### LAViewSet
#### A Lyte (light) Asynchronous ViewSet.
A ViewSets package, a-la Django Rest Framework - ViewSets, built on top of
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### Getting Started
#### Quick Start
# laviewset_intro.py
from aiohttp import web
from laviewset import Route, ViewSet, HttpMethods
app = web.Application()
base_route = Route.create_base(app.router) # '/'
class ListingsViewSet(ViewSet):
route = base_route.extend('listings') # '/listings'
@route('/', HttpMethods.GET)
async def list(self, request):
assert isinstance(request, web.Request)
return web.Response(text='GET at '/listings')
For a step-by-step walkthrough, continue reading below.
Or, [skip ahead](#cheatsheet) for a
more thorough look at fully extending `laviewset.ViewSet`.
#### Intro
The first step is to create a **base route** by passing the `aiohttp.web.UrlDispatcher` of your
current application into `Route.create_base`:
# laviewset_intro.py
from aiohttp import web
from laviewset import Route
app = web.Application()
base_route = Route.create_base(app.router) # '/'
`base_route` can then be extended into resources that you want to include in your ViewSets:
listings_route = base_route.extend('listings') # '/listings'
events_route = base_route.extend('/events') # '/events'
# We can further extend a resource
sessions_route = listings.extend('sessions') # '/listings/sessions'
Now that we have the resource we want a ViewSet to manage, we can create our ViewSet. This is done
by subclassing `laviewset.ViewSet`, including your route as the `route` attribute, and overriding
the ViewSet methods and/or including your custom views:
# laviewset_intro.py
from aiohttp import web
from laviewset import Route, ViewSet, HttpMethods
app = web.Application()
base_route = Route.create_base(app.router) # '/'
class ListingsViewSet(ViewSet):
route = base_route.extend('listings') # '/listings'
serializer = 'some_serializer'
@route('/', HttpMethods.GET)
async def list(self, request):
return web.Response(text='GET at /listings with {self.serializer}')
Note, the code above is similar to the following:
from aiohttp import web
serializer = 'some_serializer'
def handler(request):
return web.Response(text='GET at /listings with {self.serializer}')
app = web.Application()
app.add_routes([web.get('/', handler)])
#### ViewSet methods
##### @route decorator
In order to create a view on the ViewSet, the `@route` decorator is required. Since each view
is essentially a wrapper over [`aiohttp.web.route`](https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp/blob/master/aiohttp/web_routedef.py#L105),
the arguments passed into the decorator
correlate with the arguments for `web.route`: the first argument is the `path`,
the second argument is the HTTP method for the view (`method`),
any other keyword argument passed into the decorator will be included as `kwargs` to
the `web.route` method, and finally, the view itself will be the `handler`.
@route('/', HttpMethods.GET, z=20, f='abc') # z=20 and f='abc' will be
async def list(self, request): # passed into web.route
return web.Response(text='GET at '/listings')
Since the idea behind `laviewset` is an asynchronous ViewSet a-la [Django Rest Framework - ViewSets](https://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/viewsets/),
the methods `list`, `create`, `retrieve`, `update`, `partial_update`, and `delete` are included on
the base class `laviewset.ViewSet`. However, unlike Rest Framework, they are not complete: the user still needs
to declare the view using the `@route` decorator. One reason for this design decision is to allow more flexibility to the
user, e.g. to decide on what `kwargs` to pass into `web.route`. Trying to access any of the aforementioned methods
without overriding and completing them will return a `404NotFound`.
##### View method signatures
The signatures of the views are important. Each view signature requires at least the `self` and `request` arguments.
