Install from PyPI using `pip install FATtools` (easier) or downloading the source code (or the released packages) from here.
Born to re-sort directory entries in a FAT32 root table to cope with some hardware MP3 players' limits, it now provides full read/write support in Python 3 (both 32- and 64-bit) for FAT12/16/32 and exFAT filesystems, for hacking and recovering purposes.
- it is able to open disk partitioned with both MBR or GPT and to help in partitioning
- it can transparently create, read and write Dynamic and Differencing VHD, VHDX[1], VDI and VMDK disk images
- it can handle RAW disk images and BytesIO "RamDisk" images, also.
Following features are implemented (mostly in Python, with a few ctypes calls to handle Win32 disks natively; compatibility with Linux is not regularly tested):
- sector aligned read/writes with both file images and real disks
- sector based caching mechanism (for both reading and writing) to speed-up FAT and directory table operations
- run length encoded map (with tuples and dictionaries) of free clusters, free directory slots, allocated cluster chains
- transparent reading and writing of FAT12/16/32 and exFAT filesystems with FS boot-sector auto recognizer
- MBR and GPT partitions handling
- Long File Name and Unicode support
- tools to open, create, rename, list and delete files and directories, and to partition disks
- facilities to sort, clean and shrink directory tables
- file fragmentation calculator
- mkfat tool to properly (partition and) apply a FAT12/16/32 or exFAT filesystem to a block device (file or disk) and let CHKDSK be happy with it (included exFAT compressed Up-Case table generator)
*Obviously, since a filesystem is an extremely complex and delicate matter, and big bugs may lay around, you'll USE IT TOTALLY AT YOUR OWN RISK!* But it seems quite stable and useable, now.
The most fragile area (and, thus, subject to bugs) was the caching mechanism, that operates in different ways:
- intercepting small I/O (<= 512 bytes), which is cached in a small circular buffer. Bigger I/O bypasses the cache; when the cache is full, all dirty sectors are committed to disk and the cache buffer is zeroed. Sectors and buffers are paired with Python builtin dictionaries: this permits a good (from a Pythonic perspective) I/O speed during FAT and directory tables access;
- maintaining a dictionary of pre-decoded FAT indexes, to improve the speed of repetitive access to cluster chains;
- maintaining a dictionary of short and long names (paired with their respective directory slots) for each directory table, to speed up searches and updates in directory tables;
- maintaining a RLE map of free clusters, free directory slots and allocated cluster chains, to dramatically improve speed of allocation and file access.
*Actually, the I/O speed is closer to system's one.*
Code is GPLed (look at GPL.TXT).
[1] VHDX Log support is actually limited to replaying capability.
# At a glance
The package installs a `fattools` script, you can use this to perform simple command line operations.
- to create a dynamic 1TB VHD disk image with a single GPT partition and format it with exFAT:
fattools mkvdisk -s 1T image.vhd
fattools mkfat -t exfat -p gpt image.vhd
- to create a differencing VDI disk image:
fattools mkvdisk -b image.vdi delta.vdi
- to list contents in a disk image, copy items to/from it, display and erase them:
fattools ls image1.vhd/py* image2.vdi/py*
fattools cp C:\Python39\Lib\site-packages image.vhd/Python39/Lib
fattools cp image.vhd/Python39 C:\ProgramData
fattools cat image.vhd/readme.txt
fattools rm image.vhd/Python39
- to open an existing plain or VHD disk image, or real disk:
# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
from FATtools.Volume import *
disk = vopen('MyDiskImage.img', 'r+b', 'disk')
- to make a single GPT partition from all disk space:
from FATtools import partutils
gpt = partutils.partition(disk)
- to format such partition with the exFAT file system:
from FATtools import mkfat, Volume
part = Volume.vopen('MyDiskImage.img', 'r+b', 'partition0')
mkfat.exfat_mkfs(part, part.size)
- to order items inside directory tables easily, with GUI and drag support:
fattools reordergui
- to order root directory table in USB drive X (scripting):
# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
from FATtools.Volume import *
# Assuming we have DirA, DirB, DirC in this disk order into X:
root = vopen('X:', 'r+b')
new_order = '''DirB
root._sortby.fix = new_order.split('\n') # uses built-in directory sort algorithm
root.sort(root._sortby) # user-defined order, in _sortby.fix list
root.sort() # default ordering (alphabetical)
- mixed access with Python and FATtools from the same script:
# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
from FATtools.Volume import vopen, vclose
from FATtools.mkfat import exfat_mkfs
from os.path import join
import os
real_fat_fs = 'F:' # replace with mount point of your file system
# Open and format with FATtools
fs = vopen(real_fat_fs, 'r+b',what='disk')
exfat_mkfs(fs, fs.size)
# Write some files with Python and list them
T = ('c','a','b','d')
for t in T:
open(join(real_fat_fs, t+'.txt'), 'w').write('This is a sample "%s.txt" file.'%t)
# Open again, and sort root with FATtools
fs = vopen(real_fat_fs, 'r+b')
# Check new table order with Python
- (almost) same as above:
# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
from FATtools.Volume import vopen, vclose
from FATtools.mkfat import exfat_mkfs
from FATtools.partutils import partition
# Open & create GPT partition
o = vopen('\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive1', 'r+b',what='disk')
partition(o, 'mbr')
# Reopen and format with EXFAT
o = vopen('\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive1', 'r+b',what='partition0')
exfat_mkfs(o, o.size)
vclose(o) # auto-close partition AND disk
# Reopen FS and write
o = vopen('\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive1', 'r+b')
# Write some files with FATtools and sort them
T = ('c','a','b','d')
for t in T:
f = o.create(t+'.txt')
f.write(b'This is a sample "%s.txt" file.'%bytes(t,'ascii'))
Please look inside 'samples' directory for more usage samples.