Flask Slack Events
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`Slack event subscriptions <https://api.slack.com/events-api#subscriptions>`_ for `Flask <http://flask.pocoo.org>`_
Install last stable version from Pypi::
pip install flask-slack-events
Create a Slack bot user
See the `Slack's documentation <https://api.slack.com/bot-users#getting-started>`_ for further guidance on creating your bot (**step 1**).
Within the *Basic Information* about your application, copy the **Signing Secret** necessary to `verify requests from Slack <https://api.slack.com/docs/verifying-requests-from-slack>`_.
.. image:: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5514990/53696736-cfde0e00-3dfc-11e9-9aeb-23d184f8c600.png
:alt: Signing Secret
Configure your Application
You should create a ``SlackManager`` object within your application:
.. code-block:: python
slack_manager = SlackManager()
`Configure your application object <http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/1.0/config/#configuration-basics>`_ updating the ``SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET`` key with the value obtained in the previous **step 1**:
.. code-block:: python
app.config['SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET'] = '<your Signing Secret>'
Once the actual application object has been created, you can configure it for *SlackManager* object with::
Configure your Slack Bot
Continue with the `Slacks's documentation <https://api.slack.com/bot-users#setup-events-api>`_ to setting up the Events API (**step 2**) and enter the URL to receive the subscriptions joining your host and the relative path ``/slack/events``:
.. image:: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5514990/53696747-e5533800-3dfc-11e9-8cef-4fd13d06e6ef.png
:alt: Enable Event
Finally, install your bot to a workspace (**step 3**).
How it Works
Now in order to subscribe to `Slack Events <https://api.slack.com/events>`_, use the ``SlackManager.on`` decorator:
.. code-block:: python
# Reply to only the message events that mention your bot
def reply_to_app_mention(sender, data, **extra):
event = data['event']
text=f":robot_face: Hello <@{event['user']}>!")
Context Processors
To inject new variables automatically into the context of a handler, context processors exist in *Flask-Slack-Events*.
A context processor is a function that returns a dictionary:
.. code-block:: python
def context_processor(data):
return dict(my_bot_id='UAZ02BCBH')
The injected variables will be sent as an ``extra`` argument for each event handler ``f(sender, data, **extra)``.
Dispatch Events Asynchronously
Some event handlers can delay the execution of another, to avoid this you can configure the event dispatcher and call handlers asynchronously:
.. code-block:: python
def async_event_dispatcher(sender, data, handlers, **extra):
for handler in handlers:
task(handler)(data, **extra)
Subscribe to Signals
The following signals are sended internally by *Flask-Slack-Events*:
Sent when the request received is unauthorized
Receiver: ``f(sender, **extra)``
Sent when the event has expired according to the value of ``SLACK_EVENT_EXPIRATION_DELTA`` and the HTTP header ``X-Slack-Request-Timestamp`` received
Receiver: ``f(sender, **extra)``
Sent when the signature included within the HTTP header ``X-Slack-Signature`` is invalid
Receiver: ``f(sender, **extra)``
Sent when an event has been received
Receiver: ``f(sender, data, **extra)``
SlackManager Handlers
The following handlers are used internally by *Flask-Slack-Events*:
Called to handle an unauthorized request
Handler: ``f()``
Default: ``SlackManager.unauthorized()``
Called to handle an expired event
Handler: ``f()``
Default: ``SlackManager.expired_event()``
Called to handle a request with an invalid signature
Handler: ``f()``
Default: ``SlackManager.invalid_signature()``
Called to dispatch the event to all handlers connected with ``SlackManager.on(event_type)`` decorator
Handler: ``f(sender, data, handlers, **extra)``
Default: ``SlackManager.dispatch_event(data)``
The following configuration values are used internally by *Flask-Slack-Events*:
Signing Secret to verify whether requests from *Slack* are authentic
Default: ``''``
URL rule that is used to register the *Subscription View*
Default: ``/slack/events``
Timedelta added to ``time.time()`` to set the expiration time of each event
If the value is ``None`` then the event never expires
Default: ``timedelta(seconds=60 * 5)`` (5 minutes)
Marvin the Paranoid Android
`Marvin <https://github.com/longstem/marvin>`_ is a **Slack Bot layout** for *Flask* to develop `Slack Event <https://api.slack.com/events>`_ handlers and deploy on *AWS Lambda* + *API Gateway*
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.. |Build Status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/longstem/flask-slack-events.svg?branch=master
:target: https://travis-ci.org/longstem/flask-slack-events
:alt: Build Status
.. |Codecov| image:: https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/longstem/flask-slack-events.svg
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.. |Code Climate| image:: https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/c79a185d546f7e34fdd6/maintainability
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