ABuS is a script for backing up (and restoring) your files to a local disk.
The backups are encrypted, compressed, and deduplicated.
It is assumed that another program (e.g. rsync) is used to make off-site
copies of the backups (see below).
Content of this document:
- Caveats_
- Installation_
- Documentation_
- Purging_
- Restoring_
- `Off-site copies`_
- `Index Database`_
- `Configuration file`_
- `Command line switches`_
- `History`_
ABuS only works on Windows.
ABuS only backs up file content. In particular the backups do not
include permissions, symbolic links, hard links, or special files.
If you use ABuS in anger (inspite of the lack of guarantees in the licence),
please pay particular attention to what the documentation below says about
- off-site backups
- the ``password`` option
1. Install Python 3.6 from python.org
- include pip
- it helps to add python to path
2. From the command line, "as administrator" if python has been
installed "for all users"::
c:\path\to\python36\scripts\pip install abus
3. Create minimal config file, e.g.::
logfile c:/my/home/abus.log
archive e:/backups
password password1234 just kidding!
4. Initialise the backup directory and the index database with::
c:\path\to\python36\scripts\abus.exe -f c:/my/home/abus.cfg --init
5. Add to Task Scheduler::
c:\path\to\python36\scripts\abus.exe -f c:/my/home/abus.cfg --backup
If there are any problems that prevent ABuS from getting as far as opening
the log file (and Windows permissions can cause many such problems), then
use cmd.exe to allow redirection::
cmd /c
c:\path\to\python36\scripts\abus.exe -f c:/my/home/abus.cfg --backup
>c:\abus.err 2>&1
ABuS is a single script for handling backups. Its command line parameters
determine whether the backups are to be created, listed, or restored. The
backups are stored in subdirectories of the *backup directory* which must be on
a local filesystem. For off-site copies another program is to be used, for
example rsync.
**Warning:** Off-site copies must be made correctly to minimise the risk of
propagating any local corruption (see below).
A configuration file is used to point to the backup directory, define the backup
set, and some options. ABuS finds the configuration file either via a command
line parameter or an environment variable.
Old backup files are deleted after every backup.
In order to determine which backups are deleted, time is divided into slots and
only the latest version of a file in each slot is retained while the others are
subject to purging. As slots get old they are combined into bigger slots.
The configuration file defines the slot sizes using *freq*/*age* pairs of
numbers, which define that 1 version in *freq* days is to be retained for
backups up to *age* days old.
For example, if the retention values are 1 7, 7 30, 28 150, then
for each file one version a day is kept from the versions that are up
to 7 days old, one a week is kept for versions up to 30 days old, and one every
four weeks is kept up to 150 days.
There is also a single slot older than the highest *age* defined, called "slot 0".
In the example above one file older than 150 days will be kept as well.
Purging of deleted files
The time that a file deletion is detected
(i.e. a file previously backed up no longer exists)
must fall into slot 0
before the last backup of the file is purged.
E.g. with default retention values,
150 days after a file is deleted its backups will be purged.
Backup files can be restored from the backups using the `--restore` command line option.
By default the backups to be restored are the latest version of each known file.
The set of files can be restricted using "glob" positional arguments. As for
exclusions, a `*` matches the directory separator. A backup is restored if its
path matches any of the glob arguments.
Slashes and backslashes can be used interchangeably.
With the `-d` option the latest version of each backup before the given time is
restored rather than the latest version before now.
With `-a` all versions (before the cut-off time) are restored and a timestamp is
added to the restored files' names.
After the set of restore files has been determined, ABuS removes the common part
of their paths and creates the remaining relative paths in the current
directory. E.g. if these the files were to be restored::
Then they would be restored as::
Files that have been deleted at the cut-off time are not restored.
Note, however, that ABuS does not track historic deletions; for example, assume
a certain file was last changed on Monday, deleted on Tuesday, and recreated on
Wednesday. A restore with an end-of-Tuesday cut-off would restore the Monday
The `--listing` option lists backed up files. It takes the same options as
`--restore` and lists exactly those backup versions that would be restored.
The `--listing` option is implied if any of the restore filters are used without a
Off-site copies
ABuS only backs up to local filesystems. This means that the backups themselves
are at risk of corruption, for example from ramsomware. It is important that
another copy of the backup is made and that it fulfills these criteria:
* It must not be on a locally accessible filesystem or network share, so that
the machine being backed up cannot corrupt it.
* Files must never be overwritten, once created, so that any local corruption
does not propagate.
* As a consequence, partially transferred files must be removed at the
The following is an example of an rsync command that would copy the local
backup directory to an off-site location::
rsync --recursive --ignore-existing \
--exclude index.sl3 --exclude '*.part' \
/my/local/backups/ me@offsite:/backups/
``index.sl3`` need not be transferred because it changes and it can be rebuilt
from the static files. Files with ``.part`` extension are backup files that are
currently being written and will be renamed once complete. Excluding them
ensures that incomplete backup files are not transferred.
Off-site purging
Since it is not advisable to propagate changed files - and therefor deletions -
to the off-site copy of the backup files, these must be purged independently.
To that end ABuS creates a *content file* in the backup directory which lists
all backup files. The content file is compressed with gzip and its file name is
that of the last backup run with a .gz
extension. When such a file is written, the previous one is
removed. Since the run names are basically ISO dates, a script on the off-site
server can easily pick up the latest and remove all backup files that are not
listed in it.