The `request` is in fact a `web.Request` object, and can be accessed as such: `request.query`, `request.rel_url`, etc
are all accessible. If the `path` declared in the `@route` decorator is a
[variable path](https://docs.aiohttp.org/en/stable/web_quickstart.html#variable-resources), then the `{identifier}` should
be included in the view signature as a `KEYWORD_ONLY` argument **and** have the same name as the
identifier included in the path, otherwise an `laviewset.ViewSignatureError` will be raised:
# Correct
@route(r'/{pk:\d+}', HttpMethods.GET) # /listings/123
async def retrieve(self, request, *, pk): # `pk` is KEYWORD_ONLY and
assert pk == 123 # `pk` is same as identifier
return web.Response(text=f'retrieved {pk}')
# Incorrect
@route(r'/{pk:\d+}', HttpMethods.GET)
async def retrieve(self, request, pk): # `pk` is not KEYWORD_ONLY
return web.Response(text=f'retrieved {pk}')
# Incorrect
@route(r'/{fk:\d+}', HttpMethods.GET)
async def retrieve(self, request, *, pk): # `pk` != `fk`
return web.Response(text=f'retrieved {pk}')
##### Custom views
Custom views can also be defined. Simply wrap a method with the `@route` decorator
and follow the rules described above:
# Custom GET view
# '/listings/123/events/Coachella'
@route(r'/{pk:\d+}/events/{name:\w+}', HttpMethods.GET)
async def custom_get(self, request, *, pk, name):
assert pk == 123
assert name == 'Coachella'
return web.Response(text=f'GET at /listings/{pk}/events/{name}')
# Custom DELETE view
# '/listings/custom_delete/123/Coachella'
@route(r'/custom_delete/{pk:\d+}/{name:\w+}', HttpMethods.DELETE)
async def custom_delete(self, request, *, pk, name):
assert pk == 123
assert name == 'Coachella'
return web.Response(text=f'Deleting something to do with {pk} {name}')
> **_A short note on errors:_**
> All `laviewset` errors are raised "statically", i.e. before your server is up and running.
#### Project structure
Since ViewSets do not need to be initialized, it is important to let the module your app is
running in know about each `ViewSet`. Therefore, for more complex project structures, the following
structure is recommended:
├── package/
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── __main__.py
│ ├── server.py
│ ├── app1/
│ │ └── views.py
│ └── app2/
│ └── views.py
├── conf.py
└── README.md
# package/server.py
from aiohttp import web
from laviewset import Route
app = web.Application()
base_route = Route.create_base(app.router)
def run_server(app: web.Application) -> None:
web.run_app(app, host='localhost', port=8000)
# package/app1/views.py
from laviewset import ViewSet
from ..server import base_route
# package/app2/views.py
from laviewset import ViewSet
from ..server import base_route
# package/__init__.py
# Now `server.app` knows about `ViewSet`s.
from .app1 import views
from .app2 import views
# package/__main__.py
from .server import app, run_server
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### [Cheatsheet](#cheatsheet)
# quicksetup.py
from aiohttp import web
from laviewset import Route, ViewSet, HttpMethods
app = web.Application()
base_route = Route.create_base(app.router)
class ListingsViewSet(ViewSet):
route = base_route.extend('listings') # '/listings'
@route('/', HttpMethods.GET)
async def list(self, request):
# GET at '/listings'
return web.Response(...)
@route(r'/{pk:\d+}', HttpMethods.GET)
async def retrieve(self, request, *, pk):
# GET at '/listings/{pk}'
# where the dynamic value {pk} can be accessed
# through `pk`.
return web.Response(...)
@route('/', HttpMethods.POST)
async def create(self, request):
# POST at '/listings'
data = await request.json()
return web.Response(text=f'Metrics Created data: {data}')
@route(r'/{pk:\d+}', HttpMethods.DELETE)
async def delete(self, request, *, pk):
# DELETE at '/listings/{pk}'
return web.Response(...)
@route(r'/{pk:\d+}', HttpMethods.PUT)
async def update(self, request, *, pk):
# PUT at '/listings/{pk}'
return web.Response(...)
@route(r'/{pk:\d+}', HttpMethods.PATCH)
async def partial_update(self, request, *, pk):
# PATCH at '/listings/{pk}'
return web.Response(...)
@route(r'/{pk:\d+}/do_thing/{name:\w+}', HttpMethods.GET)
async def custom_view(self, request, *, pk, name):
# GET at '/listings/{pk}/do_thing/{name}'
return web.Response(...)
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### Requirements
* Python >= 3.8
* aiohttp==3.6.2
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### Installation
This package does not exist on PyPI yet, so the only way to
install it is through `LAViewSet/setup.py`.
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### License
`laviewset` is offered under the MIT license.
This package uses the [`aiohttp`](https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp) package, which is distributed under the Apache 2 license.