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# Toncalculator
It is a simple calulator for addition, subtraction, multiplication,division, squire, to the power, sqire root, log, factorial, sin, cos, tan, cot, sec, cosec, nCr etc.
iThere are many mathmatical conversions.
## How To Use
### Installation:
**Firstly** you need to install the [```Toncalculator```](https://pypi.org/project/Toncalculator/) module by **```pip install Toncalculator```** command.
Then you need to make a `.py` file or open python interpreter. **Finally** you can write you code.
### Example
import toncalculator
## Codes:
## Addition:
``` add() ``` method is uaed to add two numbers ```add(x,y)``` the function needs two compulsoy parameter.
#### **Example:**
Output: 3
## Subtraction:
``` sub() ``` method is used to subtract 1st parameter by 2nd parameter.
#### **Example:**
Output : 1
## Multiplication:
``` mul() ``` methed is used to multiply two numberas.
#### **Example:**
Output : 6
## Division:
``` div() ``` method is used to divie 1st number by 2nd number.
#### **Example:**
Output : 5
## Squre:
``` square() ``` method is used to squire any numbers ```
#### **Example:**
Output : 4
## To The Power:
``` power() ``` method is used as 2nd parameter to the power of 1st parameter.
#### **Example:**
Output : 16
## Square Root:
``` sqroot() ``` method is used to square root a number.
#### **Example:**
Output : 4
## Log:
``` log() ``` method returns the natural logarithm of a number, or the logarithm of number to base.
### Syntx:
log(x, base)
### Parameter Values
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. Specifies the value to calculate the logarithm for. If the value is 0 or a negative number, it returns a ValueError. If the value is not a number, it returns a TypeError |
| base | Optional. The logarithmic base to use. Default is 'e' |
#### Example:
Output : 2.302585..............
## Factorial:
The `factorial()` method returns the factorial of a number.
**Note:** This method only accepts positive integers.
The factorial of a number is the sum of the multiplication, of all the whole numbers, from our specified number down to 1. For example, the factorial of 6 would be 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 720
### Syntx:
### Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. A positive integer. If the number is negative, or not an integer, it returns a ValueError. If the value is not a number, it returns a TypeError |
#### Example:
Output : 6
## Sin:
`sin()` method returns the sine of a number.
**Note:** To find the sine of degrees, it must first be converted into radians with the `degTored()` method (see example below).
## Syntx:
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. The number to find the sine of. If the value is not a number, it returns a TypeError |
#### Example:
``` python
# It returns normally sin of 0 redian
# sin() returns the sin of redian.
# degTored() convers dgree to redian
Output : 0
Output : 1
## Cos:
`cos()` method returns the cosine of a number.
**Note:** To find the cosine of degrees, it must first be converted into radians with the `degTored()` method (see example below).
## Syntx:
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. The number to find the sine of. If the value is not a number, it returns a TypeError |
#### Example:
``` python
# It returns normally cosin of 0 redian
# cos() returns the cosin of redian.
# degTored() convers dgree to redian
Output : 1
Output : -1
## Tan:
`tan()` method returns the tangent of a number.
**Note:** To find the tan of degrees, it must first be converted into radians with the `degTored()` method (see example below).
## Syntx:
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. The number to find the tangent of. If the value is not a number, it returns a TypeError |
#### Example:
``` python
# It returns normally tangent of 0 redian
# tan() returns the cosin of redian.
# degTored() convers dgree to redian
Output : 0
Output : 0.176326......
## Cot:
`cot()` method returns the cotangent of a number.
**Note:** To find the cotangent of degrees, it must first be converted into radians with the `degTored()` method (see example below).
## Syntx:
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. The number to find the cotangent of. If the value is not a number, it returns a TypeError |
#### Example:
``` python
# It returns normally cotangent of 0 redian
# cot() returns the cotangent of redian.
# degTored() convers dgree to redian
Output : Infinity
Output : 5.6712818196......
## Sec:
`sec()` method returns the secant of a number.
**Note:** To find the secant of degrees, it must first be converted into radians with the `degTored()` method (see example below).
## Syntx:
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. The number to find the secant of. If the value is not a number, it returns a TypeError |
#### Example:
``` python
# It returns normally secant of 0 redian
# sec() returns the secant of redian.
# degTored() convers dgree to redian
Output : 1
Output : -1
## Cosec:
`cosec()` method returns the secant of a number.
**Note:** To find the secant of degrees, it must first be converted into radians with the `degTored()` method (see example below).
## Syntx:
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. The number to find the cosecant of. If the value is not a number, it returns a TypeError |
#### Example:
``` python
# It returns normally cosecant of 0 redian
# cosec() returns the cosecant of redian.
# degTored() convers dgree to redian
Output : Infinity
Output : 0
## nCr:
`nCr()` method returns the nCr.
**Note:** return the combination is the method of selection of 'r' objects from
a set of 'n' objects where the order of selection does not matter.
## Syntx:
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| n | Required. Type integer |
| r | Required. Type integer |
Output : 84
# Mathmathical conversion
## Angle Conversions ##
## Dgree To Radian
`degTored()` method returns dgree to radian.
## Syntx
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. `x` means `x` dgree |
## Example
Output : 3.1416
## Radian To Dgree
`redTodeg()` method returns radian to dgree.
