Flask App Builder
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Simple and rapid application development framework, built on top of `Flask <http://flask.pocoo.org/>`_.
includes detailed security, auto CRUD generation for your models, google charts and much more.
Extensive configuration of all functionality, easily integrate with normal Flask/Jinja2 development.
- Documentation: `Documentation <http://flask-appbuilder.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>`_
- Mailing list: `Google group <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/flask-appbuilder>`_
- Chat: `Gitter <https://gitter.im/dpgaspar/Flask-AppBuilder>`_
- Examples: `examples <https://github.com/dpgaspar/Flask-AppBuilder/tree/master/examples>`_
Checkout installation video on `YouTube <http://youtu.be/xvum4vfwldg>`_
Quick how to `Demo from the docs <http://flaskappbuilder.pythonanywhere.com/>`_ (login has guest/welcome).
Change Log
`Versions <https://github.com/dpgaspar/Flask-AppBuilder/tree/master/CHANGELOG.rst>`_ for further detail on what changed.
BREAKING CHANGE on 3.0.0 (OAuth)
Major version 3, changed it's **OAuth** dependency from flask-oauth to authlib, due to this OAuth configuration
.. code-block::
{'name':'google', 'icon':'fa-google', 'token_key':'access_token',
'remote_app': {
'consumer_key':'GOOGLE KEY',
'consumer_secret':'GOOGLE SECRET',
'scope': 'email profile'
.. code-block::
{'name':'google', 'icon':'fa-google', 'token_key':'access_token',
'remote_app': {
'client_id':'GOOGLE KEY',
'client_secret':'GOOGLE SECRET',
'scope': 'email profile'
Also make sure you change your dependency for flask-oauth to `authlib <https://github.com/lepture/authlib>`_
Fixes, Bugs and contributions
You're welcome to report bugs, propose new features, or even better contribute to this project.
`Issues, bugs and new features <https://github.com/dpgaspar/Flask-AppBuilder/issues/new>`_
`Contribute <https://github.com/dpgaspar/Flask-AppBuilder/fork>`_
- Database
- SQLAlchemy, multiple database support: sqlite, MySQL, ORACLE, MSSQL, DB2 etc.
- Partial support for MongoDB using MongoEngine.
- Multiple database connections support (Vertical partitioning).
- Easy mixin audit to models (created/changed by user, and timestamps).
- Security
- Automatic permissions lookup, based on exposed methods. It will grant all permissions to the Admin Role.
- Inserts on the Database all the detailed permissions possible on your application.
- Public (no authentication needed) and Private permissions.
- Role based permissions.
- Authentication support for OAuth, OpenID, Database, LDAP and REMOTE_USER environ var.
- Support for self user registration.
- Views and Widgets
- Automatic menu generation.
- Automatic CRUD generation.
- Multiple actions on db records.
- Big variety of filters for your lists.
- Various view widgets: lists, master-detail, list of thumbnails etc
- Select2, Datepicker, DateTimePicker
- Related Select2 fields.
- Google charts with automatic group by or direct values and filters.
- AddOn system, write your own and contribute.
- Automatic CRUD RESTful APIs.
- Internationalization
- Integration with flask-jwt-extended extension to protect your endpoints.
- Metadata for dynamic rendering.
- Selectable columns and metadata keys.
- Automatic and configurable data validation.
- Forms
- Automatic, Add, Edit and Show from Database Models
- Labels and descriptions for each field.
- Automatic base validators from model's definition.
- Custom validators, extra fields, custom filters for related dropdown lists.
- Image and File support for upload and database field association. It will handle everything for you.
- Field sets for Form's (Django style).
- i18n
- Support for multi-language via Babel
- Bootstrap 3.1.1 CSS and js, with Select2 and DatePicker
- Font-Awesome icons, for menu icons and actions.
Some pictures
Login page (with AUTH_DB)
.. image:: https://raw.github.com/dpgaspar/flask-AppBuilder/master/images/login_db.png
:width: 480px
:target: https://raw.github.com/dpgaspar/flask-AppBuilder/master/images/login_db.png
Login page (with AUTH_OAUTH)
.. image:: https://raw.github.com/dpgaspar/flask-AppBuilder/master/images/login_oauth.png
:width: 480px
:target: https://raw.github.com/dpgaspar/flask-AppBuilder/master/images/login_oauth.png
.. image:: https://raw.github.com/dpgaspar/flask-AppBuilder/master/images/security.png
:width: 480px
:target: https://raw.github.com/dpgaspar/flask-AppBuilder/master/images/security.png
List contacts example
.. image:: https://raw.github.com/dpgaspar/flask-AppBuilder/master/images/contact_list.png
:width: 480px
:target: https://raw.github.com/dpgaspar/flask-AppBuilder/master/images/contact_list.png
List Group example with search
.. image:: https://raw.github.com/dpgaspar/flask-AppBuilder/master/images/group_list.png
:width: 480px
:target: https://raw.github.com/dpgaspar/flask-AppBuilder/master/images/group_list.png
Group by pie chart
.. image:: https://raw.github.com/dpgaspar/flask-AppBuilder/master/images/grouped_chart.png
:width: 480px
:target: https://raw.github.com/dpgaspar/flask-AppBuilder/master/images/grouped_chart.png
Direct time chart
.. image:: https://raw.github.com/dpgaspar/flask-AppBuilder/master/images/direct_chart.png
:width: 480px
:target: https://raw.github.com/dpgaspar/flask-AppBuilder/master/images/chart_time1.png
Group by time chart
.. image:: https://raw.github.com/dpgaspar/flask-AppBuilder/master/images/chart_time2.png
:width: 480px
:target: https://raw.github.com/dpgaspar/flask-AppBuilder/master/images/chart_time2.png
Projects/Organizations using FAB
If you would like to share your project, or let everyone know that you're using FAB
on your organization please submit a PR or send me an email with the details.
- `Superset <https://github.com/apache/incubator-superset>`_ - a data exploration platform designed to be visual, intuitive, and interactive
- `Airflow <https://github.com/apache/airflow>`_ - a platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows.
- Miniclip
- EuroBIC
- `On Beat Digital <https://onbeat.digital/>`_
Depends on:
- flask
- click
- colorama
- flask-sqlalchemy
- flask-login
- flask-openid
- flask-wtform
- flask-Babel