConfigRepository(),
"token": InMemoryTokenRepository(),
"config": EnvironmentConfigRepository(),
"token": InMemoryTokenRepository(),
"config": user_sdk1.get_config_repository(), # you could also share the config repo with User 1 SDK's
"token": InMemoryTokenRepository(), # you could also do the same thing with token repos but that is not advisable.
# Login the SDKs
_, error = auth_service.login_client(sdk=client_sdk)
username1, password1 = ...
_, error = auth_service.login_user(username1, password1, sdk=user_sdk1)
username2, password2 = ...
_, error = auth_service.login_user(username2, password2, sdk=user_sdk2)
# Call an endpoint as User 1
result1, error = iam_service.public_create_user_v4(
# Call an endpoint as User 2
result2, error = iam_service.public_create_user_v4(
# Call an endpoint as the Admin IAM Client
result, error = admin_update_user_v4(
# Reset/Deintialize the SDKs after using
## Interacting with a Service Endpoint
### Example A
In this example we will create a new user using the `POST` endpoint `/iam/v3/public/namespaces/{namespace}/users`
import json
import accelbyte_py_sdk
from accelbyte_py_sdk.services.auth import login_client
# Import the wrapper 'public_create_user_v3'
# to know which wrapper to use open the docs/<service-name>-index.md and
# use the search function to find the wrapper name
from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.iam import public_create_user_v3
# This POST endpoint also requires a body of 'ModelUserCreateRequestV3'
# so you will need to import that too, import it using this scheme:
# from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.<service-name>.models import <model-name>
from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.iam.models import ModelUserCreateRequestV3
from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.iam.models import ModelUserCreateResponseV3
def main():
# 1 Initialize the SDK
# 2 Login as a client (uses $AB_CLIENT_ID and $AB_CLIENT_SECRET)
_, error = login_client()
# 3 Create a user using the POST endpoint: /iam/v3/public/namespaces/{namespace}/users
# * this endpoint requires:
# - a 'body' (ModelUserCreateRequestV3)
# - a 'namespace' (string)
# 'namespace' here is unique because it can be omitted, omitting it will result in
# the SDK to automatically fill it out with the value of '$AB_NAMESPACE'
# * more details on this endpoint can be found in:
# accelbyte_py_sdk/api/iam/operations/users/public_create_user_v3.py
result, error = public_create_user_v3(
# 4 Check for errors
if error:
# 5 Do something with the result
print(json.dumps(result.to_dict(), indent=2))
# {
# "authType": "EMAILPASSWD",
# "country": "US",
# "dateOfBirth": "2001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
# "displayName": "************",
# "emailAddress": "******@fakemail.com",
# "namespace": "******",
# "userId": "********************************"
# }
if __name__ == "__main__":
:bulb: All wrapper functions follow the return value format of `result, error`.
:bulb: You could also write your own wrapper functions by using the models and operations in `accelbyte_py_sdk.api.<service-name>` and `accelbyte_py_sdk.api.<service-name>.models` respectively.
:bulb: All wrapper functions have an asynchronous counterpart that ends with `_async`.
### Example A (`async`)
To convert `Example A` asynchronously the following steps are needed.
1. Import the asyncio package.
import asyncio
2. Convert the main method into `async`.
# def main():
async def main():
3. Change how the `main` function is invoked.
if __name__ == "__main__":
# main()
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
4. Use `HttpxHttpClient`.
# accelbyte_py_sdk.initialize()
accelbyte_py_sdk.initialize(options={"http": "HttpxHttpClient"})
5. Use the `async` version of the wrapper by appending `_async`.
# from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.iam import public_create_user_v3
from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.iam import public_create_user_v3_async
