# Netio
python 3 Bindings and CLI for communication with NETIO Products devices
Install the latest package from pip
pip install Netio --upgrade
# API Interface
Login to your device and enable JSON API
![Configure Interface](docs/NetioIface.png)
Import Netio and create new instance with endpoint
from Netio import Netio
n = Netio('http://netio-4ll.local:8080/netio.json', auth_rw=('admin', 'password'))
When using HTTPS, you must provide correct certificate, or disable certificate verification altogether.
1. Under `Settings->Network Configuration` enter correct hostname and domain.
2. Goto `Settings->Security Settings` and select *Generate new certificate*
3. [Download](https://docs.digicert.com/manage-certificates/client-certificates-guide/manage-your-personal-id-certificate/windows-export-your-personal-id-certificate/) the certificate from your browser using browser
If you're accessing Netio wia IP address, set `verify=False` to disable certificate verification.
Finally add `verify` parameter with path to downloaded certificate.
n = Netio('http://netio-4ll.local:8080/netio.json', auth_rw=('admin', 'password'), verify='/path/to/cert.pem')
## Control
to set the output use either action, or integer value
>>> n.set_output(1, 0) # Set output 1 off
>>> n.set_output(1, n.ACTION.ON) # Set output 1 on
To read the states of the outputs
>>> for x in range(4):
>>> print(n.get_output(x))
Output(ID=1, Name='out_1', State=1, Action=1, Delay=500, Current=0, PowerFactor=0.0, Load=0, Energy=13346833)
Output(ID=2, Name='out_2', State=0, Action=0, Delay=500, Current=0, PowerFactor=0.0, Load=0, Energy=2311032)
Output(ID=3, Name='out_3', State=1, Action=1, Delay=500, Current=8610, PowerFactor=1.0, Load=2062, Energy=11387035)
Output(ID=4, Name='out_4', State=1, Action=1, Delay=500, Current=11540, PowerFactor=1.0, Load=2768, Energy=21077736)
# CLI Interface
usage: Netio [-h] [-u U] [-p P] [-C] [-c CFG] [-v] [--no-cert-warning] [--version] DEVICE COMMAND ...
positional arguments:
DEVICE Netio device URL or alias from config
COMMAND device command
get (GET, G, g) GET output state
set (SET, S, s) SET output state
info (INFO, I, i) show device info
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u U, --user U M2M API username
-p P, --password P M2M API password
-C, --cert HTTPS Certificate
-c CFG, --config CFG Configuration file
-v, --verbose increase verbosity
--no-cert-warning Disable warnings about certificate's subjectAltName versus commonName
--version show program's version number and exit
## Commands
Netio CLI supports 3 different commands, here are some examples about how to use them.
For more detailed description see `Netio device CMD --help`
### GET
Prints current state of outputs from device. Unless specified otherwise, all are returned
$ NETIO_PASSWORD=secretPass Netio -u read http://netio.local GET
id State Action Delay Current PFactor Load Energy Name
1 1 IGNORED 5000 0 0.0 0 2500 MyNetioOutput12
2 1 IGNORED 5000 127 0.58 17 2363 output_2
3 1 IGNORED 5000 0 0.0 0 0 output_3
4 1 IGNORED 5000 0 0.0 0 1327 Notebook
By default, the header with description is shown, it can be switched off with `--no-header`.
Default delimiter is tab, that can be changed with `--delimiter ';'` of `-d\;`
$ NETIO_PASSWORD=secretPass Netio -u read http://netio.local GET --delimiter ';' --no-header
To request single output just add positional argument with output ID
$ NETIO_PASSWORD=secretPass Netio -u read http://netio.local GET 2
id State Action Delay Current PFactor Load Energy Name
2 1 IGNORED 5000 80 0.49 9 2365 output_2
### SET
SET takes positional argument pairs ID - ACTION. At least one pair has to be provided.
Non zero value is returned when request does not succeed.
$ NETIO_PASSWORD=secretPass Netio -u write http://netio.local SET 1 ON 2 OFF 3 OFF
$ echo $?
To set action of all outputs at once, use `ALL` as ID.
$ NETIO_PASSWORD=secretPass Netio -u write http://netio.local SET ALL TOGGLE
**Warning**: When toggling all outputs at once there is no delay in between, with high loads this can cause current
and trigger your breakers.
### INFO
Reports the state of the device
$ Netio -u write -p SecretPass http://netio.local INFO
Model NETIO 4All
Version 3.4.0
JSONVer 2.1
DeviceName myNetio
VendorID 0
OemID 0
SerialNumber 24:A4:2C:33:27:78
Uptime 1456245
Time 2020-06-01T13:15:27+01:00
NumOutputs 4
Voltage 230.6
Frequency 49.9
TotalCurrent 85
OverallPowerFactor 0.51
TotalLoad 10
TotalEnergy 6195
EnergyStart 2020-03-31T06:38:11+01:00
## Configuration file
You can also use configuration file, specified wia `--config netio.ini` or wia `NETIO_CONFIG` environment variable.
For explanation and example of the file configuration see [examples](examples/netio.example.ini)
## Credentials
Specifying credentials wia command line arguments is not prohibited, but it's advised against,
as anyone on the system can see your username and password.
You can specify username and password either wia configuration file or wia Environmental variables
- `NETIO_USER` for username.
- `NETIO_PASSWORD` for password.
### Parameter lookup
when supplying for example password, it's looked up in this order:
1. command line argument
2. ENV variable
3. configuration file (if supplied)
1. special section
2. DEFAULT section
4. Default value (if applicable)