This is an universal l-graph system.
It shall be my pleasure if you use it in your projects.
# Contents
This project includes 3 main modules, each containing it's named class.
The main module is, which provides us with an access
to LGraph class and save and load operations.
## LGraph
The main class. To make a proper L-graph, you should make an object of it.
### Properties
___vertexes:{vertex_name:String :: vertex:Vertex}___
___arcs:{arc_key:String :: arc:Arc}___
___brackets:((open:String,close:String),(open2:String, close2:String))___
### Methods
___add_arc(start_vertex:String, finish_vertex:String, label:String, bracket_label:String, key='':String)___
This method allows us to add a new arc to the graph with corresponding values. If one of the vertexes does not exist in the graph,
it will create a new one.
This method creates a new vertex in the graph
This method removes selected arc from the graph and it's components
This method removes selected vertex __and__ all arcs it was bind to
Adds the selected vertex to the starting vertexes
Adds the selected vertex to the finish vertexes
Removes the selected vertex from starting vertexes
Removes the selected vertex from finish vertexes
Allows to use another set of brackets. Must be special type.
Returns True or False whether string belongs to the language of the L-graph, or not.
If vertex_vath is set to True, returns correct label path as list or empty list if string does not belog to the language.
Arc_path does the same thing with path of arcs instead of vertexes.
Searches for cylces in the graph. Returns a list of lists, each containing vertexes from the corresponding cycle.
Does the same thing as ___cycles()___, but returns arcs.
Must be used with empty L-graph. Builds L-graph which represents language, equivalent to the language of the grammar.
Returns 'regular', 'context-free' or 'recursively_enumerable' depending on L-graph class.
True if L-graph is regular
True if L-graph is context-free
___core(paired_number, neutral_number):list(list(vertex_name:String))___
Returns list of successful paths with restricted number of cycles.
Restructurises the graph to represent 2 L-graphs in 1.
Returns a set of vertexes, from which no finish vertexes can be reached.
Returns a set of vertexes, which can not be reached from start vertexes.
Removes all vertexes present in dead ends and unattainable sets.
Restructurises L-graph to be more compact.
## Vertex
class of graph vertexes
### Properties
### Methods:
## Arc
class of graph arcs
### Properties
### Methods: