## Welcome To Faspay SendMe
This package provides Faspay SendMe 1.5 support for the Python Language.
## Requirements
The following versions of Python are supported.
* Python 3 or latest
To use this package, it will be necessary to have a credential. These are referred to as
* virtual_account
* faspay_key
* faspay_secret
* app_key
* app_secret
* client_key
* client_secret
* iv
in your root project, include config file "SendMeConfig.ini".
You can download file inside "tests" directory.
Please contact Administrator Faspay to create the required credentials.
## Installation
To install in your project use this command:
pip install FaspaySendme
Install Dependencies package
pip install requests
pip install pycryptodome
## Upgrade Latest Version
To upgrade use this command:
pip install --upgrade FaspaySendme
## Usage
### Register Flow
from FaspaySendme import Api
response = Api.Services.register(Api.Services, {
"virtual_account" : "9920015307",
"beneficiary_account" : "10000005",
"beneficiary_account_name" : "Faspay Dev 5",
"beneficiary_va_name" : "Faspay Lib Tst",
"beneficiary_bank_code" : "008",
"beneficiary_bank_branch" : "KCP Pasar Baru",
"beneficiary_region_code" : "0102",
"beneficiary_country_code" : "ID",
"beneficiary_purpose_code" : "1"
### Mutasi Flow
from FaspaySendme import Api
response = Api.Services.mutasi(Api.Services, {
"virtual_account" : "9920015307",
"start_date" : "2019-02-01",
"end_date" : "2019-02-18"
the parameter refer to Faspay SendMe [Documentation](https://faspay.co.id/docs/index-en-sendme.html#faspay-sendme).
### Environment Production
To use environment production must be call this method like as :
from FaspaySendme import Api
#### Available Methods
The `Faspay SendMe` provide has the following [method]:
- 'register()' to use register your customer bank account
- 'confirm()' to use confirm your customer bank account after register method
- 'transfer()' to use transfer balance to customer bank account registered
- 'balance_inquiry()' to use check your balance
- 'inquiry_name()' to use check your customer bank account detail
- 'mutasi()' to use get your transaction history
- 'inquiry_status()' to use check the latest status transfer.