News Feed Syndication
.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/web-sys1/NFSyndication.svg?branch=master
:target: https://travis-ci.org/web-sys1/NFSyndication
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/NFSyndication.svg
:target: `PyPI link`_
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:target: `PyPI link`_
.. _PyPI link: https://pypi.org/project/NFSyndication
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:target: https://github.com/web-sys1/NFSyndication/actions?query=workflow%3ACodeQL++
:alt: tests
This is a set of scripts for aggregating RSS feeds.
.. image:: https://repl.it/badge/github/web-sys1/NFSyndication
:target: https://repl.it/github/web-sys1/NFSyndication
You can install package through the line command:
.. code:: bash
pip install NFSyndication
*Alternatively you can install it form source code (with git prefix):* ``pip install git+https://github.com/web-sys1/NFSyndication.git``
Put a list of feed URLs in ``feeds.txt`` file. One feed per line.
Run the command:
.. code:: bash
usage: nfsyndication-src [-h] [-V] [-v] [-f FILENAME [FILENAME ...]] [--outputJSON OUTPUTJSON] [--comparator-filter [COMPARATOR_FILTER]]
News Feed Syndication - A package that read and fetch RSS feeds from the publications.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version Print the package version and quit
-v, --verbose Show verbose messages
specify which file type to use (for example: nfsyndication-src --filename=./path/to/sample.file.txt)
Save feeds to output file JSON format.
--comparator-filter [COMPARATOR_FILTER]
Enable the comparator. This will randomly ignore stale RSS feeds from the rendering output HTML.
Otherwise, you should do that through **Python** code:
.. code:: python
from NFSyndication import init as NFS_init
def entry_point():
""" We use these conditions to check the statement"""
subscriptions = [
with open(f'feeds.txt', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
f.write(",".join(subscriptions).replace(',', '\n'))
return NFS_init()
"""Then initialize code."""
If you wish to do another way instead of feeds.txt, you should use pass filename to upload list of the feeds. Then run:
.. code:: bash
nfsyndication-src --filename=path/to/feeds.txt
.. note:: Assuming nothing goes wrong, the posts will be written to ``HTML`` file.
Bug fix
After many hours of working to development, it was set up an way of path
configuration due to errors. Meanwhile, we have to set code
``os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))`` with the globalization
of variables for source code in this package. If you encounter a problem, please report `here <https://github.com/web-sys1/NFSyndication/issues/new>`_.
This package was initially released on August 16, 2020 (under version 0.2.0). For more information about changes, see CHANGELOG_.
.. _LICENSE: https://github.com/web-sys1/NFSyndication/blob/master/LICENSE
.. _CHANGELOG: https://github.com/web-sys1/NFSyndication/blob/master/CHANGELOG.rst