# **FuncNotify ⏰**
> **Get notified when your code finishes/crashes with one line of code**

**[Documentation](https://kevinfjiang.github.io/FuncNotify/#header-submodules) | [GitHub](https://github.com/kevinfjiang/FuncNotify) | [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/FuncNotify/)**
### **Installation:**
```$ pip install FuncNotify```
### **Quick Guide:**
# Add more as projects grow!
from FuncNotify import time_func, time_text, time_slack
@time_func(NotifyMethod="Text", use_env=True, env_path".env", update_env=True, phone="8001234567")
def wait_func():
"""This function will use the text method and pull env variables from
`.env`, it will update the already determined env variables too!"""
def wait_func2():
"""All parameters are optional and each method has a personal decorator,
even the function call is optional see below"""
def wait_func3():
"""Auto pull from `.env` is enabled by default with Method specific
time decorators"""
@time_func(multi_target=[{...}, {...}], multi_env=["1.env", "2.env"])
def wait_func4():
"""Send to multiple sources either through specifiying multiple
dictionaries of kwargs or multiple .env paths, or both in pairs!"""
custom_message("HELLO WORLD", NotifyMethod="Text", multi_target=[{...}, {...}], multi_env=["1.env", "2.env"])
"""Custom messaging is here, pass the same arguments in as time_func and you
can mass send messages in many methods"""
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""You don't even need to use the timer as a decorator,
use it as a normal function This is how we do testing 😊 """
time_func(function=wait_func5)(*func5_args, **func5_kwargs)
All accomplish the same objective of notifying the user after `wait_func()` completes, one does so with the phone number saved as an env variable in `.env` so it never accidentally gets exposed.
#### **CLI arguments:**
```$ FuncNotify [command here] --kwargs NotifyMethod=Text phone=8001234567 ```
```$ FuncNotify go run main.go --kwargs NotifyMethod=Email multi_env=1.env multi_env=2.env ```
```$ FuncNotify sleep 5 --kwargs NotifyMethod=Text multi_target="[{'NotifyMethod': 'Print', 'verbose': True}, {'phone': '8001234567'}]"```
Anything after `--kwargs` with an equal sign will automatically be parsed as a key-word argument for FuncNotify. The remainder without `=` will be executed. Wrap lists, dicts, and tuples in `"` so they get read properly. This allows you to time any script.
### **Demo:**
```$ pip install FuncNotify```
```$ FuncNotify sleep 5 --kwargs NotifyMethod=Print```
To expand, create a `.env` file and a twilio account according to these [instructions](https://www.twilio.com/docs/sms/quickstart/python) (it's free!). Instead of hard coding variables or exporting them to your env, just put them in the twilio alerts section of your `.env`, skip installing twilio as it's already installed. Then try:
```$ FuncNotify sleep 5 --kwargs NotifyMethod=Text```
### **Supported Notify Methods:**
| Platform |
| :-----------------------------------: |
| Console Print |
| [Email Twilio](https://docs.sendgrid.com/for-developers/sending-email/v3-python-code-example) |
| [Email Yagmail](https://github.com/kootenpv/yagmail) |
| [Text](https://www.twilio.com/docs/sms/send-messages) |
| [Slack](https://api.slack.com/messaging/sending) |
| [Microsoft Teams](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/webhooks-and-connectors/how-to/add-incoming-webhook) |
### Create following .env in CWD