6. Use the `async` wrapper with the `await` keyword.
# result, error = public_create_user_v3(
result, error = await public_create_user_v3_async(
Here is the full code:
import asyncio
import json
import accelbyte_py_sdk
from accelbyte_py_sdk.services.auth import login_client
# Import the wrapper 'public_create_user_v3_async'
# to know which wrapper to use open the docs/<service-name>-index.md and
# use the search function to find the wrapper name
from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.iam import public_create_user_v3_async
# This POST endpoint also requires a body of 'ModelUserCreateRequestV3'
# so you will need to import that too, import it using this scheme:
# from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.<service-name>.models import <model-name>
from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.iam.models import ModelUserCreateRequestV3
from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.iam.models import ModelUserCreateResponseV3
async def main():
# 1 Initialize the SDK
accelbyte_py_sdk.initialize(options={"http": "HttpxHttpClient"})
# 2 Login as a client (uses $AB_CLIENT_ID and $AB_CLIENT_SECRET)
_, error = login_client()
# 3 Create a user using the POST endpoint: /iam/v3/public/namespaces/{namespace}/users
# * this endpoint requires:
# - a 'body' (ModelUserCreateRequestV3)
# - a 'namespace' (string)
# 'namespace' here is unique because it can be omitted, omitting it will result in
# the SDK to automatically fill it out with the value of '$AB_NAMESPACE'
# * more details on this endpoint can be found in:
# accelbyte_py_sdk/api/iam/operations/users/public_create_user_v3.py
result, error = await public_create_user_v3_async(
# 4 Check for errors
if error:
# 5 Do something with the result
print(json.dumps(result.to_dict(), indent=2))
# {
# "authType": "EMAILPASSWD",
# "country": "US",
# "dateOfBirth": "2001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
# "displayName": "************",
# "emailAddress": "******@fakemail.com",
# "namespace": "******",
# "userId": "********************************"
# }
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
## Configuring HTTP Retry
To use the `HTTP Retry` feature, set the `HttpClient`'s `retry_policy` and `backoff_policy`.
import accelbyte_py_sdk
from accelbyte_py_sdk.core import get_http_client
# 1 Initialize the SDK
# 2 Get the HTTP Client
http_client = get_http_client()
# 3 Configure the `retry_policy` and `backoff_policy`
# 3a. Retry 3 times with 0.5 seconds delay in between
from accelbyte_py_sdk.core import ConstantHttpBackoffPolicy
from accelbyte_py_sdk.core import MaxRetriesHttpRetryPolicy
http_client.retry_policy = MaxRetriesHttpRetryPolicy(3)
# 3b. Retry when total elapsed time is less than 15 seconds, with an exponential backoff duration.
from accelbyte_py_sdk.core import ExponentialHttpBackoffPolicy
from accelbyte_py_sdk.core import MaxElapsedHttpRetryPolicy
http_client.backoff_policy = ExponentialHttpBackoffPolicy(initial=1.0, multiplier=2.0)
http_client.retry_policy = MaxElapsedHttpRetryPolicy(15)
# 3c. Use custom retry and backoff policies.
from datetime import timedelta
from typing import Optional
def my_custom_retry_policy(request, response, /, *, retries: int = 0, elapsed: Optional[timedelta] = None, **kwargs) -> float:
return "Retry-After" in response.headers and retries == 1 # Retry if the 'Retry-After' header exists and we are on the 1st retry (2nd attempt).
def my_custom_backoff_policy(request, response, /, *, retries: int = 0, elapsed: Optional[timedelta] = None, **kwargs) -> float:
return response.headers.get("Retry-After", 1) # Use the value of the 'Retry-After' response header, default to 1.0s.
http_client.backoff_policy = my_custom_backoff_policy
http_client.retry_policy = my_custom_retry_policy
# 3d. Combining multiple retry policies.
from accelbyte_py_sdk.core import CompositeHttpRetryPolicy
from accelbyte_py_sdk.core import MaxRetriesHttpRetryPolicy
from accelbyte_py_sdk.core import StatusCodesHttpRetryPolicy
http_client.retry_policy = CompositeHttpRetryPolicy(
StatusCodesHttpRetryPolicy(401, (501, 503)), # Retry when response status code is 401, 501 to 503 (501, 502, or 503) -- AND
MaxRetriesHttpRetryPolicy(3) # when number of retries is less than or equal to 3.
## Validating Tokens
You can use `accelbyte_py_sdk.token_validation.caching.CachingTokenValidator` or `accelbyte_py_sdk.token_validation.iam.IAMTokenValidator`.
token_validator = CachingTokenValidator(sdk) # or IAMTokenValidator(sdk)
# access_token = ...
error = token_validator.validate_token(access_token)
if error:
raise error
See [tests](tests/sdk/core/_request.py) for more usage.
