Test the ministory (a testcase for the textrpg module)
Start the internal test story of the textrpg.
- Simple to use functions in easy to read scriptfiles in the style of the ministory file.
- char.compete(other, skill_name) -> See who wins and by how much.
- a basic implementation as minimal api reference for anyrpg plugins.
- Add the basic scripting function "python_interpreter(startup_data)", which shows an interactive python interpreter with the startup data already entered and interpreted.
- Lazy loading modules, to be able to print stuff at once without having to print before the imports.
Basic design principles for the scripting language:
- The action is character centered wherever possible and useful.
-> char.say(text) instead of dialog(char, text)
- Anything which affects only one character or any interaction between only a few characters which is initiated by one of them gets called from the character via char.action().
-> char.compete_skill(char2, skill_name) instead of competition_skill(char1, char2, skill_name)
- Anything which affects the whole scene, or a whole group of not necessarily interacting characters gets called as basic function via action() or as class in its own right via class.action().
-> save([char1, char2]) instead of
- The seperate class way should only be chosen, if the class can feel like a character in its own right and needs seperate states which may or may not be persistent over subsequent runs.
-> For example AI.choose_the_way(players_answer) or music.action()
- Data should be stored inside the chars wherever possible. If a script gets started with the same character again, the situation should resemble the previous one as much as possible, except where dictated otherwise by the story_helper.
-> instead of 'on quit' store_char_data(char) + 'on start' load_char_data(char)
- Actions should be written as verb_noun or simply verb.
-> char.say() and char.compete_skill() instead of char.text() and char.skill_compete()
- In the story function, an action is a parameter of the story.
-> story(switch_background_image="bg_image.png")
The code for the TextRPG can be found at U{}
textrpg 0.4.8 (2008-10-24)
- FIX: char.say() now uses autoscrolling, too.
textrpg 0.4.6 (2008-10-23)
- Improved shell output by using sys.stdout.write() instead of print (thanks to AKF).
- German tutorial: Character creation chapter added.
- Added scrolling text (char by char).
- FIX: textrpg example code now uses story() instead of the low level diag() function to output text.
textrpg 0.4.4 (2008-09-28)
- Added docstrings to the basic textrpg functions (they were missing after the last large refactoring).
textrpg 0.4.2 (2008-07-21)
- Added a simple_ (originally written for a german python forum)
- yaml is now distributed with TextRPG.
- FIX: Textlines were getting joined if the user pressed enter multiple times
in a short time.
textrpg 0.4.1 (2008-07-09)
- Added a branching story, walking through darker woods.
textrpg 0.4 (2008-07-09)
- FIX: Installed versions didn't find the modules in rpg_lib.
- Added german tutorial chapter 1 and 2: "telling and testing" and "asking users and distributing stories".
- Moved the basic modules into the rpg_lib directory.
- Raise Exception in anyrpg, if some helper function gets used which isn't implemented in the specific module
- Turned all basic functions into wrappers for class methods, so a change of them affects every other basic function.
textrpg 0.3 (2008-07-07)
- FIX: Answering Yes in battle screen didn't work.
- Now experience is spent incrementally (one point per step).
- Added char.check_skill(name_of_skill).
textrpg 0.2:
- FIX: Installation required Changelog.txt which isn't distributed.
textrpg 0.1:
- Added give_exp() function for scripts which calls the experience "screen".
- Renamed ews package to textrpg_1d6 to avoid clashes with possibly installed ews module -> useful while also working on the backend.
- Fertigkeiten now get increased by related attributes. Which attribute is related must be declared explicitely.
- Added fighting styles: defensive and attack head.
- Show base TP in battle stats.
- A bit more 'you did great' output if at least 9 battles were won and the character lost afterwards.
- The player is prompted to decide on a battle strategy/style each round.
- The experience can also be increased by simply saying char.exp = new_value. If the new value is lower than the current value, nothing happens, but it gives the return value False.
- exp is now a property, and so it wil always be up to date.
- added ministory scripting example.
- simpler scripting added.
- Prepared localization of most internal strings.
- Text output and documentation update.
- Ask whenever the round is for the player which action to take and many smaller changes (i.e.: tabs to spaces).
- Added interface for different fighting styles and a hit treshold (below which the character evades the attack or the attack hits the shield).
- Nicer Experience 'screen'.
- Nicer battle output and output, when a skill got raised.
- upgrade now returns what it did: (obj before, obj after).
- Begun writing the TextRPG.
- FIX: Damage for own attacks except the first wasn't printed.
- FIX: empty attributes to attribute dict problems -> turned attributes into a property.
- FIX: persistent game states didn't work due to a version management bug (workdir had not been changed everywhere).
- FIX: corrected dieing.
ews 0.1
- created ews as rpg backend package.