relocatable python virtual environment
package inspired a lot by ian bicking's virtualenv_ but created in fashion
that it can be relocated freely through the filesystem, renamed, backuped, ...
.. _virtualenv: http://bitbucket.org/ianb/virtualenv/
second nice feature is, that you can customize your python environment
via ``{{ENV}}/pythonrc.py`` in any curious way you want.
works with python3, pypy
you can `install this package from pypi`_::
pip install RVirtualEnv
# or
easy_install RVirtualEnv
# or just clone this repository
git clone http://github.com/kvbik/rvirtualenv
you should definitely `try development version`__
.. _install this package from pypi: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/RVirtualEnv
__ development_
to create new virtual environment just call::
rvirtualenv ~/PYENV1
# or directly from this repo
./rvirtualenv.py ~/PYENV2
to enable environment, do::
# on unix
# on windows
after that, you can call any python command (eg: ``pip`` or ``easy_install``, ``ipython``, ...)
and it will have access to your virtual environment.
if you don't want to mess up with environment, just call our wrapper::
# on unix
~/PYENV1/bin/python [any [params]]
# on win
c:\PYENV1\bin\python.bat [any [params]]
it should work with mod-wsgi ``python-path`` option as well,
and you can enable it in runtime via ``site.addsitedir(venv_directory)``.
if you are interested in testing this package, it should support many standard ways of running tests.
nose is used for test discovery.
you can run any of these commands:
* ``python setup.py test``
* ``nosetests``
* ``./tests/test_all.py``
package was tested on:
* archlinux with python 3.2
* archlinux with python 2.7
* macosx 10.6 python 2.6
* ms windows with python 2.6
* ubuntu 10.04 python 2.6
* debian lenny with python 2.5
* debian etch with python 2.4
but there is no build environment yet.
main reasons why this package came into existence:
* it does not copy python binary
* it does not symlink core python libraries
* you can just set up PYTHONPATH env variable
and you can use any system-wide command (eg: easy_install, pip)
* you can tune ``pythonrc.py`` file to your needs
in any curious ways (useful for debugging/testing)
you can use the `issue tracker`__ for more (or in `TODO.rst` in this repo)
but some of the long term goals are here
* test building and installing some c extension
* test install tools (``pip``, ``easy_install`` and others)
* better virtualenv inheritance
(and handle more virtualenvs defined on ``pythonpath``)
__ https://github.com/kvbik/rvirtualenv/issues
see http://github.com/kvbik/rvirtualenv
aka branch `releases/rvirtualenv-0.3`__
__ https://github.com/kvbik/rvirtualenv/tree/releases/rvirtualenv-0.3
* sorry, this version does not work in interactive mode on windows, we will try hard to
solve bill's issue
* a subprocess call in ``python.py`` replaced with ``os.execvp``, which means less forks
and `gunicorn`_ via `supervisor`_ should work when called via our ``python`` wrapper
(see `issue #2`_ for more)
* system-wide installed rvirtualenv does work and creates virtualenvs correctly
- there were issues with read only fs for non privileged users
* repository cleanup before `upload to pypi`_, so it should be installable
(without any notes from build env - like ``#!/usr/bin/python2`` in `issue #1`_)
* `setuptools_dummy`_ replaced in favour of plain `MANIFEST.in`_
.. _setuptools_dummy: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools_dummy/
.. _MANIFEST.in: http://docs.python.org/distutils/sourcedist.html#the-manifest-in-template
.. _upload to pypi: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/RVirtualEnv
.. _issue #1: https://github.com/kvbik/rvirtualenv/issues/1
.. _gunicorn: http://gunicorn.org/
.. _supervisor: http://supervisord.org/
.. _issue #2: https://github.com/kvbik/rvirtualenv/pull/2
* implemented cmd-line virtualenv compatible options
(``--no-site-packages``, ``--python``, ``--prompt``)
* no site packages option for pythonrc
* non python data installed to python package (fixed bug introduced in `0.3.0`_)
* `python3`_ support - it really works, tests are passing
* support for `virtualenv wrapper`_ (via: ``source PY/bin/activate``)
* inherit one virtualenv to another
* ``bin/activate`` works, also on windows and relocatable
* complete rewrite of venv
* custom install command so you can define your own layout
* proper functionality on macos and ubuntu
.. _virtualenv wrapper: http://www.doughellmann.com/projects/virtualenvwrapper/
.. _python3: http://diveintopython3.org/
aka branch `releases/rvirtualenv-0.2`__
__ https://github.com/kvbik/rvirtualenv/tree/releases/rvirtualenv-0.2
* installing extensions into virtual environment works
* not released, but merged to 0.3
* fixing problems with relative path when creating virtualenv
* more compatibility with pip and uninstalling system packages (``sys.real_prefix``)
* tests passing with distribute_ (aka setuptools_ fork)
.. _distribute: http://bitbucket.org/tarek/distribute/
.. _setuptools: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools
initial versions (<=0.2.2)