# ReactPy
**ReactPy** is a implementation of React in Python using [Brython](https://brython.info/). ReactPy application runs on the client side, which are written in **Python 3**. It's Component based and follows the same virtual DOM and Fiber architecture as ReactJS. ReactPy also supports PYX syntax which is equivalent to JSX in Javascript.
## Getting Started
Creating a ReactPy app is very simple and the process in very much inspired from ReactJS.
<p align="center">
<img src="https://github.com/RudreshVeerkhare/ReactPy/raw/main/media/ReactPy_init.gif" />
### Installation
ReactPy has a PyPI package
pip install ReactPy
### Setting Up
Once ReactPy is installed, then to setup boiler plate -
1. Create an empty folder for your application.
2. Then run the following command to Initialize ReactPy
python3 -m ReactPy --init
### Setup live reload server
ReactPy comes with a simple live reload development server, to use start it -
python3 -m ReactPy --serve
This will start a development server at
### Create a deployment build
To create a deployment build of your application -
python3 -m ReactPy --build
This will create a `build` directory in project folder. Then this can be very easily deployed to services like [Netlify Drop](https://docs.netlify.com/site-deploys/create-deploys/#drag-and-drop) by uploading `build` folder for deployment.
### Syntax Highlighting
To get syntax highlighting on`.pyx` files in ReactPy applications, install [ReactPy Syntax Highlighter](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=RudreshVeerkhare.reactpy) in VSCODE from Visual Studio Marketplace.
## Examples
Todo List using ReactPy - [https://react-py-todo.netlify.app/](https://react-py-todo.netlify.app/)
### Passing Props
import ReactPy
from browser import document
def Greetings(props):
return <h1>Hi, {" " + props["name"]}</h1>
element = <Greetings name="World!"/>
ReactPy.render(element, document.getElementById("root"))
### Counter
import ReactPy
from browser import document
def Counter(props):
count, setCount = ReactPy.useState(0)
return <div>
<h1>Count :{count}</h1>
<button onClick={lambda e: setCount(count + 1)}>+</button>
<button onClick={lambda e: setCount(count - 1)}>-</button>
element = <Counter/>
ReactPy.render(element, document.getElementById("root"))
<p align="center">
<img src="https://github.com/RudreshVeerkhare/ReactPy/raw/main/media/Counter.gif" />
### Timer
import ReactPy
from browser import document
from browser.timer import set_interval, clear_interval
def Timer(props):
seconds, setSeconds = ReactPy.useState(props["timelimit"])
running, setRunning = ReactPy.useState(False)
if seconds < 1:
def _tick():
setSeconds(lambda s: s - 1)
def __effect():
if running:
print("Set Interval")
__interval = set_interval(_tick, 1000)
return lambda: clear_interval(__interval)
ReactPy.useEffect(__effect, [running])
color = "red" if not running else "blue"
<div style={{"color": color}}>Seconds : {seconds}</div>
<button onClick={lambda e: setRunning(lambda r: not r)}>Start / Stop</button>
element = <Timer timelimit={5}/>
ReactPy.render(element, document.getElementById("root"))
<p align="center">
<img src="https://github.com/RudreshVeerkhare/ReactPy/raw/main/media/Timer.gif" />
### Live Input
import ReactPy
from browser import document
def LiveInput(props):
value, setValue = ReactPy.useState("")
<input value={value + ""} onInput={lambda e: setValue(e.target.value)}/>
element = <LiveInput/>
ReactPy.render(element, document.getElementById("root"))
<p align="center">
<img src="https://github.com/RudreshVeerkhare/ReactPy/raw/main/media/LiveInput.gif" />
### API Call
import ReactPy
from ReactPy.utils import lmap
from browser import document
from browser.ajax import get
def UserCard(props):
return <div style={{
"border": "1px solid black",
"padding": "5px",
"margin": "10px",
<p>email: {" " + props["email"]}</p>
<p>website: {" " + props["website"]}</p>
def UserList(props):
users, setUsers = ReactPy.useState([])
def __effect():
def _on_complete(res):
get("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users", oncomplete = _on_complete)
ReactPy.useEffect(__effect, [])
return <div>
lambda x: <UserCard name={x["name"]} email={x["email"]} website={x["website"]}/>,
) if len(users) > 0 else <h1>Loading...</h1>}
element = <UserList/>
ReactPy.render(element, document.getElementById("root"))
<p align="center">
<img src="https://github.com/RudreshVeerkhare/ReactPy/raw/main/media/API%20Call.gif" />
## Contributions
Check [Contribution.md]() for Detailed Information.
## Note
This project is still in beta, so if you find any bugs please raise an issue.