Maisie - ML Models Management System
.. |RTFD_BADGE| image::
:alt: Read the Docs Badge
.. |PyPI_Badge| image::
:alt: PyPI Badge
.. |AzureMaisie_Badge| image::
:alt: Azure DevOps Badge
.. |AzureMaisieDev_Badge| image::
:alt: Azure DevOps Badge
.. |AzureSphinxTheme_Badge| image::
:alt: Azure DevOps Badge
.. |DockerHub_Badge| image::
:alt: DockerHub Pulls Badge
| `Maisie (stable) <>`_ | |AzureMaisie_Badge| |
| `Maisie (development) <>`_ | |AzureMaisieDev_Badge| |
| `Maisie Sphinx Theme <>`_ | |AzureSphinxTheme_Badge| |
| `Documentation <>`_ | |RTFD_BADGE| |
| `PyPI <>`_ | |PyPI_Badge| |
| `DockerHub <>`_ | |DockerHub_Badge| |
.. contents:: \
.. section-numbering::
Could archiving, storing, managing and organizing machine learning models be done efficiently and with great focus on user experience? Sure, Maisie does just that.
Maisie is a friendly, easy to use assistant that consists of:
- Web Application written in React
- Backend API written in Python, Flask
- Client Application/Package written in Python and hosted on PyPI
It integrates seamlessly with your favorite tools and provides you with all the important data, such as:
- Git revisions for all trained models, as well as information about source branches
- Searchable, filterable hyperparameters, parameters and metrics
- A single identifying dataset name, as well as an optional description
- Permanent URLs for easy sharing and downloading of stored models
You can get the most current package from `PyPI <>`_
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install Maisie
Using it in your training environment is fairly straightforward:
.. code-block:: python
import maisie
from sklearn.externals import joblib
# Define your model here, y)
model_filename = "example_model.pkl"
joblib.dump(model, model_filename)
# Define your metrics, fetch parameters and hyperparameters
models = maisie.Models()
name="My first uploaded model",
dataset_name="Singly Identifying Dataset Name",
metrics={"accuracy": accuracy},
Using docker-compose
This repository provides a pre-configured ``docker-compose.yml`` file that contains sensible default options.
Before starting the containers, you should create a local ``.env`` file using the included ``.env.sample``.
To start up all services, run:
.. code-block:: bash
$ docker-compose up
To stop your services, you can press Ctrl+C/Ctrl+D. If you started the services in the background using ``docker-compose up -d``, the correct way to do this would be:
.. code-block:: bash
$ docker-compose stop
You can learn more about Docker Compose by `clicking here <>`_.
Fetching individual images
Both frontend and backend images are automatically published to `Docker Hub <>`_ as soon as new stable release is made available.
- `Frontend image on Docker Hub <>`_
- `Backend image on Docker Hub <>`_
- ...other services
For reference, you can look at the `sample Ansible playbook <#>`_ that deploys all containers to a specified host using the locally configured ``.env`` file.
Getting started
1. Clone the repository from the ``develop`` branch
.. code-block:: bash
$ git clone -b develop
2. Install `pre-commit <>`_
3. Inside the project's root directory install all required githooks:
.. code-block:: bash
$ pre-commit install
4. To start all required services for local development, run:
.. code-block:: bash
$ docker-compose up
5. You're all set up!
Fixing existing issues
1. Pick one of the `open issues <>`_ or `create a new one <>`_
2. Create a new branch named ``issue-[number]-[short description]`` derived from the ``develop`` branch, for example
.. code-block:: bash
$ git checkout -b issue-42-project-removal-permissions develop
3. Make sure your implementation fixes the actual problem and is well tested.
Implementing new features
When implementing new features, you should start by creating a new branch named ``feature-[short description]`` derived from the ``develop`` branch, for example
.. code-block:: bash
$ git checkout -b feature-new-user-profile develop
Commiting the changes
To run all tests and check whether all required pre-commit githooks are satisfied, run
.. code-block:: bash
$ pre-commit run --all-files
Your commit message should briefly summarize the changes (if possible) in plain English. To learn how to write a proper commit message, check out `this article <>`_.
When ready, create a new pull request compared with the ``develop`` branch set as a base branch.
For the lastest stable release, the documentation can be seen at ` <>`_.