# OSIx - **O**pen **S**ource **I**ntelligence e**X**plorer - V0.0.3

<details open="open">
<summary>Table of Contents</summary>
<a href="#about-the-project">About The Project</a>
<a href="#getting-started">Getting Started</a>
<li><a href="#prerequisites">Prerequisites</a></li>
<li><a href="#installation">Installation</a></li>
<li><a href="#available-modules">Available Modules</a></li>
<li><a href="#usage">Usage</a></li>
<li><a href="#roadmap">Roadmap</a></li>
<li><a href="#contributing">Contributing</a></li>
<li><a href="#license">License</a></li>
<li><a href="#contact">Contact</a></li>
## About The Project
OSIx is a OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) tool created to help Researchers, Investigators and Law Enforcement Agents to Collect and Process Open Data.
Created in Python and using a Modular Architecture, the OSIx easily allows to add new modules to enrich the available functionalities.
## Getting Started
### Prerequisites
* Python 3.6.7+
### Installation
wget https://github.com/guibacellar/OSIx/archive/master.zip
unzip -o master.zip
mv OSIx-master/ OSIx
pip3 install -r OSIx/requirements.txt
rm -rf master.zip
**In Development**
wget https://github.com/guibacellar/OSIx/archive/develop.zip
unzip -o develop.zip
mv OSIx-develop/ OSIx
pip3 install -r OSIx/requirements.txt
rm -rf develop.zip
## Available Modules
* Username Search
* [Username Searcher](docs/module_username.md) - Allow to find the Specified Username in 150+ Websites (Including NSFW Ones) and Export a CSV file with the Founded Entries;
* GitHub Username Grabber - Download GitHub Data from Specified Username (Profile Data, Location, Repositories, Followers and Following Accounts);
* [Bitcoin Wallet Info & Transactions](docs/module_btc_wallet.md) - Download the Bitcoin Transactions from a Wallet and Generates Graphs for Visualization (Gephi and GraphML Compatible);
## Usage
### Command Line
usage: OSIx.py [-h] [--job_name JOB_NAME] [--purge_temp_files]
[--btc_wallet BTC_WALLET] [--btc_get_transactions]
[--export_btc_transactions_as_gephi] [--username USERNAME]
[--username_scan] [--username_allow_nsfw_scan]
[--username_print_result] [--username_show_all]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--job_name JOB_NAME Job Name. Used to Save/Restore State File.
--purge_temp_files Force Delete All Temporary Files
--btc_wallet BTC_WALLET
BitCoin Wallet Address
Allow to Download All BitCoin Transactions from Wallet
Allow to Export the BitCoin Transactions as GraphML
Allow to Export the BitCoin Transactions as Gephi File
--username USERNAME Username to Search
--username_scan Allow the Executor to Scan the the Username in All
Social Networks and WebSites
Allow the Executor to Scan the NSFW WebSites
Allow to Print the Result in sysout
--username_show_all Allow to Print all Results, otherwise, Print Only the
Founded Ones.
Allow to Dump a Result file into data/export Folder.
The *job_name* parameter allow to specify a job name to the executor and the executor will save a state file with all parameters and configurations.
python OSIx.py --job_name MY_JOB
**Purge All Temporary Files**
The *purge_temp_files* parameter tell's to the executor to cleanup all generated temporary files.
python OSIx.py --purge_temp_files
**Output Example**
python3 OSIx.py \
--username marcos --username_allow_nsfw_scan \
--username_print_result --username_enable_dump_file
OSIx - Open Source Intelligence eXplorer
Version: 0.0.2
By: Th3 0bservator
[*] Loading Configurations:
[*] Installed Modules:
[*] Executing Pipeline:
[+] input_args_handler.InputArgsHandler
job_name = dev_001
purge_temp_files = False
btc_wallet =
btc_get_transactions =
export_btc_transactions_as_graphml = False
export_btc_transactions_as_gephi = True
username = marcos
username_allow_nsfw_scan = True
username_print_result = True
username_show_all = False
username_enable_dump_file = True
[+] temp_file_manager.TempFileManager
Checking Age data/temp/state for 31557600 seconds
Checking Age data/temp/bitcoin_wallet for 604800 seconds
Checking Age data/temp/username_search for 604800 seconds
[+] state_file_handler.LoadStateFileHandler
[+] http_navigation_manager.HttpNavigationManagerHandler
[+] bitcoin_wallet.BitcoinWalletInfoDownloader
Target BTC Wallet Empty.
[+] bitcoin_wallet.BitcoinWalletTransactionsDownloader
[+] bitcoin_wallet_graph.BitcoinWalletGraphGenerator
Target BTC Wallet Empty.
[+] username_handler.UsernameScanner
NSFW Sites Allowed.
Starting Scan with 20 Workers.
7Cups: Claimed > https://www.7cups.com/@marcos
9GAG: Claimed > https://www.9gag.com/u/marcos
About.me: Claimed > https://about.me/marcos
Academia.edu: Claimed > https://independent.academia.edu/marcos
Asciinema: Claimed > https://asciinema.org/~marcos
AskFM: Claimed > https://ask.fm/marcos
Atom Discussions: Claimed > https://discuss.atom.io/u/marcos/summary
Audiojungle: Claimed > https://audiojungle.net/user/marcos
Avizo: Claimed > https://www.avizo.cz/marcos/
BLIP.fm: Claimed > https://blip.fm/marcos
Bandcamp: Claimed > https://www.bandcamp.com/marcos
Behance: Claimed > https://www.behance.net/marcos
BitBucket: Claimed > https://bitbucket.org/marcos/
Blogger: Claimed > https://marcos.blogspot.com
BodyBuilding: Claimed > https://bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/marcos
Bookcrossing: Claimed > https://www.bookcrossing.com/mybookshelf/marcos/
BuzzFeed: Claimed > https://buzzfeed.com/marcos
CNET: Claimed > https://www.cnet.com/profiles/marcos/
CapFriendly: Claimed > https://www.capfriendly.com/users/marcos
Carbonmade: Claimed > https://marcos.carbonmade.com
Career.habr: Claimed > https://career.habr.com/marcos
Championat: Claimed > https://www.championat.com/user/marcos
Chatujme.cz: Claimed > https://profil.chatujme.cz/marcos
Cloob: Claimed > https://www.cloob.com/name/marcos
Codecademy: Claimed > https://www.codecademy.com/profiles/marcos
Codechef: Claimed > https://www.codechef.com/users/marcos
Coroflot: Claimed > https://www.coroflot.com/marcos
DEV Community: Claimed > https://dev.to/marcos
Designspiration: Claimed > https://www.designspiration.net/marcos/
DeviantART: Claimed > https://marcos.deviantart.com
[+] state_file_handler.SaveStateFileHandler
<!-- ROADMAP -->
## Roadmap
See the [open issues](https://github.com/othneildrew/Best-README-Template/issues) for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
## Contributing
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**.
1. Fork the Project
2. Create your Feature Branch (`git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature`)
3. Commit your Changes (`git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'`)
4. Push to the Branch (`git push origin feature/AmazingFeature`)
5. Open a Pull Request
<!-- LICENSE -->
## License
Distributed under the Apache License. See `LICENSE` for more information.
<!-- CONTACT -->
## Contact
**Th3 0bservator**