PyTLDR: Automatic Text Summarization in Python
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A Python module to perform automatic summarization of articles, text
files and web pages.
Copyright 2014 Jai Juneja.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program. If not, see
Using pip or easy\_install
You can download the latest release version using ``pip`` or
pip install pytldr
Latest development version
You can alternatively download the latest development version directly
from GitHub:
git clone
Change into the root directory:
cd pytldr
Then install the package:
python install
A simple sample program using the PyTLDR module can be found at
In its current form, this module contains three distinct implementations
of automatic text summarization:
- Using the TextRank algorithm (based on PageRank)
- Using Latent Semantic Analysis
- Using a sentence relevance score
Note that all three of the above implementations are extractive - that
is, they simply extract and display the most relevant sentences from the
input text. They do not formulate their own sentences (such algorithms
are known as "abstractive", and are still at a primitive stage).
Sentence tokenization
PyTLDR comes with a built-in sentence tokenizer that is used for
summarization. The tokenizer performs stemming in several languages as
well as stop-word removal. You may also specify your own list of
.. code:: python
from pytldr.nlp.tokenizer import Tokenizer
tokenizer = Tokenizer(language='english', stopwords=None, stemming=True)
# Note that if stopwords=None then the tokenizer loads stopwords from a bundled data-set
# You can alternatively specify a text file or provide a list of words
Note that the tokenizer is the only input required to initialize a
summarizer object, as shown below.
TextRank Summarization
Ranks sentences using the PageRank algorithm, where "votes" or
"in-links" are represented by words shared between sentences.
.. code:: python
from pytldr.summarize.textrank import TextRankSummarizer
from pytldr.nlp.tokenizer import Tokenizer
tokenizer = Tokenizer('english')
summarizer = TextRankSummarizer(tokenizer)
# If you don't specify a tokenizer when intiializing a summarizer then the
# English tokenizer will be used by default
summarizer = TextRankSummarizer() # English tokenizer used
# This object creates a summary using the summarize method:
# e.g. summarizer.summarize(text, length=5, weighting='frequency', norm=None)
# The length parameter specifies the length of the summary, either as a
# number of sentences, or a percentage of the original text
# The summarizer can take as input...
# 1. A string:
summary = summarizer.summarize("Some long article bla bla...", length=4)
# 2. A text file:
summary = summarizer.summarize("/path/to/file.txt", length=0.25)
# Above summary is a quarter of the length of the original text
# 3. A URL (must start with http://):
summary = summarizer.summarize("")
Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) Summarization
Reduces the dimensionality of the article into several "topic" clusters
using singular value decomposition, and selects the sentences that are
most relevant to these topics. This is a rather more abstract
summarization algorithm.
This module comes packaged with two distinct implementations of the LSA
algorithm, as described in two academic papers:
- J. Steinberger and K. Jezek (2004). Using latent semantic analysis in
text summarization and summary evaluation.
- Ozsoy, M., Alpaslan, F., and Cicekli, I. (2011). Text summarization
using latent semantic analysis.
The more recent Ozsoy et al. implentation is called by default, but both
classes have the same interface.
.. code:: python
from pytldr.summarize.lsa import LsaSummarizer, LsaOzsoy, LsaSteinberger
summarizer = LsaOzsoy()
summarizer = LsaSteinberger()
summarizer = LsaSummarizer() # This is identical to the LsaOzsoy object
summary = summarizer.summarize(
text, topics=4, length=5, binary_matrix=True, topic_sigma_threshold=0.5
# topics specifies the number of topics to cluster the article into.
# topic_sigma_threshold removes all topics with a singular value less than a given
# percentage of the largest singular value.
Relevance Score Summarization
This method computes and ranks the cosine similarity between each
sentence vector and the overall document, removing the most relevant
sentence at each iteration. It closely follows the approach described in
the paper:
- Y. Gong and X. Liu (2001). Generic text summarization using relevance
measure and latent semantic analysis.
.. code:: python
from pytldr.summarize.relevance import RelevanceSummarizer
summarizer = RelevanceSummarizer()
summary = summarizer.summarize(text, length=5, binary_matrix=True):
More help
You can read the documentation for each of the above implementations by
typing the following into your python console:
.. code:: python
If you have any questions or have encountered an error, feel free to
contact me at ``jai -dot- juneja -at- gmail -dot- com``.
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