Magiccal is a Python Library that includes 11 different types of complex calculations that can be now simply used with the help of Magic - Cal(Calculator).
The 11 types of calculations includes calculations like Data, BMI, GST, Discount, Date, Age, Time, Decimal, Temperature, Speed, Pressure:
1. from magiccal import Data
- Digital Data Converter (K, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB) :
Syntax : Data.GB('existing value', 'existing data')
Example : Data.GB(3000,MB)
The following example shall converte the 3000 Mb into GB.
2. from magiccal import BMI
- Body Mass Index Calculation along with the status (Underweight, Normal, Overweight) :
Syntax : BMI('height in cms', 'weight in kgs')
Example : BMI(178, 60)
The following example shall return the BMI for 178 cms height and 60 kgs weight.
3. from magiccal import Discount
- simply input details and get the Discount amount return without any extra calculations.:
Syntax : Discount('total amount', 'discount percent')
Example : Discount(2000, 60)
The following example shall return the Discount on 2000 with 60% of discount on it.
4. from magiccal import Date
- Date helps us to identify the number of days difference between 2 different dates :
Syntax : Date('start_date', 'end_date', 'date_format='%d/%m/%Y'')
Example : Date(25/08/2021, 16/08/2021)
The following example shall return the days difference between the start and the end date.
5. from magiccal import Age
- Age Calculator helps us to identify the age of a person by inserting the Birth Date value :
Syntax : Age('dob', 'date_format='%d/%m/%Y'')
Example : Age('25/08/1990')
The following example shall return the Age of the given date of birth.
6. from magiccal import Time
- Time Converter includes conversion between (Day - D ,Week - W , Month - M , Year - Y) :
Syntax : Time.Day('existing value','existing unit')
Example : Time.Day(8, 'M')
The following example shall return the number of days from the existing 8 Months.
7. from magiccal import Decimal
- Numeric System Calculator helps us calculate and convert from decimal to its Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal values :
Syntax : Decimal('decimal val')
Example : Decimal(54)
The following example shall return the Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal values of the given decimal.
8. from magiccal import Temperature
- Temperature Converter (C, F, K, R, Re) :
Syntax : Temperature.C('existing temperature value', 'existing temperature unit')
Example : Temperature.C(15, 'K')
The following example shall return the converted temperature for C from 15 K.
9. from magiccal import Speed
- Speed Converter (miles per hour - mph , foot per second - fps , meter per second - mps , kilometer per hour - kmh , knot - kn) :
Syntax : Speed.mps('existing Speed value', 'existing Speed unit')
Example : Speed.mps(200, 'kmh')
The following example shall return the converted Speed for mps from 200 kmh.
10. from magiccal import Pressure
- Pressure Converter (Pascal - Pa , Bar , Pound per square inch - Psi , Standard Atmosphere - atm , Torr) :
Syntax : Pressure.Pa('existing Pressure value', 'existing Pressure unit')
Example : Pressure.Pa(28, 'Psi')
The following example shall return the converted Pressure for Pa from 28 Psi.
11. from magiccal import GST
- GST Calculator calculates the GST value of the given price amount :
Syntax : GST('price','gst percent')
Example : GST(12000,18)
The following example shall return the GST value for 12000 price along with 18% of GST on it.
Change Log
- First Release