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PyMultiDictionary is a Dictionary Module for Python 3+ to get meanings, translations,
synonyms and antonyms of words in 20 different languages. It uses educalingo.com,
synonym.com, and WordNet for getting meanings, translations, synonyms, and antonyms.
Supported languages
- Bengali (**bn**)
- German (**de**)
- English (**en**)
- Spanish (**es**)
- French (**fr**)
- Hindi (**hi**)
- Italian (**it**)
- Japanese (**ja**)
- Javanese (**jv**)
- Korean (**ko**)
- Marathi (**mr**)
- Malay (**ms**)
- Polish (**pl**)
- Portuguese (**pt**)
- Romanian (**ro**)
- Russian (**ru**)
- Tamil (**ta**)
- Turkish (**tr**)
- Ukranian (**uk**)
- Chinese (**zh**)
Install Instructions
PyMultiDictionary can be installed via pip, for both MacOS, Windows & Linux. Simply run:
.. code-block:: bash
$> python3 -m pip install --upgrade PyMultiDictionary
PyMultiDictionary can be utilised in 2 ways, either by creating a dictionary instance
which can take words as arguments or by creating a dictionary instance with a fixed
amount of words.
**Create a dictionary object**:
For example,
.. code-block:: python
from PyMultiDictionary import MultiDictionary
dictionary = MultiDictionary()
This is will create a local instance of the MultiDictionary class and now it can
be used to get meanings, translations etc.
For **Meanings**,
.. code-block:: python
print(dictionary.meaning('en', 'good'))
This will return a tuple containing the meanings of the word, in the format
*(word_type, word_meaning, word_wikipedia)*. For example the above code will return:
.. code-block:: python
(['Noun', 'Adjective', 'Exclamation'],
'The first definition of good in the dictionary is having admirable ...',
'Good may refer to: ▪ Good and evil, the distinction between positiv...')
All methods support other dictionaries, for example, 'wordnet' can be used
for english words.
.. code-block:: python
from PyMultiDictionary import DICT_WORDNET
dictionary = MultiDictionary()
print(dictionary.meaning('en', 'good', dictionary=DICT_WORDNET))
Will return:
.. code-block:: python
'Noun': ['benefit', 'moral excellence or admirableness', ...],
'Adjective': ['morally admirable', ...],
'Adverb': [...]
For **Synonyms**,
.. code-block:: python
print(dictionary.synonym('es', 'Bueno'))
This will return a list containing the Synonyms of the word.
For **Antonyms**,
.. code-block:: python
print(dictionary.antonym('en', 'Life'))
This will return a list containing the Antonyms of the word. Currently only English is supported.
For **Translations**,
.. code-block:: python
print(dictionary.translate('en', 'Range'))
This will return the Translation of the word 'Range' in 20 different languages.
You can also extendthe scope of the translations by providing a target language,
which will use google translate API, for example:
.. code-block:: python
print(dictionary.translate('en', 'Range', to='ru'))
Alternatively, you can set a fixed number of words to the Dictionary Instance. This
is useful if you just want to get the meanings of some words quickly without any development need.
.. code-block:: python
from PyMultiDictionary import MultiDictionary, DICT_EDUCALINGO
dictionary=MultiDictionary('hotel', 'ambush', 'nonchalant', 'perceptive')
dictionary.set_words_lang('en') # All words are english
print(dictionary.get_meanings(dictionary=DICT_EDUCALINGO)) # This print the meanings of all the words
print(dictionary.get_synonyms()) # Get synonyms list
print(dictionary.get_antonyms()) # Get antonyms
print(dictionary.get_translations()) # This will translate all words to over 20 languages
print(dictionary.get_translations(to='ru')) # This will translate all words to Russian (if Google API available)
Supported dictionaries
- **DICT_EDUCALINGO**: Meaning, synonym, translation for all languages
- **DICT_SYNONYMCOM**: Synonyms and Antonyms (English)
- **DICT_THESAURUS**: Synonyms (English)
- **DICT_WORDNET**: Meanings (English)
There are much more dictionaries to come. Just contribute to this repo!
`Pablo Pizarro R. <https://ppizarror.com>`_ | 2021 - 2022