The project was recently moved into its own organization. Please update your
references to *git@github.com:flask-admin/flask-admin.git*.
.. image:: https://d322cqt584bo4o.cloudfront.net/flask-admin/localized.svg
:target: https://crowdin.com/project/flask-admin
.. image:: https://github.com/flask-admin/flask-admin/actions/workflows/test.yaml/badge.svg
:target: https://github.com/flask-admin/flask-admin/actions/workflows/test.yaml
Flask-Admin is a batteries-included, simple-to-use `Flask <http://flask.pocoo.org/>`_ extension that lets you
add admin interfaces to Flask applications. It is inspired by the *django-admin* package, but implemented in such
a way that the developer has total control of the look, feel and functionality of the resulting application.
Out-of-the-box, Flask-Admin plays nicely with various ORM's, including
- `SQLAlchemy <http://www.sqlalchemy.org/>`_,
- `MongoEngine <http://mongoengine.org/>`_,
- `pymongo <http://api.mongodb.org/python/current/>`_ and
- `Peewee <https://github.com/coleifer/peewee>`_.
It also boasts a simple file management interface and a `redis client <http://redis.io/>`_ console.
The biggest feature of Flask-Admin is flexibility. It aims to provide a set of simple tools that can be used for
building admin interfaces of any complexity. So, to start off with you can create a very simple application in no time,
with auto-generated CRUD-views for each of your models. But then you can go further and customize those views & forms
as the need arises.
Flask-Admin is an active project, well-tested and production ready.
Several usage examples are included in the */examples* folder. Please add your own, or improve
on the existing examples, and submit a *pull-request*.
To run the examples in your local environment::
1. Clone the repository::
git clone https://github.com/flask-admin/flask-admin.git
cd flask-admin
2. Create and activate a virtual environment::
virtualenv env -p python3
source env/bin/activate
3. Install requirements::
pip install -r examples/sqla/requirements.txt
4. Run the application::
python examples/sqla/run_server.py
Flask-Admin is extensively documented, you can find all of the documentation at `https://flask-admin.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ <https://flask-admin.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_.
The docs are auto-generated from the *.rst* files in the */doc* folder. So if you come across any errors, or
if you think of anything else that should be included, then please make the changes and submit them as a *pull-request*.
To build the docs in your local environment, from the project directory::
tox -e docs-html
And if you want to preview any *.rst* snippets that you may want to contribute, go to `http://rst.ninjs.org/ <http://rst.ninjs.org/>`_.
To install Flask-Admin, simply::
pip install flask-admin
Or alternatively, you can download the repository and install manually by doing::
git clone git@github.com:flask-admin/flask-admin.git
cd flask-admin
python setup.py install
Test are run with *pytest*. If you are not familiar with this package you can get some more info from `their website <https://pytest.org/>`_.
To run the tests, from the project directory, simply::
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
You should see output similar to::
Ran 102 tests in 13.132s
For all the tests to pass successfully, you'll need Postgres & MongoDB to be running locally. For Postgres::
> psql postgres
CREATE DATABASE flask_admin_test;
> psql flask_admin_test
You can also run the tests on multiple environments using *tox*.
3rd Party Stuff
Flask-Admin is built with the help of `Bootstrap <http://getbootstrap.com/>`_, `Select2 <https://github.com/ivaynberg/select2>`_
and `Bootswatch <http://bootswatch.com/>`_.
If you want to localize your application, install the `Flask-BabelEx <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Flask-BabelEx>`_ package.
You can help improve Flask-Admin's translations through Crowdin: https://crowdin.com/project/flask-admin
* Dropped Python 2 support
* WTForms 3.0 support
* Various fixes
* SQLAlchemy 1.4.5+ compatibility fixes
* Redis CLI fixes
* Bootstrap 4 support!
