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Sometimes you need a simple task queue without the overhead of separate worker processes or powerful-but-complex libraries beyond your requirements. Flask-Executor is an easy to use wrapper for the `concurrent.futures` module that lets you initialise and configure executors via common Flask application patterns. It's a great way to get up and running fast with a lightweight in-process task queue.
Flask-Executor is available on PyPI and can be installed with:
pip install flask-executor
Quick start
Here's a quick example of using Flask-Executor inside your Flask application:
from flask import Flask
from flask_executor import Executor
app = Flask(__name__)
executor = Executor(app)
def send_email(recipient, subject, body):
# Magic to send an email
return True
def signup():
# Do signup form
executor.submit(send_email, recipient, subject, body)
When calling `submit()` or `map()` Flask-Executor will wrap `ThreadPoolExecutor` callables with a
copy of both the current application context and current request context. Code that must be run in
these contexts or that depends on information or configuration stored in `flask.current_app`,
`flask.request` or `flask.g` can be submitted to the executor without modification.
Note: due to limitations in Python's default object serialisation and a lack of shared memory space between subprocesses, contexts cannot be pushed to `ProcessPoolExecutor()` workers.
You may want to preserve access to Futures returned from the executor, so that you can retrieve the
results in a different part of your application. Flask-Executor allows Futures to be stored within
the executor itself and provides methods for querying and returning them in different parts of your
def start_task():
executor.submit_stored('calc_power', pow, 323, 1235)
return jsonify({'result':'success'})
def get_result():
if not executor.futures.done('calc_power'):
return jsonify({'status': executor.futures._state('calc_power')})
future = executor.futures.pop('calc_power')
return jsonify({'status': done, 'result': future.result()})
Flask-Executor lets you decorate methods in the same style as distributed task queues like
def fib(n):
if n <= 2:
return 1
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
def decorate_fib():
fib.submit_stored('fibonacci', 5)
fib.map(range(1, 6))
return 'OK'
Default Callbacks
Future objects can have callbacks attached by using `Future.add_done_callback`. Flask-Executor
lets you specify default callbacks that will be applied to all new futures created by the executor:
def some_callback(future):
# do something with future
# Callback will be added to the below task automatically
executor.submit(pow, 323, 1235)
Propagate Exceptions
Normally any exceptions thrown by background threads or processes will be swallowed unless explicitly
checked for. To instead surface all exceptions thrown by background tasks, Flask-Executor can add
a special default callback that raises any exceptions thrown by tasks submitted to the executor::
Check out the full documentation at [flask-executor.readthedocs.io](https://flask-executor.readthedocs.io)!