## Anki Add-on Builder
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An opinionated build tool for Anki add-ons. Used in most of my major Anki projects.
- [Disclaimer](#disclaimer)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Specifications](#specifications)
- [License and Credits](#license-and-credits)
### Disclaimer
#### Project State
This is still very much a work-in-progress. Neither the API, nor the implementation are set in stone. At this point the project's main purpose lies in replacing the variety of different build scripts I am employing across all of my add-ons, making the build chain more standardized and maintainable.
#### Platform Support
`aab` has only been tested on Linux so far, but it might also work on other POSIX-compliant environments like macOS.
### Installation
#### Requirements
`aab` needs to be run in an Anki development environment to work correctly. Please refer to [Anki's documentation](https://github.com/dae/anki/blob/master/README.development) for information on how to set this up.
#### Installing the latest release
pip install aab
#### Installing from the master branch
pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/glutanimate/anki-addon-builder.git
### Usage
You can get an overview of all supported actions by accessing the built-in help:
$ aab -h
usage: aab [-h] [-v] [-s] {build,ui,clean} ...
positional arguments:
build Build and package add-on for distribution
ui Compile add-on user interface files
clean Clean leftover build files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output
Each subcommand also comes with its own help screen, e.g.:
$ aab build -h
usage: aab build [-h] [-t {anki21,anki20,all}] [-d {local,ankiweb,all}]
positional arguments:
version Version to build as a git reference (e.g. 'v1.2.0' or
'd338f6405'). Special keywords: 'current' – latest
commit, 'release' – latest tag. Leave empty to build
latest tag.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t {anki21,anki20,all}, --target {anki21,anki20,all}
Anki version to build for
-d {local,ankiweb,all}, --dist {local,ankiweb,all}
Distribution channel to build for
#### Examples
_Build latest tagged add-on release_
aab build -d local -t anki21 release
or simply
aab build
_Compile Qt UI forms and resources for Anki 2.1_
aab ui -t anki21
### Specifications
#### Project Structure
In order for `aab` to work correctly, your project should generally follow the directory structure below:
project root
├── src [required] (contains add-on package and Anki 2.0 entry-point)
│ ├── {module_name} [required] (add-on package)
| └── {display_name}.py [optional] (Anki 2.0 entry-point)
└── addon.json [required] (contains add-on meta information read by aab)
For a more detailed look at the entire directory tree please feel free to take a look at some of the [add-ons I've published recently](https://github.com/topics/anki-addon?o=desc&q=user%3Aglutanimate&s=updated).
#### addon.json
All of the metadata needed by `aab` to work correctly is stored in an `addon.json` file at the root of the project tree. For more information on its fields and their specifications please refer to the [schema file](./aab/schema.json).
### License and Credits
*Anki Add-on Builder* is *Copyright © 2019 [Aristotelis P.](https://glutanimate.com/) (Glutanimate)*
Anki Add-on Builder is free and open-source software. Its source-code is released under the GNU AGPLv3 license, extended by a number of additional terms. For more information please see the [license file](https://github.com/glutanimate/anki-addon-builder/blob/master/LICENSE) that accompanies this program.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Please see the license file for more details.