.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sawyersteven/SelfishClass/master/img/Logo_wide.png
:target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sawyersteven/SelfishClass/master/img/Logo_wide.png
:alt: Logo
SelfishClass is a minimal (~1kb) alternative to dataclasses and the popular `attrs <https://github.com/python-attrs/attrs>`_ package for python.
SelfishClass eliminates the need to assign variables as ``self.varname`` in a class's ``__init__`` method and provides a simple ``__repr__`` for the class instance.
Why not attrs?
Attrs does a lot of things very well. SelfishClass does a few things very well. Rarely do I need all of Attr's functionality. Attrs weighs in at ~100kb. SelfishClass is less than 1kb. In the words of the great philosopher Kevin Malone, ``Me think, why waste time say lot word, when few word do trick.``
Why not dataclasses?
Dataclasses requires python 3.7, which may not be an option in some environments. Dataclasses require re-defining ``__init__`` methods as ``__post_init__``\ , which can feel unintuitive and may require rewriting your classes. SelfishClass only requires that you insert the decorator.
SelfishClass has been tested on Python 3.4.0 and 2.7.14 and is likely compatible with most other versions.
Install via pip with ``pip install SelfishClass``
SelfishClass provides a simple class decorator that requires minimal or no change to your existing class definition.
.. code-block::
from SelfishClass import selfish
class Teacher(object):
def __init__(self, name, id, department=None):
stan = Teacher('Stan', 445, department='Math')
>> Teacher: department<str>: Math, id<int>: 445, name<str>: Stan
All vars are accessible in ``__init__`` as both instance variables and local variable. For instance, in ``__init__`` we can refer to ``name`` as both ``name`` and ``self.name``.
You may specify certain arguments to ignore if you do not want them to be assigned as instance vars. This is accomplished by using the decorator as such:
.. code-block::
# All positional args will be ignored by selfish
class Teacher(object):
def __init__(self, name, id, department=None):
# All kwargs will be ignored by selfish
class Teacher(object):
def __init__(self, name, id, department=None):
# Only id will be ignored by selfish
class Teacher(object):
def __init__(self, name, id, department=None):