**N.B.:** The following is only an outline of such a script to convey the idea.
You must not use it without checking it first::
cd .../offsite-copy
keep_list=$(ls *.gz | tail -n 1)
(find -type f -printf '%P\n'; zcat $keep_list $keep_list) | sort | uniq -u >/tmp/remove
[[ $(wc -l /tmp/remove) -lt 50 ]] || exit # sanity check
xargs rm </tmp/remove
Index Database
The index database duplicates backup meta data for quicker access.
Since it is changed during normal operation, it cannot be included in the
off-site copy.
There are therefore command line options to rebuild the index database from the
backup files.
**Important:** Before rebuilding the index database, check the integrity of the
content file, for example by comparing it with its off-site copy.
It is important that the index database be not rebuilt from corrupt backup data.
Since the backup files are encrypted, corruption would normally show,
but a *missing* backup file would not.
The integrity of the content file (see `Off-site purging`_ above),
which is not encrypted,
must therefore be ascertained before rebuilding the index database.
Configuration file
The file has three sections
* parameters at the beginning
* inclusions
* exclusions
ABuS uses slashes as path separators internally. All filenames given in the
config file or on the command line may use backslashes or slashes; all
backslashes are converted to slashes.
The first word of each line is a parameter name, the following words form the
value. Leading and trailing spaces are trimmed while spaces within the value are
Specifies the path of a file to which all log entries are made. The parameter
should be given first so that any subsequent errors in the configuration can
be reported to the log.
Specifies the path to the root backup directory containing all backup files.
Specifies the path to the index database. By default this is ``index.sl3``
inside the backup directory, but it might be preferable to place it on a
faster disk, for example.
Specifies the encryption password to be used for all backup files. The
encryption allows copying the backup archive to an off-site location.
**N.B.:** Make sure the the config file is UTF-8 encoded, so that any special
characters in the password are interpreted in a well-defined way.
**N.B.:** Once a backup has been created the password must not be changed,
since ABuS does no keep track of which backup files use which password (obviously).
If you want to change the password, you need to create a new archive.
Specifies how old backups are pruned. The keyword is followed by a
space-separated list of numbers forming *freq* and *age* pairs, meaning:
"keep one backup per *freq* days for files up to *age* days old". See
Purging_ above.
The *age* values must not repeat and the *freq* values must be multiples of
each other. *freq* can be a float, e.g. ``0.25`` for six hours.
The retention values default to::
retain 1 7 56 150
Space-separated list of file extensions that ABuS assumes belong to files
that are already compressed. All other files will be compressed before they
are encrypted.
The extensions are shell global patterns and are matched ignoring case. Thus
``jp*g`` is matched by ``jpg``, ``JPG``, and ``jpeg``;
``*`` would switch compression off completely.
Defaults to:
7z arj avi bz2 flac gif gz jar jpeg jpg lz lzmo lzo
mov mp3 mp4 png rar tgz tif tiff wma xz zip
Sets the maximum number simultaneous backups in order to limit the strain on CPU,
IO, and memory. The default value is one less than the number of hardware threads
on the system, but at most 8.
A line containing the header ``[include]`` starts the inclusion section,
each line of which is a directory path which will be backed up recursively.
There must be at least one inclusion.
A line containing the header ``[exclude]`` starts the exclusion section,
each line of which is a shell global pattern. All file paths that would be
backed up (or directory paths that would be searched for files) are skipped if
they match any of the patterns.
A * in the patterns also matches the directory separators.
``*.bak`` ignores any file with the extension .bak;
``*/~*`` ignores any file or directory starting with a tilde.
Command line switches
Run ``abus --help`` for detailed command line switch help.
v11 2018-06-21
- Configuration option for maximum number of simultaneous backups
(fixes MemoryError in lzma module on 32-bit Python)
- fix: possible ZeroDivisionError at restore "progress bar"
v10 2018-06-17
- configuration option for extensions of already-compressed files
- fix: matching of already-compressed extensions was case-sensitive
- fix: uncaught exceptions when writing encrypted files
v9 2017-12-31
- handling deletions correctly at list, restore, and rebuild
- default action is to report version rather than list all files
- list/restore glob argument now case-insensitive and allows backslashes
- fix: list and restore were not including all files when used without a date
- fix: restore did not allow restoring single file
v8 (beta) 2017-12-10
- purges backups of deleted files (see above)
- much reduced size of index database
v7 (beta) 2017-11-19
- fix: index database on different drive caused exception at purge
- fix: restore could not handle paths from different drives
- fix: exception for u64 file numbers
v6 (beta) 2017-11-12
- retries if file changes while reading
- config file option "indexdb" to set location of index database
- improved restore performance
- progress indicators during restore
- fix: exception when no files matched during restore
v5 (beta) 2017-11-05
- feature: content files allow safe purging of off-site copies
- index database upgrades ifself on startup
- fix: spaces in filenames caused index-rebuild to fall over
v4 (alpha) 2017-10-22
- feature: purging of old backups
- fix: -a and -d options didn't work with --list
- fix: timestamp rounding error at index-rebuild
- fix: --init could not create backup directory
v3 (alpha) 2017-10-15
- feature: rebuilding of index database from backup meta data
v2 (alpha) 2017-10-07
- not excruciatingly slow any more
v1 (alpha) 2017-10-04
- first version
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