## Samples
Sample apps are available in the [samples](samples) directory
## Documentation
For documentation about AccelByte services and SDK, see [docs.accelbyte.io](https://docs.accelbyte.io/)
:bulb: Check out the index files in the [docs](docs) directory if you are looking for a specific endpoint.
## Misc
### Utility Functions
Check if the SDK is initialized.
import accelbyte_py_sdk
is_initialized = accelbyte_py_sdk.is_initialized()
# False
Create a Basic Auth from a string tuple.
import accelbyte_py_sdk
basic_auth = accelbyte_py_sdk.core.create_basic_authentication("foo", "bar")
# Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==
Gets the stored access token.
import accelbyte_py_sdk
access_token, error = accelbyte_py_sdk.core.get_access_token()
# ************************************
Get `AB_*` environment configuration values.
import accelbyte_py_sdk
base_url, client_id, client_secret, namespace = accelbyte_py_sdk.core.get_env_config()
print(f"{base_url}, {client_id}, {client_secret}, {namespace}")
Get `AB_*` environment user credential values.
import accelbyte_py_sdk
username, password = accelbyte_py_sdk.core.get_env_user_credentials()
print(f"{base_url}: {client_id}")
Set logger level and add logger handlers.
import logging
# 1. The SDK has helper functions for logging.
accelbyte_py_sdk.core.set_logger_level(logging.INFO) # 'accelbyte_py_sdk'
accelbyte_py_sdk.core.set_logger_level(logging.INFO, "http") # 'accelbyte_py_sdk.http'
accelbyte_py_sdk.core.set_logger_level(logging.INFO, "ws") # 'accelbyte_py_sdk.ws'
# 2. You could also use this helper function for debugging.
accelbyte_py_sdk.core.add_stream_handler_to_logger() # sends content of the 'accelbyte_py_sdk' logger to 'sys.stderr'.
# 3. There is a helper function that helps you get started with log files.
accelbyte_py_sdk.core.add_buffered_file_handler_to_logger( # flushes content of the 'accelbyte_py_sdk' logger to a file named 'sdk.log' every 10 logs.
accelbyte_py_sdk.core.add_buffered_file_handler_to_logger( # flushes content of the 'accelbyte_py_sdk.http' logger to a file named 'http.log' every 3 logs.
# 3.a. Or you could the same thing when initializing the SDK.
"log_files": {
"": "/path/to/sdk.log", # flushes content of the 'accelbyte_py_sdk' logger to a file named 'sdk.log' every 10 logs.
"http": { # flushes content of the 'accelbyte_py_sdk.http' logger to a file named 'http.log' every 3 logs.
"filename": "/path/to/http.log",
"capacity": 3,
"level": logging.INFO
# 4. By default logs from 'accelbyte_py_sdk.http' are stringified dictionaries, you can set your own formatter like so.
def format_request_response_as_yaml(data: dict) -> str:
return f"---\n{yaml.safe_dump(data, sort_keys=False).rstrip()}\n..."
http_client = accelbyte_py_sdk.core.get_http_client()
http_client.request_log_formatter = format_request_response_as_yaml
http_client.response_log_formatter = format_request_response_as_yaml
## In-depth Topics
### Generated code
#### Models
Each definition in `#/definitions/` is turned into a Model.
# UserProfileInfo
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: object
type: object
format: date
type: string
x-nullable: true
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: string
type: object
# accelbyte_py_sdk/api/basic/models/user_profile_info.py
class UserProfileInfo(Model):
"""User profile info (UserProfileInfo)
avatar_large_url: (avatarLargeUrl) OPTIONAL str
avatar_small_url: (avatarSmallUrl) OPTIONAL str
avatar_url: (avatarUrl) OPTIONAL str
custom_attributes: (customAttributes) OPTIONAL Dict[str, Any]
date_of_birth: (dateOfBirth) OPTIONAL str
first_name: (firstName) OPTIONAL str
language: (language) OPTIONAL str
last_name: (lastName) OPTIONAL str
namespace: (namespace) OPTIONAL str
status: (status) OPTIONAL Union[str, StatusEnum]
time_zone: (timeZone) OPTIONAL str
user_id: (userId) OPTIONAL str
zip_code: (zipCode) OPTIONAL str
# region fields
avatar_large_url: str # OPTIONAL
avatar_small_url: str # OPTIONAL
avatar_url: str # OPTIONAL
custom_attributes: Dict[str, Any] # OPTIONAL
date_of_birth: str # OPTIONAL
first_name: str # OPTIONAL
language: str # OPTIONAL
last_name: str # OPTIONAL
namespace: str # OPTIONAL
status: Union[str, StatusEnum] # OPTIONAL
time_zone: str # OPTIONAL
user_id: str # OPTIONAL
zip_code: str # OPTIONAL
# endregion fields
there are also a number of utility functions generated with each model that should help in the ease of use.
