# Development Toolkit
The A28 Developer Toolkit provides developers with the tools and documentation necessary to build packages for the
Area28 Application and to manage configuration files.
## General information
### Python version
Area28 follows the [VFX Reference Platform](https://vfxplatform.com/) which restricts Python to 3.7.x currently.
### Installation
The A28 Development Kit is published on PyPI and can be installed from there:
pip install -U a28
We also publish beta releases:
pip install -U --pre a28
If you wish to install A28 for development purposes, refer to the contributors guide.
### Documentation
Documentation is available on [GitHub](https://area28technologies.github.io/devkit/).
### Get in touch
Report bugs, suggest features or view the source code on GitHub.
## Coding structure
### Interfaces
- IPlugin
- IApiExtension
- IApplicationExtension
- IChatExtension
- IEventExtension
- IInteractionExtension
- ILoggerExtension
- IMetadataExtension
- IPreferencesExtension
- IRealtimeExtension
- IUiExtension
- IUnitsExtension
### Plugins
Plugins are decorators that can be used to manipulate the payload before being processed or before getting returned.
### Extensions
Extension are used to add additional functionality to the Area28 application. Extensions are broken up into multiple
types, defined within the Interfaces list.
## Packaging
Each package has a unique identifier associated with it and is compressed into a .a28 file. Please look at the a28
development kit for details.
### Package structure
|-- {package}
|-- extensions
| |-- {extensions[]}.py
|-- scripts
| |-- install.py
| |-- postinstall.py
| |-- preinstall.py
| |-- uninstall.py
|-- plugin
| |-- {application specific plugin}
|-- plugins
| |-- {plugin[]}.py
|-- bin
| |--{executable[]}.py
|-- package.json
### Package.json structure
"name": "@area28/unity-application",
"version": "0.0.4",
"description": "Detect is running within Unity3D.",
"homepage": "https://area28.io",
"keywords": [
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+https://github.com/area28/area28.git",
"directory": "packages/unity-application"
"author": "Area28 Technologies",
"license": "MIT",
"bugs": {
"url": "https://github.com/area28/area28/issues"
"bin": {
"myapp": "./bin/lowercase.py"
"os": [
"cpu": [
"scripts": {
"preinstall": "scripts/preinstall.py",
"install": "scripts/install.py",
"postinstall": "scripts/postinstall.py",
"uninstall": "scripts/uninstall.py"
## Performing package actions
### Authenticate with A28
- `a28 account authenticate -u my.email@example.com`
### Initialize a new package
- `a28 package init --scope my-company --name powerful-plugin --type app my/folder`
This will generate a `package.json` and the folder structure in the given folder ('my/folder')
### Building a package
- `a28 package build --src @area28/chat-logger --dest dist`
This will generate the `.a28` package in `dist/`
### Installing a package locally
- `a28 package install --pkg dist/00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000-0.0.1.a28`
### Publish a package
- `a28 package publish --pkg dist/00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000-0.0.1.a28`