# XmlElement
A simpler XML writer.
## Installation
`pip install XmlElement`
## Test
>>> from XmlElement import XmlElement as X
>>> xml = X.from_string('<test><x/></test>')
>>> xml
## Usage
### Command line
After installing XmlElement, two command line tools will be provided:
xml_to_json example.xml # print json from xml file to stdout
json_to_xml example.json # print xml from json file to stdout
cat example.xml | xml_to_json # print json from xml stdin to stdout
cat example.json | json_to_xml # print xml from json stdin to stdout
### Build a XML by nesting XmlElements
from XmlElement import XmlElement as X
xml = X('RootElement', s=[ # root element without attributes
X('Child1', {'testattr': 'Example attribute'}, [ # sub element with an attribute
X('Child2', t='Example text value') # sub-sub element with text value
### Alternative: Build a XML from a POJO-like object:
from XmlElement import XmlElement as X
xml2 = X.from_object(
node_name='RootElement', # root element without attributes
data={ # no @-elements: root has -> no attributes
'Child1': { # sub element with an attribute @testattr
'@testattr': 'Example attribute',
'Child2': 'Example text value' # sub-sub element with text value
print(str(xml) == str(xml2)) # True
### Accessing values by dot operator
print(xml.Child1[0].attributes['testattr']) # Example attribute
print(xml.Child1[0].Child2[0].text) # Example text value
### Accessing values dict-like (to avoid static type checker warnings)
print(xml['Child1'][0].attributes['testattr']) # Example attribute
print(xml['Child1'][0]['Child2'][0].text) # Example text value
### Converting XmlElement to POJO-like object
from XmlElement import XmlElement as X
xml = X('RootElement', s=[ # root element without attributes
X('Child1', {'testattr': 'true'}, [ # sub element with a boolean attribute
X('Child2', t='1234'), # sub-sub element with int-like value
X('Child3', t='-1234.56') # sub-sub element with float-like value
print(xml) # <RootElement><Child1 testattr="true"><Child2>1234</Child2><Child3>-1234.56</Child3></Child1></RootElement>
print(xml.to_dict()) # {'Child1': {'@testattr': True, 'Child2': 1234, 'Child3': -1234.56}}
print(xml.to_dict( # {'Child1': {'@testattr': 'true', 'Child2': '1234', 'Child3': '-1234.56'}}
Subnodes of equal names under a node will result in a list.
However, this cannot recognize if a single element should be list in another context.