# accelbyte_py_sdk/api/basic/models/user_profile_info.py
def with_user_id(self, value: str) -> UserProfileInfo:
self.user_id = value
return self
# other with_x() methods too
def to_dict(self, include_empty: bool = False) -> dict:
result: dict = {}
return result
def create(
avatar_large_url: Optional[str] = None,
avatar_small_url: Optional[str] = None,
avatar_url: Optional[str] = None,
custom_attributes: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
date_of_birth: Optional[str] = None,
first_name: Optional[str] = None,
language: Optional[str] = None,
last_name: Optional[str] = None,
namespace: Optional[str] = None,
status: Optional[Union[str, StatusEnum]] = None,
time_zone: Optional[str] = None,
user_id: Optional[str] = None,
zip_code: Optional[str] = None,
) -> UserProfileInfo:
instance = cls()
return instance
def create_from_dict(cls, dict_: dict, include_empty: bool = False) -> UserProfileInfo:
instance = cls()
return instance
def get_field_info() -> Dict[str, str]:
return {
"avatarLargeUrl": "avatar_large_url",
"avatarSmallUrl": "avatar_small_url",
"avatarUrl": "avatar_url",
"customAttributes": "custom_attributes",
"dateOfBirth": "date_of_birth",
"firstName": "first_name",
"language": "language",
"lastName": "last_name",
"namespace": "namespace",
"status": "status",
"timeZone": "time_zone",
"userId": "user_id",
"zipCode": "zip_code",
#### Operations
Each path item in `#/paths` is turned into an Operation.
# GET /basic/v1/public/namespaces/{namespace}/users/{userId}/profiles
description: 'Get user profile.<br>Other detail info: <ul><li><i>Required
permission</i>: resource=<b>"NAMESPACE:{namespace}:USER:{userId}:PROFILE"</b>,
action=2 <b>(READ)</b></li><li><i>Action code</i>:
11403</li><li><i>Returns</i>: user profile</li></ul>'
operationId: publicGetUserProfileInfo
- description: namespace, only accept alphabet and numeric
in: path
name: namespace
required: true
type: string
- description: user's id, should follow UUID version 4 without hyphen
in: path
name: userId
required: true
type: string
- application/json
description: Successful operation
$ref: '#/definitions/UserProfileInfo'
description: <table><tr><td>errorCode</td><td>errorMessage</td></tr><tr><td>20002</td><td>validation
$ref: '#/definitions/ValidationErrorEntity'
description: <table><tr><td>errorCode</td><td>errorMessage</td></tr><tr><td>20001</td><td>unauthorized</td></tr></table>
$ref: '#/definitions/ErrorEntity'
description: <table><tr><td>errorCode</td><td>errorMessage</td></tr><tr><td>20013</td><td>insufficient
$ref: '#/definitions/ErrorEntity'
description: '<table><tr><td>errorCode</td><td>errorMessage</td></tr><tr><td>11440</td><td>Unable
to {action}: User profile not found in namespace [{namespace}]</td></tr></table>'
$ref: '#/definitions/ErrorEntity'
- authorization: []
- HasPermission:
- NAMESPACE:{namespace}:USER:{userId}:PROFILE [READ]
authorization: []
summary: Get user profile
- UserProfile
action: '2'
resource: NAMESPACE:{namespace}:USER:{userId}:PROFILE
same with the models there are also a number of utility functions generated with each operation that should help in the ease of use.
