# StrEnum
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StrEnum is a Python `enum.Enum` that inherits from `str` to complement
`enum.IntEnum` in the standard library. Supports python 3.6+.
## Installation
You can use [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/) to install.
pip install StrEnum
## Usage
from enum import auto
from strenum import StrEnum
class HttpMethod(StrEnum):
GET = auto()
HEAD = auto()
POST = auto()
PUT = auto()
DELETE = auto()
CONNECT = auto()
OPTIONS = auto()
TRACE = auto()
PATCH = auto()
assert HttpMethod.GET == "GET"
## You can use StrEnum values just like strings:
import urllib.request
req = urllib.request.Request('https://www.python.org/', method=HttpMethod.HEAD)
with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:
html = response.read()
assert len(html) == 0 # HEAD requests do not (usually) include a body
There are classes whose `auto()` value folds each member name to upper or lower
from enum import auto
from strenum import LowercaseStrEnum, UppercaseStrEnum
class Tag(LowercaseStrEnum):
Head = auto()
Body = auto()
Div = auto()
assert Tag.Head == "head"
assert Tag.Body == "body"
assert Tag.Div == "div"
class HttpMethod(UppercaseStrEnum):
Get = auto()
Head = auto()
Post = auto()
assert HttpMethod.Get == "GET"
assert HttpMethod.Head == "HEAD"
assert HttpMethod.Post == "POST"
As well as classes whose `auto()` value converts each member name to camelCase,
PascalCase, kebab-case, snake_case and MACRO_CASE:
from enum import auto
from strenum import CamelCaseStrEnum, PascalCaseStrEnum
from strenum import KebabCaseStrEnum, SnakeCaseStrEnum
from strenum import MacroCaseStrEnum
class CamelTestEnum(CamelCaseStrEnum):
OneTwoThree = auto()
class PascalTestEnum(PascalCaseStrEnum):
OneTwoThree = auto()
class KebabTestEnum(KebabCaseStrEnum):
OneTwoThree = auto()
class SnakeTestEnum(SnakeCaseStrEnum):
OneTwoThree = auto()
class SnakeTestEnum(MacroCaseStrEnum):
OneTwoThree = auto()
assert CamelTestEnum.OneTwoThree == "oneTwoThree"
assert PascalTestEnum.OneTwoThree == "OneTwoThree"
assert KebabTestEnum.OneTwoThree == "one-two-three"
assert SnakeTestEnum.OneTwoThree == "one_two_three"
assert MacroCaseStrEnum.OneTwoThree == "ONE_TWO_THREE"
As with any Enum you can, of course, manually assign values.
from strenum import StrEnum
class Shape(StrEnum):
CIRCLE = "Circle"
assert Shape.CIRCLE == "Circle"
Doing this with the case-changing classes, though, won't manipulate
values--whatever you assign is the value they end up with.
from strenum import KebabCaseStrEnum
class Shape(KebabCaseStrEnum):
CIRCLE = "Circle"
# This will raise an AssertionError because the value wasn't converted to
# kebab-case.
assert Shape.CIRCLE == "circle"
## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to
discuss what you would like to change.
Please ensure tests pass before submitting a PR. This repository uses
[Black](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) and
[Pylint](https://www.pylint.org/) for consistency. Both are run automatically
as part of the test suite.
## Running the tests
Tests can be run using `make`:
make test
This will create a virutal environment, install the module and its test
dependencies and run the tests. Alternatively you can do the same thing
python3 -m venv .venv
.venv/bin/pip install .[test]
## License
**N.B. Starting with Python 3.11, `enum.StrEnum` is available in the standard
library. This implementation is _not_ a drop-in replacement for the standard
library implementation. Sepcifically, the Python devs have decided to case fold
name to lowercase by default when `auto()` is used which I think violates the
principle of least surprise.**