# Auto Bastion
Manage your bastion sessions automatically without
pain of creating them by clicking and copy pasting commands
### Supported
#### OS
No specific requirements here, whatever runs Python
#### Cloud Providers
* **Oracle Cloud**
## Requirements
### Python
* 3.7+
#### Configuration of OCI SDK
* Add key in your Oracle cloud profile
* Generate new key
* Copy configuration file generated in your profile to `~/.oci/config`
* Replace path of your `*.pem` key on line with **#TODO**
## Installing
### MacOS
On most MacOS machines there is `pip3` instead of `pip` **use pip3 for install**
Install and update using [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/quickstart/):
pip install abst
pip3 install abst
## How to set up
* Use `abst config fill {context}` to fill your credentials for usage, you can find all the
credentials on
cloud provider site, leave context empty if you want to fill default
* Use `abst generate {context}` to generate default config for context, leave context empty if you
want to generate to
## Usage
###### Both commands do automatic reconnect on idle SSH Tunnel termination
* `abst create forward/managed single {context}` for single bastion session with persisting SSH
connection, leave
context empty if you want to use default
* `abst create forward/managed fullauto {context}` for automatic Bastion session creation once
deleted, will keep your,
leave context empty if you want to use default
connection alive till you kill this script
* `abst clean` for removal all the saved credentials
* `abst use {context}` for using different config that you had filled, `default` is the default
context in `creds.json`
* Use `abst locate {context}` to locate your configs, leave context empty if you want to locate
### Parallel execution
If you are more demanding and need to have connection to your SSH Tunnels ready at all times
you can use parallel executed Bastions that currently work for full-auto forwarded setting
Change local port in the setting to port that is unique to other configs, and it will be running on
all the added ports
Until you kill the `abst` command, it will automatically remove all generated Bastion sessions by
this program
* `abst parallel add {context}` will add context from your `context folder` to stack that will be
* `abst parallel remove {context}` will remove context from your `context folder` to stack that
will be executed
* `abst parallel run {context}` will run all the stacked contexts
* `abst parallel display` will display current stacked contexts
### Helm registry commands
* `abst helm login` will log you in with credentials set in config.json, you set these credentials
when running this command first time. Edit with flag --edit 1-n number is the index of credential
in list
* `abst helm push <chart-name>` will push to specified remote branch, if more credentials preset it
will let you pick which one to use
### Kubectl commands
* `abst cp secret secret_namespace target_namespace source_namespace(optional)` this will copy
secret to target namespace, without providing source namespace it will use current as a source
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