# PyTransdec
**PyTransdec** is a Python library prepared for controlling [**TransdecEnvironment**](https://github.com/PiotrJZielinski/TransdecEnvironment) by PWr Diving Crew (KN Robocik) at Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
It wraps [Unity ML-Agents library](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents/tree/master/ml-agents).
The project is maintained by Pwr Diving Crew software team members (Unity3D section).
[KN Robocik website](http://www.robocik.pwr.edu.pl/)
Should any issues be noticed, please submit a **New issue** on GitHub.
## Installation
### Python
To use Python API **Python 3.6** is required. On Windows it is recommended to use Anaconda ([64-bit](https://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda3-5.1.0-Windows-x86_64.exe) or [32-bit](https://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda3-5.1.0-Windows-x86.exe), but you can use your own preferred Python installation.
For Anaconda use default installation settings. After installation open **Anaconda Navigator** to finish the setup.

In case environment variables were not created, you will see error `conda is not recognized as internal or external command` when you type `conda` into command line. To solve this problem set the environment variables: open `Edit environment variables for your account`, click `Environment Variables` button, then double click `Path under` under `System variable`. Add the following paths using `New` button:

Before proceeding check your installation by executing `python --version`, which should output something like this:
Python 3.6.x :: ...
You also need **pip** (which is installed by default in Anaconda). Check if it is correctly installed by executing `pip --version`. The output should look like this:
pip x.x...
If any error occurred, please check your installation.
### PyTransdec package
To use the package install it using pip (it is recommended to use a **virtual environment** such as [**Pipenv**](https://pipenv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) (preferred), [**conda env**](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/tasks/manage-environments.html) or [**virtualenv**](https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/).
Installation command:
pip install git+https://github.com/PiotrJZielinski/PyTransdec
PyTransdec package automatically installs all required dependencies.
## Usage
PyTransdec package contains `TransdecCommunication([file_name, worker_id])` class, which can be used to communicate with TransdecEnvironment. To import the package use following Python script:
from pytransdec import TransdecCommunication
You can then apply it using `with` statement:
with TransdecCommunication() as tc:
#### Parameters:
* `file_name`: `str`, *optional* - Unity Environment file to operate on; defaults to `None` (connect to Unity Editor)
* `worker_id`: `int`, *optional* - for more than 1 parallel workers - port incremental to be used for connection; defaults to `0`
### Methods
|`tc.reset([message, training])`|Reset the environment with reset `message`; update observations|
|`tc.step([action])`|Make a step in the environment (specified with `action`); update observations|
|`tc.reward`|Current reward value|
|`tc.vector`|Current vector observations dictionary|
|`tc.visual`|Current visual observations list|
|`tc.collect_data(positive, add_noise, add_background, n_images[, save_dir, start_num, annotation_margin, used_observations, object_number, show_img, draw_annotations, print_annotations, progress_bar])`|Automatically collect data from Transdec Environment|
|**`tc.reset(self, message={}, training=True)`**|[*[source]*](https://github.com/PiotrJZielinski/PyTransdec/blob/b915c1b25653386024066c6c9f099181498fe5de/pytransdec/communication.py#L65)|
Reset the environment with reset `message` and update observations.
#### Parameters:
* `message`: `Dict[str, int]`, *optional* - a dictionary specifying TransdecEnvironment reset settings; defaults to empty `Dict`; available keys:
* `'CollectData'`: if `0` - navigation mode; if `1` - data collection mode
* `'EnableNoise'`: has effect only when `'CollectData' == 1`; if `0` - no noise added; if `1` - noise objects added on the image
* `'Positive'`: has effect only when `'CollectData' == 1`; if `0` - collect negative examples (target object hidden); if `1` - collect positive examples (target object visible)
* `FocusedObject` - has effect only when `'CollectData' == 1`; specify which object is focused on collecting data (input: object number from `Data collection settings`)
* `EnableBackgroundImage` - has effect only when `'CollectData' == 1`; if `0` - transdec is background; if `1` - random images is background
* `ForceToSaveAsNegative` - focus to save image as negative example, even if `Postive` is set to `True`
* `'AgentMaxSteps'`: after how many steps is the agent reset; if `0` - never
* `training`: `bool`, *optional* - use TransdecEnvironment in training mode (if `True`) or in inference mode (if `False`); defaults to `true`
|**`tc.step(action=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])`**|[*[source]*](https://github.com/PiotrJZielinski/PyTransdec/blob/b915c1b25653386024066c6c9f099181498fe5de/pytransdec/communication.py#L76)|
Make a step in the environment (specified with `action`) and update observations.