* Added hook for custom SQLAlchemy models initializers
* SQLAlchemy 1.4/2.0 compatibility fix
* SQLAlchemy 1.3.6 compatibility fix
* Python 3.8 support
* Werkzeug 1.0 compatibility fix
* Use fa-circle-o icon for unchecked booleans
* A few SQLAlchemy-related bug fixes
* Fix display of inline x-editable boolean fields on list view
* Add support for several SQLAlchemy-Utils data types
* Support searching on SQLAlchemy hybrid properties
* Extra URL paramaters are now propagated to the next page when searching / filtering
* Add enum34 dependency when running on legacy Python version
* Update Mapbox API v1 URL format
* Update jQuery and moment dependencies in templates
* Fixed a datepicker issue, where only dates up to 2015 were showing up
* Updated Pillow dependency version
* Fixed XSS vulnerability
* Support nested categories in the navbar menu
* SQLAlchemy
* sort on multiple columns with `column_default_sort`
* sort on related models in `column_sortable_list`
* show searchable fields in search input's placeholder text
* fix: inline model forms can now also be used for models with multiple primary keys
* support for using mapped `column_property`
* Upgrade Leaflet and Leaflet.draw plugins, used for geoalchemy integration
* Specify `minimum_input_length` for ajax widget
* Peewee: support composite keys
* MongoEngine: when searching/filtering the input is now regarded as case-insensitive by default
* FileAdmin
* handle special characters in filename
* fix a bug with listing directories on Windows
* avoid raising an exception when unknown sort parameter is encountered
* WTForms 3 support
* Fixed XSS vulnerability
* Fixed Peewee support
* Added detail view column formatters
* Updated Flask-Login example to work with the newer version of the library
* Various SQLAlchemy-related fixes
* Various Windows related fixes for the file admin
* Dropped Python 2.6 support
* Fixed SQLAlchemy >= 1.2 compatibility
* Fixed Pewee 3.0 compatibility
* Fixed max year for a combo date inline editor
* Lots of small bug fixes
* Fixed CSRF generation logic for multi-process deployments
* Added WTForms >= 3.0 support
* Flask-Admin would not recursively save inline models, allowing arbitrary nesting
* Added configuration properties that allow injection of additional CSS and JS dependencies into templates without overriding them
* SQLAlchemy backend
- Updated hybrid property detection using new SQLAlchemy APIs
- Added support for association proxies
- Added support for remote hybrid properties filters
- Added support for ARRAY column type
* Localization-related fixes
* MongoEngine backend is now properly formats model labels
* Improved Google App Engine support:
- Added TextProperty, KeyProperty and SelectField support
- Added support for form_args, excluded_columns, page_size and after_model_update
* Fixed URL generation with localized named filters
* FileAdmin has Bootstrap 2 support now
* Geoalchemy fixes
- Use Google Places (by default) for place search
* Updated translations
* Bug fixes
* Small bug fix release. Fixes regression that prevented usage of "virtual" columns with a custom formatter.
* Official Python 3.5 support
* Customizable row actions
* Tablib support (exporting to XLS, XLSX, CSV, etc)
* Updated external dependencies (jQuery, x-editable, etc)
* Added settings that allows exceptions to be raised on view errors
* Bug fixes
* Updated and reworked documentation
* FileAdmin went through minor refactoring and now supports remote file systems. Comes with the new, optional, AWS S3 file management interface
* Configurable CSV export for model views
* Added overridable URL generation logic. Allows using custom URLs with parameters for administrative views
* Added column_display_actions to ModelView control visibility of the action column without overriding the template
* Added support for the latest MongoEngine
* New SecureForm base class for easier CSRF validation
* Lots of translation-related fixes and updated translations
* Bug fixes
* New feature: Edit models in the list view in a popup
* New feature: Read-only model details view
* Fixed XSS in column_editable_list values
* Improved navigation consistency in model create and edit views
* Ability to choose page size in model list view
* Updated client-side dependencies (jQuery, Select2, etc)
* Updated documentation and examples
* Updated translations
* Bug fixes