# accelbyte_py_sdk/api/basic/operations/user_profile/get_user_profile_info.py
# Copyright (c) 2021 AccelByte Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# This is licensed software from AccelByte Inc, for limitations
# and restrictions contact your company contract manager.
# Code generated. DO NOT EDIT!
# template file: accelbyte_cloud_py_codegen
# pylint: disable=duplicate-code
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
# pylint: disable=unused-import
# AccelByte Cloud Basic Service (1.36.1)
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from .....core import Operation
from .....core import HeaderStr
from .....core import HttpResponse
from ...models import ErrorEntity
from ...models import UserProfilePrivateInfo
from ...models import ValidationErrorEntity
class GetUserProfileInfo(Operation):
"""Get user profile (getUserProfileInfo)
Get user profile.
Other detail info:
* Required permission : resource= "ADMIN:NAMESPACE:{namespace}:USER:{userId}:PROFILE" , action=2 (READ)
* Returns : user profile
* Action code : 11403
Required Permission(s):
url: /basic/v1/admin/namespaces/{namespace}/users/{userId}/profiles
method: GET
tags: ["UserProfile"]
consumes: []
produces: ["application/json"]
securities: [BEARER_AUTH] or [BEARER_AUTH]
namespace: (namespace) REQUIRED str in path
user_id: (userId) REQUIRED str in path
200: OK - UserProfilePrivateInfo (successful operation)
400: Bad Request - ValidationErrorEntity (20002: validation error)
401: Unauthorized - ErrorEntity (20001: unauthorized)
403: Forbidden - ErrorEntity (20013: insufficient permission)
404: Not Found - ErrorEntity (11440: Unable to {action}: User profile not found in namespace [{namespace}])
# region fields
_url: str = "/basic/v1/admin/namespaces/{namespace}/users/{userId}/profiles"
_method: str = "GET"
_consumes: List[str] = []
_produces: List[str] = ["application/json"]
_securities: List[List[str]] = [["BEARER_AUTH"], ["BEARER_AUTH"]]
_location_query: str = None
namespace: str # REQUIRED in [path]
user_id: str # REQUIRED in [path]
# endregion fields
# region properties
def url(self) -> str:
return self._url
def method(self) -> str:
return self._method
def consumes(self) -> List[str]:
return self._consumes
def produces(self) -> List[str]:
return self._produces
def securities(self) -> List[List[str]]:
return self._securities
def location_query(self) -> str:
return self._location_query
# endregion properties
# region get methods
# endregion get methods
# region get_x_params methods
def get_all_params(self) -> dict:
return {
"path": self.get_path_params(),
def get_path_params(self) -> dict:
result = {}
if hasattr(self, "namespace"):
result["namespace"] = self.namespace
if hasattr(self, "user_id"):
result["userId"] = self.user_id
return result
# endregion get_x_params methods
# region is/has methods
# endregion is/has methods
# region with_x methods
def with_namespace(self, value: str) -> GetUserProfileInfo:
self.namespace = value
return self
def with_user_id(self, value: str) -> GetUserProfileInfo:
self.user_id = value
return self
# endregion with_x methods
# region to methods
def to_dict(self, include_empty: bool = False) -> dict:
result: dict = {}
if hasattr(self, "namespace") and self.namespace:
result["namespace"] = str(self.namespace)
elif include_empty:
result["namespace"] = ""
if hasattr(self, "user_id") and self.user_id:
result["userId"] = str(self.user_id)
elif include_empty:
result["userId"] = ""
return result
# endregion to methods
# region response methods
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
def parse_response(self, code: int, content_type: str, content: Any) -> Tuple[Union[None, UserProfilePrivateInfo], Union[None, ErrorEntity, HttpResponse, ValidationErrorEntity]]:
"""Parse the given response.
