# Ramachandran plotting tool
Draws a Ramachandran plot based on the input PDB file (e.g. 1MBN.pdb). Makes use of a Gaussian KDE (kernel density estimation) to plot the density of favoured torsion angles (φ and ψ).

## Installation
RamachanDraw is hosted on [PyPi](https://pypi.org/project/RamachanDraw/).
pip install RamachanDraw
## Usage
RamachanDraw includes useful functions to effortlessly draw a Ramachandran plot.
### Fetch the PDB file from the online repository
To draw a Ramachandran plot, we need a PDB file. You can use a local PDB file by specifying the path. Alternatively, RamachanDraw conveniently includes a function to automatically fetch and locally store the PDB file for the given PDB id.
#### Arguments
- ```pdb_file (str)```: PDB id corresponding to the PDB entry to be downloaded.
- ```Returns```: path to PDB file.
### Extract φ and ψ angles
RamachanDraw extracts the φ and ψ angles from the PDB file by taking advantage of the [Biopython](https://biopython.org/) module.
Additionally, aminoacid residues that were not drawn on the plot can be extract using the ```return_ignored``` argument.
#### Arguments
phi_psi(pdb_file, return_ignored)
- ```pdb_file (str)```: PDB id corresponding to the PDB entry to be downloaded.
- ```return_ignored (bool)```:
- ```True``` returns a list of tuple with the format (aminoacid, (phi, psi))
- ```Returns```: Dictionary with keys as aminoacid residues and values as (phi, psi) angle values.
### Ramachandran plot
Makes use of the [matplotlib](https://matplotlib.org/) module to draw a highly customizable Ramachandran plot.
#### Arguments
plot(pdb_file, cmap='viridis', alpha=0.75, dpi=100, save=True, show=False, out='plot.png')
- ```pdb_file (str)```: PDB id corresponding to the PDB entry to be downloaded.
- ```cmap (str)```: colormap to be used (from matplotlib) for the density of the favoured ("allowed") regions; default is <em>viridis</em>.
- ```alpha (float)```: sets the opacity of the colormap (value between 0-1); default is 0.75.
- ```dpi (int)```: resolution (<em>dots per inch</em>); default is 100.
- ```save (bool)```:
- ```True```: saves the plot locally; default is True.
- ```show (bool)```:
- ```True```: shows the plot using the Qt5Agg backend; default is False.
- ```out (str)```: filename to be used in case the plot is saved (i.e. ```save=True```); default is <em>plot.png</em>.
- ```Returns```: Ramachandran plot (can be saved locally).
## Example
Herein you will find an example from the PDB id corresponding to the myoglobin entry - [1MBN](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/entry/pdb/1mbn/index) - in the Protein Data Bank.
from RamachanDraw import fetch, phi_psi, plot
# PDB id to be downloaded
PDB_id = '1MBN'
# Drawing the Ramachandran plot
# Generating a dictionary to store the phi and psi angles
# And returning the ignored aminoacid residues
phi_psi_dict, ignored_res = phi_psi(fetch(PDB_id), return_ignored=True)
## Contributing
Feedback and constructive criticism is welcome: a.dias.cirilo@umail.leidenuniv.nl.
## License