# Eventbridge SaaS Partner fURLs
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This CDK Construct library provides CDK constructs for the 1st-party (i.e. developed by AWS) lambda fURL webhook receivers for:
* GitHub
* Stripe
* Twilio
## Usage Examples (Simplified)
These examples are consistent for all 3 primary exported constructs of this library:
* `GitHubEventProcessor`
* `TwilioEventProcessor`
* `StripeEventProcessor`
> Note: Click on the above `View on Construct Hub` button to view auto-generated examples in Python/Go
### Typescript
import { GitHubEventProcessor } from 'cdk-eventbridge-partner-processors';
import { Stack, StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { EventBus } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-events';
import { Secret } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-secretsmanager';
export class MyStackWithABetterName extends Stack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
// This library has no opinion on how you reference your EventBus,
// It just needs to fulfill the IEventBus protocol
const myEventBus = new EventBus(this, 'TheBestBusEver', {
eventBusName: 'TheGreatestBus'
// This library has no opinion on how you reference your secret,
// It just needs to fulfill the ISecret protocol
const mySecret = Secret.fromSecretNameV2(this, 'MyNuclearCodeSecret', '/home/recipes/icbm')
// Function will automatically receive permission to:
// 1. Post events to the given bus
// 2. Read the given secret
const githubEventProcessor = new GitHubEventProcessor(this, 'GitHubProcessor', {
eventBus: myEventBus,
webhookSecret: mySecret,
lambdaInvocationAlarmThreshold: 2000,
### Golang
package main
import (
partner "github.com/a-bigelow/cdk-eventbridge-partner-processors-go"
type ClusterStackProps struct {
func NewClusterStack(scope constructs.Construct, id string, props *ClusterStackProps) awscdk.Stack {
var sprops awscdk.StackProps
if props != nil {
sprops = props.StackProps
stack := awscdk.NewStack(scope, &id, &sprops)
// The code that defines your stack goes here
eventProps := awsevents.EventBusProps{EventBusName: jsii.String("name")}
eventBus := awsevents.NewEventBus(stack, jsii.String("id"), &eventProps)
secret := secretsmanager.secret.fromSecretNameV2(scope, jsii.String("secret"), jsii.String("secretName"))
partnerProcessor := partner.GithubEventProcessor{
EventBus: eventBus,
WebhookSecret: secret,
LambdaInvocationAlarmThreshold: 2000,
_ = partner.NewGitHubEventProcessor(stack, jsii.String("id"), partnerProcessor)
return stack
### Disclaimer
> :warning: The Lambda Functions that handle the actual event processing in this Library are owned and maintained by Amazon Web Services. This CDK Construct library provides a thin deployment wrapper for these functions. Changes made to the S3 location of the functions will break this library. Until I have a way to deterministically track where these things are, please raise an **issue** if you have reason to believe that the functions have moved.
### AWS Documentation
See [here](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-saas-furls.html) for additional information.