200: OK - UserProfilePrivateInfo (successful operation)
400: Bad Request - ValidationErrorEntity (20002: validation error)
401: Unauthorized - ErrorEntity (20001: unauthorized)
403: Forbidden - ErrorEntity (20013: insufficient permission)
404: Not Found - ErrorEntity (11440: Unable to {action}: User profile not found in namespace [{namespace}])
---: HttpResponse (Undocumented Response)
---: HttpResponse (Unexpected Content-Type Error)
---: HttpResponse (Unhandled Error)
pre_processed_response, error = self.pre_process_response(code=code, content_type=content_type, content=content)
if error is not None:
return None, None if error.is_no_content() else error
code, content_type, content = pre_processed_response
if code == 200:
return UserProfilePrivateInfo.create_from_dict(content), None
if code == 400:
return None, ValidationErrorEntity.create_from_dict(content)
if code == 401:
return None, ErrorEntity.create_from_dict(content)
if code == 403:
return None, ErrorEntity.create_from_dict(content)
if code == 404:
return None, ErrorEntity.create_from_dict(content)
return self.handle_undocumented_response(code=code, content_type=content_type, content=content)
# endregion response methods
# region static methods
def create(
namespace: str,
user_id: str,
) -> GetUserProfileInfo:
instance = cls()
instance.namespace = namespace
instance.user_id = user_id
return instance
def create_from_dict(cls, dict_: dict, include_empty: bool = False) -> GetUserProfileInfo:
instance = cls()
if "namespace" in dict_ and dict_["namespace"] is not None:
instance.namespace = str(dict_["namespace"])
elif include_empty:
instance.namespace = ""
if "userId" in dict_ and dict_["userId"] is not None:
instance.user_id = str(dict_["userId"])
elif include_empty:
instance.user_id = ""
return instance
def get_field_info() -> Dict[str, str]:
return {
"namespace": "namespace",
"userId": "user_id",
def get_required_map() -> Dict[str, bool]:
return {
"namespace": True,
"userId": True,
# endregion static methods
#### Creating
:bulb: there are 4 ways to create an instance of these models and operations.
# 1. using the python __init__() function then setting the parameters manually:
model = ModelName()
model.param_a = "foo"
model.param_b = "bar"
# 2. using the python __init__() function together with the 'with_x' methods:
# # the 'with_x' functions are type annotated and will show warnings if a wrong type is passed.
model = ModelName() \
.with_param_a("foo") \
# 3. using the ModelName.create(..) class method:
# # parameters here are also type annotated and will throw a TypeError if a required field was not filled out.
model = ModelName.create(
# 4. using the ModelName.create_from_dict(..) class method:
# # this method also has a 'include_empty' option that would get ignore values that evaluate to False, None, or len() == 0.
model_params = {
"param_a": "foo",
"param_b": "bar",
"param_c": False,
"param_d": None,
"param_e": [],
"param_f": {},
model = ModelName.create_from_dict(model_params)
# all of these apply to all operations too.
#### Wrappers
To improve ergonomics the code generator also generates wrappers around the operations.
The purpose of these wrappers is to automatically fill up parameters that the SDK already knows.
(e.g. namespace, client_id, access_token, etc.)
They are located at `accelbyte_py_sdk.api.<service-name>.wrappers` but can be accessed like so: `from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.<service-name> import <wrapper-name>`
import accelbyte_py_sdk
from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.iam import token_grant_v3
if __name__ == "__main__":
token, error = token_grant_v3(
assert error is not None
The wrapper function `token_grant_v3` is a wrapper for the `TokenGrantV3` operation.
It automatically passes in the information needed like the Basic Auth Headers.
The values are gotten from the current `ConfigRepository`.
continuing from the previous examples (GetUserProfileInfo), its wrapper would be:
# accelbyte_py_sdk/api/basic/wrappers/_user_profile.py
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from ....core import get_namespace as get_services_namespace
from ....core import run_request
from ....core import same_doc_as
from ..operations.user_profile import GetUserProfileInfo
def get_user_profile_info(user_id: str, namespace: Optional[str] = None):
if namespace is None:
namespace, error = get_services_namespace()
if error:
return None, error
request = GetUserProfileInfo.create(
return run_request(request)
this wrapper function automatically fills up the required path parameter `namespace`.
now to use it only the `user_id` is now required.
import accelbyte_py_sdk
from accelbyte_py_sdk.api.basic import get_user_profile_info
if __name__ == "__main__":
user_profile_info, error = get_user_profile_info(user_id="lorem")
assert error is not None
print(f"Hello there {user_profile_info.first_name}!")