``abm`` - Abstract modules
Allow loading non Python module formats as modules.
Use ``pip`` for installing:
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install abm
Once installed, you can activate ``abm`` by importing ``abm.activate``:
.. code-block:: python
from abm import activate
Now you can register new loaders by doing:
.. code-block:: python
from abm.loaders import IniLoader
Since now, you can load ``*.ini`` files as if they were modules:
.. code-block:: ini
# config.ini
option = value
.. code-block:: python
import config
assert(config['example'] is not None)
assert(config['example']['option'] is 'value')
.. note:: ``abm.loaders`` package is work in progress.
The ``abm.loaders`` package is still work in progress and it will gather
a set of useful loaders for common extensions.
Writing a loader
Extend the base loader ``AbmLoader`` provided in ``abm.loaders`` and implement
``create_module`` and ``execute_module`` methods. Provide the ``extension``
class member to allow automatic registration:
.. code-block:: python
from configparser import ConfigParser
from types import ModuleType
from abm.loaders import AbmLoader
class IniLoader(AbmLoader):
extensions = ('.ini', )
def __init__(self, name, path):
self.file_path = path
def create_module(self, spec):
module = ConfigModule(spec.name)
self.init_module_attrs(spec, module)
return module
def exec_module(self, module):
return module
class ConfigModule(ModuleType, ConfigParser):
def __init__(self, specname):
ModuleType.__init__(self, specname)
Loaders are initialized passing the name of the module in the form:
.. code-block:: python
And its absolute path.
Implementing ``create_module``
``create_module`` function should produce a module of the correct type. Nothing
more. This method is passed with the module specification object used to find
the module:
.. code-block:: python
def create_module(self, spec)
module = ConfigModule(spec.name)
self.init_module_attrs(spec, module)
return module
Implementing ``execute_module``
``execute_module`` function should contain the code for loading the contents
of the module:
.. code-block:: python
def execute_module(self, module):
return module
A good tip for determining how to implement this method is imagining you
trigger a reload of the module: the code syncing the module contents with the
file is what you should put here.
Overriding builtin extensions
Overriding builtin extensions such as ``.py``, ``.pyc`` or ``.so`` is possible
by passing ``override_builtins=True`` to the ``register()`` method.
.. code-block:: python
from abm.loaders import AbmLoader
class BreakPyModules(AbmLoader):
extensions = ('.py', )
def create_module():
raise NotImplementedError('Can load .py modules no more.')
Use this with caution since you can break the import system.
Not passing ``override_builtins`` results in a ``ValueError`` exception.
How does it work
Extension mechanism work by monkeypatching the ``FileFinder`` class in charge
of reading Python several format modules from the local file system.
Internally, ``FileFinder`` uses file loaders to read the several formats of
Python modules identified by their file extension. Although these classes are
public, ``FileFinder`` does not expose any extension mechanism to link new
extensions with new loaders.
In the spirit of ``sys.path_hooks`` and other extension hooks, activating
``abm`` will expose a dictionary in ``sys.abm_hooks`` to register new loaders
dynamically. For instance:
.. code-block:: python
import sys
from abm.loaders import IniLoader
from abm.core import activate
sys.abm_hooks['.ini'] = IniLoader
It works by turning the internal instance attribute ``_loaders`` of
``FileFinder`` instances into a class property. Setting the property will
diverge the new value to a different attribute while reading the value will
combine the original one with the extensions in ``sys.abm_hooks``.