## Syntx
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. `x` means `x` radian |
## Example
Output : 57.297795
## Dgree To Minute
`degTomin()` method returns dgree to minute.
## Syntx
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. `x` means `x` dgree |
## Example
Output : 60
## Minute to Degree
`minTodeg()` method returns minute to dgree.
## Syntx
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. `x` means `x` minute |
## Example
Output : 1
## Degree to Second
`degTosec()` method returns dgree to second.
## Syntx
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. `x` means `x` dgree |
## Example
Output : 3600
## Second to Dgree
`secTomin()` method returns second to dgree.
## Syntx
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. `x` means `x` second |
## Example
Output : 1
## Minute to Second
`minTosec()` method returns minute to second .
## Syntx
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. `x` means `x` minute |
## Example
Output : 60
## Second To Minute
`secTomin()` method returns second to minute.
## Syntx
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. `x` means `x` second |
## Example
Output : 1
## Length Conversions
## inches to centimeters
`inTocm()` method returns inches to centimeters.
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. `x` means `x` inches |
## Example
Output : 254
## centimeters to inches
`cmToin()` method returns inches to centimeters.
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. `x` means `x` centimeters |
## Example
Output : 100
## feet to meters
`ftTom(x)` method returns feet to meters.
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. `x` means `x` feet |
## Example
Output : 30.48
## feet to meters
`mToft(x)` method returns meters to feet.
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. `x` means `x` meters |
## Example
Output : 3.280839895013123
## yard to meter
`mToft(x)` method returns yard to meter.
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. `x` means `x` yard |
## Example
Output : 0.9144
## meter to yard
`mToft(x)` method returns meter to yard.
## Parameter Values:
| Parameter | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x | Required. `x` means `x` meter |
## Example
Output : 1.0936132983377078
def mileTokm(x):
#return x mile to kilometre
return x/0.621367
def kmTomile(x):
#return x kilometre to mile
return x*0.621367
def n_mileTom(x):
#return x notical mile to meter
return x*1852
def mTon_mile(x):
#return x meter to notical mile
return x/1852
def pcTokm(x):
#return x parsec to kilometre
return x*3.08567758128E+13
def kmTopc(x):
#return x kilometre to parsec
return x/3.08567758128E+13
## Area Conversions ##
def acreTomsq(x):
#return x acre to squire meter
return x/0.000247105
def msqToacer(x):
#return x squire meter to acre
return x*0.000247105
## Volume Conversions ##
def galToL(x):
#return x galon to liter you must select type here US or UK
if type == "US" or "us" or "Us":
return x*3.785412
elif type == "Uk" or "UK" or "uk":
return x*4.54609
if type == None or type == "":
print("[-] Error 404 type is empty")
print("[-] Error you are not setected US or UK")
def LTogal(x):
#return x liter to galon you must select type here US or UK
if type == "US" or "us" or "Us":
return x/3.785412
elif type == "Uk" or "UK" or "uk":
return x/4.54609
if type == None or type == "":
print("[-] Error 404 type is empty")
print("[-] Error you are not setected US or UK")
## Mass Conversions ##
def ozTog(x):
#return x ounces to grams
return x*28.34952
def gTooz(x):
#return x grams to ounces
return x/28.34952
def lbTokg(x):
#return x pounds to kilograms
return x*0.45359237
def kgTolb(x):
#return x kilograms to pounds
return x/0.45359237
## Velocity Conversions ##
def kmphTomps(x):
#return x kilometre/hour to meter/second
m = x*1000
s = 3600
return m/s
def mpsTokmph(x):
#return x meter/second to kilometre/hour
km = x/1000
h = 1/3600
return km/h
## Pressure Conversions ##
def atmToPa(x):
#retunrn x atmosphere to pascal
return x*101325
def PaToatm(x):
#return x pascal to atmosphere
return x/101325
def mmHgToPa(x):
#return x millimetre of mercury to pascal
return x*133.322365
def PaTommHg(x):
#return x pascal to millimetre of mercury
return x/133.322365
## Energy Conversions ##
def kgfToJpm(x):
#return Kilogram-force to Joule/meter
return x*9.80665
def JpmTokgf(x):
#return Joule/meter to Kilogram-force
return x/9.80665
def JTocal(x):
#return Joule to Calories
return x*4.184
def calToJ(x):
#return Calories to Joule
return x/4.184
## Power Conversions ##
def hpToKW(x):
#return Horse Power to kilowatt
KW = {
"mechanical": x/745.699872,
"electrical" : x/746,
"metric" : x/0.73549875
return KW
def KWTohp(x):
#return Horse kilowatt to Power
hp = {
"mechanical": x/745.699872,
"electrical" : x/746,
"metric" : x/0.73549875
return hp
## Temperature Conversions ##
def FtoC(f):
#return fahrenheit to celsius
return ((f-32)*5)/9
def CtoF(c):
#return celsius to fahrenheit
return ((9*c)/5)+32
Change Log
0.1.0 (20/06/2021)
-Sixth Release
### Added
## New
__version__() - method
__info__() - method
## Physics Math
New type of calculation of basic physics
## Moefied
galtoL() - method
Ltogal() - method