.. figure:: https://i.imgur.com/opeYy4q.jpg
:figclass: align-center
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*An Intelligent file organizer module which reads your file storing pattern & move
the cluttered files accordingly!*
:Author: Abhinav Anand
.. contents::
:backlinks: none
.. sectnum::
What is it
`[back to top] <https://github.com/ab-anand/Filezen#filezen>`__
*Let's accept, no one likes to organize files on a regular basis. Even if you do, you
wouldn't want to do it everytime you download a new file.*
Guess what! Filezen got you covered.
Given a folder of your cluttered/unorganized files, using ``Filezen``, you can achieve
the following
- If you've never maintained specific directories for your files. Then ``Filezen's Basic Scanner`` can create suitable folders and organize your file into them.
- If you already have a pattern of directories for storing different files. Then ``Filezen's Advanced Scanner`` can read your file storing pattern and move your files accordingly.
`[back to top] <https://github.com/ab-anand/Filezen#filezen>`__
- **Advanced Scanning**
- **Basic Scanning**
- Minimum dependencies ( just uses ``Pathlib`` if only you're working with Python 2.x )
- Easy to use
- Fast!
- Returns ``JSON`` objects
- Support
- **OS Support**: Linux, Windows, Mac
- **Language Support**: Python 2.x, 3.x
`[back to top] <https://github.com/ab-anand/Filezen#filezen>`__
Option 1: installing through `pip <https://pypi.org/project/Filezen/>`__ (Recommended)
`pypi package link <https://pypi.org/project/Filezen/>`__
``$ pip install Filezen``
If you are behind a proxy
``$ pip --proxy [username:password@]domain_name:port install Filezen``
**Note:** If you get ``command not found`` then
``$ sudo apt-get install python-pip`` should fix that
Option 2: Installing from source (Only if you must)
.. code:: bash
$ git clone https://github.com/ab-anand/Filezen.git
$ cd Filezen/
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python setup.py install
**Note:** If you get ``permission denied`` then
``$ sudo python setup.py install`` should fix that
`[back to top] <https://github.com/ab-anand/Filezen#filezen>`__
Simple Scanner
.. figure:: https://i.imgur.com/KEOFHQn.gif
- ``Simple Scanner`` uses a predefined `mapping <https://github.com/ab-anand/Filezen/blob/master/filezen/simpleScanner/extensionMapper.py/>`__ of filetypes to folder ``e.g. ".csv": "Documents"``.
- Based on this mapping it creates directories(only if they don't exist already) and organizes files into them as shown in the above Fig.
- Using ``Simple Scanner``
.. code:: python
>>> from filezen import SimpleScanner as scanner
>>> input_directory = "/home/abhinav/Downloads"
>>> output_directory = "/home/abhinav/Documents"
>>> result = scanner.cleanDirectory(input_directory, outputPath=output_directory)
>>> print(result)
"Moved": [
"NotMoved": [
- If no **Output Directory** is specified, then ``Simple Scanner`` would treat **Input Directory** as the **Output Directory** thus creating folders in the **Input Directory** itself.
Advanced Scanner
.. figure:: https://i.imgur.com/L2aARhU.gif
- ``Advanced Scanner`` maintains a ``heap`` for each filetype/file-extension it encounters while scanning the **Output Directory**.
- This ``heap`` contains all the directory addresses where a particular filetype(``e.g. "pdf"``) occurs.
- The address having the highest number of occurrence of that filetype is at the **top** of the ``heap``
- With the help of this heap it finally decides the directory where a particular filetype has mostly occurred and thus moving the all such files into that directory.
- As shown in the above image, ``Advanced Scanner`` scans the ``child`` as well as ``sibling directories`` (at the same level).
- The level of child directories to scan is decided by ``depth`` parameter as shown in the example below.
- By default, ``depth = 5``
- Using ``Advanced Scanner``
.. code:: python
>>> from filezen import AdvancedScanner as scanner
>>> input_directory = "/home/abhinav/Downloads"
>>> output_directory = "/home/abhinav/Documents"
>>> depth = 3
>>> result = scanner.cleanDirectory(input_directory, outputPath=output_directory, depth=depth)
>>> print(result)
"Moved": [
"NotMoved": [
- If no **Output Directory** is specified, then ``Advanced Scanner`` would read the folders in the **Input Directory** itself and move accordingly.
**Note:** If a file with the same name is already present in the **Output Directory** then ``Filezen`` would
ignore the file and leave it to the user. In the resulting JSON, you'll get the all such filenames which
were not moved in the ``NotMoved`` list.
- `KRETA <https://github.com/ab-anand/Filezen/>`__ - It is a command line application which uses ``Filezen`` to organize file.
.. figure:: https://i.imgur.com/PPiTMY6.gif
- `Watch Simple Scanner in action with Kreta <https://github.com/ab-anand/Filezen/blob/master/SIMPLESCANNER.rst>`__.
- `Watch Advanced Scanner in action with Kreta <https://github.com/ab-anand/Filezen/blob/master/ADVANCEDSCANNER.rst>`__.
`[back to top] <https://github.com/ab-anand/Filezen#filezen>`__
For a detailed usage example, refer the `documentation at Read the Docs <https://filezen.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`__
`[back to top] <https://github.com/ab-anand/Filezen#filezen>`__
Please refer `Contributing page for details <https://github.com/ab-anand/Filezen/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.rst>`__
`[back to top] <https://github.com/ab-anand/Filezen#filezen>`__
Please report the bugs at the `issue
tracker <https://github.com/ab-anand/Filezen/issues>`__
`[back to top] <https://github.com/ab-anand/Filezen#filezen>`__
Built with ♥ by `Abhinav Anand <https://github.com/ab-anand/>`__ under the `MIT License <https://github.com/ab-anand/Filezen/blob/master/LICENSE/>`__ ©
You can find a copy of the License at `http://abhinav.mit-license.org/ <http://abhinav.mit-license.org/>`__
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:target: https://filezen.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
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