#### Parameters:
* `action`: `Tuple[float, float, float, float]`, *optional* - movement settings for the robot in range `[-1, 1]`; defaults to `[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]`; action sequence:
* longitudinal movement (`1.0`: max forward, `-1.0`: max backward)
* lateral movement (`1.0`: max right, `-1.0`: max left)
* vertical movement (`1.0`: max upward, `-1.0`: max downward)
* yaw rotation (`1.0`: max right turn, `-1.0`: max left turn)
* camera focus (`0`: front camera, `1`: bottom camera)
Get current reward value.
#### Returns:
* `float` representing current reward value calculated inside TransdecEnvironment
Get current vector observations dictionary.
#### Returns:
* The dictionary of observations with keys:
* `'acceleration_x'` - linear acceleration value in all axes,
* `'acceleration_y'`,
* `'acceleration_z'`,
* `'angular_acceleration_x'` - angular acceleration value in all axes,
* `'angular_acceleration_y'`,
* `'angular_acceleration_z'`,
* `'rotation_x'` - rotation position value in all axes,
* `'rotation_y'`,
* `'rotation_z'`,
* `'depth'` - robot's depth measured from water surface,
* `'bounding_box_x'` - bounding box parameters (central point coordinates, width and height),
* `'bounding_box_y'`,
* `'bounding_box_w'`,
* `'bounding_box_h'`,
* `'bounding_box_p'` - probability of containing target (`1` or `0`),
* `'relative_x'` - robot's position relative to target in all axes,
* `'relative_y'`,
* `'relative_z'`,
* `'relative_yaw'` - robot's orientation relative to target in vertical axis
Get current visual observations list.
#### Returns:
* `List` of all available visual observations as Numpy arrays in range `[0, 255]`
|**`tc.collect_data(positive, add_noise, n_images, save_dir='collected_data', start_num=1, annotation_margin=5, used_observations=('x', 'y', 'w', 'h', 'p'), show_img=False, draw_annotations=False, print_annotations=False, progress_bar=True)`**|[*[source]*](https://github.com/PiotrJZielinski/PyTransdec/blob/b915c1b25653386024066c6c9f099181498fe5de/pytransdec/communication.py#L146)|
Automatically collect data from Transdec Environment, saving images to `save_dir`, together with `annotations.csv` of preset content.
#### Parameters:
* `positive`: `bool` - if `True` collect positive examples (target object visible), else collect negative examples (target object hidden)
* `add_noise`: `bool` - if `True add noise objects on the image, else do not
* `n_images`: `int` - number of images to be saved
* `save_dir`: `str`, *optional* - folder to put images and annotations file; defaults to `'collected_data'`
* `start_num`: `int`, *optional* - starting number to for image filename; defaults to `1`
* `annotation_margin`: `int`, *optional* - value added to all bounding box' dimensions; defaults to `5`
* `used_observations`: `Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]`, *optional* - which of the observations should be saved to `annotations.csv` file; if `all` save all vector observations; defaults to `('x', 'y', 'w', 'h', 'p')`; available keys:
* `'a_x'` - linear acceleration value in all axes,
* `'a_y'`,
* `'a_z'`,
* `'eps_x'` - angular acceleration value in all axes,
* `'eps_y'`,
* `'eps_z'`,
* `'phi_x'` - rotation position value in all axes,
* `'phi_y'`,
* `'phi_z'`,
* `'d'` - robot's depth measured from water surface,
* `'x'` - bounding box parameters (central point coordinates, width and height),
* `'y'`,
* `'w'`,
* `'h'`,
* `'p'` - probability of containing target (`1` or `0`),
* `'relative_x'` - robot's position relative to target in all axes,
* `'relative_y'`,
* `'relative_z'`,
* `'relative_yaw'` - robot's orientation relative to target in vertical axis
* `show_img`: `bool`, *optional* - show each collected image; defaults to `False`
* `draw_annotations`: `bool`, *optional* - draw annotations on each showed image; has effect only when `show_img==True`; defaults to `False`
* `print_annotations`: `bool`, *optional* - print each annotation in console; defaults to `False`
* `progress_bar`: `bool`, *optional* - show neat progressbar for data collection; defaults to `True`
### Example code for data collection
with TransdecCommunication() as tc:
# collect 1000 positive examples with noise of object 0
tc.collect_data(positive=True, add_noise=True, add_background=False, n_images=1000, save_dir='collected_data/{}/train'.format(0),
used_observations='all', object_number=0, show_img=True, draw_annotations=True)
# collect 1000 positive examples with custom backgrount of object 0
tc.collect_data(positive=True, add_noise=False, add_background=True, n_images=1000, save_dir='collected_data/{}/train'.format(0),
used_observations='all', object_number=0, show_img=True, draw_annotations=True)
# collect 1000 negative examples with noise of object 0
tc.collect_data(positive=False, add_noise=True, add_background=False, n_images=1000, save_dir='collected_data/{}/train'.format(0),
used_observations='all', object_number=0, show_img=True, draw_annotations=True)