# AbstractCP -- Abstract Class Property
![Tox tests](https://github.com/reinhrst/abstractcp/workflows/Tox%20tests/badge.svg)
This package allows one to create classes with abstract class properties.
The initial code was inspired by [this question][1] (and accepted answer) -- in
addition to me strugling many time with the same issue in the past.
I firtst wanted to just post this as separate answer, however since it includes quite
some python magic, and I would like to include quite some tests (and possibly update
the code in the future), I made it into a package (even though I'm not a big fan of
small packages that hardly do anything).
The package is python3.6 and higher. I could consider creating a version for pre-3.6;
if you want that, please create an [issue on github][2].
## TL;DR Examples
Note: the examples use [PEP-526 type hints][3]; this is obviously optional.
All examples assume the following imports:
import tying as t
import abstractcp as acp
Note that all typing (including the `import typing as t` is optional.
In addition, for python < 3.8, the `Literal` type hint can be found in
class Parser(acp.Abstract):
PATTERN: str = acp.abstract_class_property(str)
def parse(cls, s):
m = re.fullmatch(cls.PATTERN, s)
if not m:
raise ValueError(s)
return cls(**m.groupdict())
class FooBarParser(Parser):
PATTERN = r"foo\s+bar"
def __init__(...): ...
class SpamParser(Parser):
PATTERN = r"(spam)+eggs"
def __init__(...): ...
Example with (more) type hints:
class Array(acp.Abstract):
payload: np.ndarray
DIMENSIONS: int = acp.abstract_class_property(int)
def __init__(self, payload):
assert len(payload) == type(self).DIMENSIONS
class Vector(Array):
DIMENSIONS: t.Literal[1] = 1
class Matrix(Array):
DIMENSIONS: t.Literal[2] = 2
Note that in the previous example, we actually fix the value for `DIMENSIONS` using `t.Literal`.
This is allowed in mypy (however it may actually be a bug that it's allowed).
It would possibly feel more natural to use a `t.Final` here, however mypy doesn't allow this.
Note that if we forget to assign a value for DIMENSIONS, an error will occur:
class OtherArray(Array):
> TypeError: Class OtherArray must define abstract class property DIMENSIONS, or have Abstract as direct parent
In some cases, however, we might indeed intend for the `OtherArray` class to be abstract as well (because we will subclass this later). If so, make OtherArray inherit from Abstract directly to fix this:
class OtherArray(Array, acp.Abstract):
class OtherVector(OtherArray):
## Introduction
I quite often find myself in a situation where I want to store some configuration in a class-variable, so that I can get different behaviour in different subclasses.
Quite often this starts with a top-level base class that has the methods, but without a reasonable value to use in the configuration.
In addition, I want to make sure that I don't accidentally forget to set this configuration for some child class -- exactly the behaviour that one would expect from abstract classes.
However Python doesn't have a standard way to define abstract class variables (or class constants).
The search for a solution initially led me to [this question][1] -- the accepted answer works well, as long as you accept that each subclass of the parent must be non-abstract.
In addition, it would not play nice at all with type-hinting and tools like `mypy`.
So I decided to write something myself -- it started as a small StackOverflow answer, however since I felt lots of tests and docs would be required, better make it a proper module.
## Design Considerations
I had some clear requirements in mind when writing this package:
* Pythonic syntax
* Works well with [PEP-526 style type hints][3] and static type checkers (if possible without any `# type: ignore` in either this code, and the code using this module).
* No runtime slowdowns (i.e.: all the work gets done at setup-time)
* Useful error messages -- stuff needs to be explicit, no silent failures.
* No need to define all abstract class properties directly in the first child -- so an abstract class can have abstract children.
## Installation
The package is a 100% python package. Installation is as simple as
pip install abstractcp
## Use
The system consists of 2 elements: The `Abstract` base class.
Each class that is abstract (i.e. that has abstract class properties -- this is completely independent of the ways to make a class abstract in `abc`) must inherit _directly_ from `Abstract`, meaning that `Abstract` should be a direct parent. This is done so that it's explicit which classes are abstract (and hence, we can throw an error if a class is abstract and does not inherit _directly_ from `Abstract`).
The second part of the system is the `_AbstractClassProperty` class.
Every abstract class property gets assigned an `_AbstractClassProperty()` instance, through the `acp.abstract_class_property(...)` method. Note that this method has typehints to return the exact class that you provide, so from a type checker point of view, `acp.abstract_class_property(int)` is identical to `3` (or `4`, or any other `int` instance). This means that we can be more flexible here, for instance doing `acp.abstract_class_property(t.Dict[str, int])`, however note that `acp.abstract_class_property(t.Mapping[str, int])` does not work, since mypy wants a concrete type there.
Note that `abstract_class_property()` can only be assigned in classes that have `Abstract` as direct parent.
See the Examples section above for exact use.
## Update from 0.9.1
Note that since 0.9.1 the syntax has changed a bit.
Rather than writing:
class A(acp.Abstract):
i = acp.AbstractInt()
you now use
class A(acp.Abstract):
i = acp.abstract_class_property(int)
It results in cleaner code, and also means that we don't have to make our own classes for new types.
## FAQ
### I'm getting `Argument 1 to "abstract_class_property" has incompatible type "object"; expected "Type[<nothing>]"` errors
This happens when you try to feed something that is not actually a type to abstract_class_property, for instance `x = acp.abstract_class_property(t.Union[str, int])` (or even, more correctly, `t.Type[t.Union[str, int]]` or `t.Union[t.Type[str], t.Type[int]]`. Also `x = acp.abstract_class_property(t.Type[Employee])` will not work (since `t.Type` does not actually make something a type; in this case use `type(Employee)` instead (which would give you an abstract property that could receive some subclass of Employee).
Note that the argument to `abstract_class_property` is only for readability and used in the `__repr__` of the `_AbstractClassProperty` class -- and for static typing. So as long as you satisfy static typing, all will be fine:
T = t.TypeVar("T", int, str)
class A(t.Generic[T], acp.Abstract):
VALUE_TYPE: t.Type[T] = acp.abstract_class_property(t.cast(t.Type[t.Type[T]], "union of int and str"))
def to_value(self) -> T:
Note the double `t.Type`, since acp.abstract_class_property will remove 1 t.Type.
### Why am I getting warnings when I inherit a class from `acp.Asbtract` but don't define any abstract fields
You will get a Python warning if you run the following code:
class A(acp.Abstract):
i = 3
You are defining class `A` to be abstract, however it has no fields with `abstract_class_property`.
In almost all cases this means that either you should add an abstract class property, or remove the `acp.Abstract` inherritance.
Defining a class like this used to result in a `TypeError` in versions <= 0.9.8, but is a warning from version 0.9.9 forward.
You can safely ignore the warning (if you understand what you're doing; for instance if you just commented out the abstract class property during development for a moment), or if you really want to silence the warning forever in production code, add the following code to your program:
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=acp.AbstractClassWithoutAbstractPropertiesWarning)
If you do this, I would appreciate if you drop me a line, since it probably means you've found a novel use for the package that I'd be happy to learn about (and possibly document).
[1]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45248243/most-pythonic-way-to-declare-an-abstract-class-property
[2]: https://github.com/reinhrst/abstractcp/issues/
[3]: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0526/