# EVM lab utilities
This package contains various tools to interact with the Ethereum virtual machine.
## Project Structure
| Folder | Description |
| ------------ | ------------- |
| docs | Project documentation |
| evmlab | The evmlab package |
| utilities | Example utilities and proof-of-concepts |
| files | Sample trace files and trace logs |
| output | output directory for artefacts |
| templates | Web application templates (currently used with reproducer) |
| containers | Docker container files |
## Installation
#### From source:
Consider creating a virtualenv.
#> virtualenv -p python3 .env3
#> . .env3/bin/activate
#> python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
#> python3 setup.py install
#> python3 -m evmlab # verify installation
#### From PIP:
TODO: publish to pip!
#> python3 -m pip install evmlab
#> python3 -m evmlab[consolegui,abidecoder,docker] # verify installation
EVMLab comes with a commandline utility that can be invoked by calling `python3 -m evmlab <subcommand> <args>`
## Compiler
The 'compiler' is a tool to build evm binaries, using a pythonic way to construct the programs using assembly.
Here's an example that tests `ecdsaRecover`:
p = compiler.Program()
p.mstore(0 ,0x38d18acb67d25c8bb9942764b62f18e17054f66a817bd4295423adf9ed98873e)
v = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b
p.mstore(32 , v)
p.mstore(64 ,0x723841761d213b60ac1cbf063207cbeba6c2725bcaf7c189e63f13d93fc1dc07)
p.mstore(96 ,0x789d1dd423d25f0772d2748d60f7e4b81bb14d086eba8e8e8efb6dcff8a4ae02)
code = p.bytecode()
Here's an example of stuffing `JUMPDEST` into a program:
p = compiler.Program()
for i in range(0,20000):
return p.bytecode()
## VM
The vm module contais some abstractions to run arbitrary virtual machines, primarily geth `evm` and parity's `parity-evm`.
## Etherchain
The `etherchain` package contains an API for interacting with the Etherchain API.
## Reproduce
An example app is `reproduce.py` which can reproduce an on-chain transaction as a totally local event, and run it in the `evm`.
The app takes a `txhash`, and
1. Fetch the transaction data from an API.
2. Mark (source, destination) as need-to-fetch
3. Fetch balance and nonce at source, add to `genesis`
4. Execute transaction on the `evm`
5. If transaction has any externally reaching ops (BALANCE, EXTCODECOPY, CALL etc),
* Add those accounts as need-to-fetch
6. Go back to 3 until the execution does not result in any more accounts to be fetched.
7. Save the transaction trace and genesis
## Opviewer
The 'opviewer.py' is a simple debugger-like trace-viewer. It can be used against an `evm`-trace and navigate the data in a bit more friendly manner than raw json.
Invoke via e.g. `python opviewer.py -f example2.json`

# Running it
The easiest way to get it working is to use a docker image.
docker build . -t evmlab && docker run -it evmlab
The docker image should also be available at hub.docker.com, as an automated build:
docker pull holiman/evmlab && docker run -it holiman/evmlab
## EVM format
Here's what to think about if you want to add an `evm` to evmlab.
### Input
The `evm` should take the following inputs:
* `--code <code>` - code to be executed.
* `--codeFile <file>` - file containing code to be executed. Sometimes really large chunks of input cannot be passed through bash.
* `--gas <int>`
* `--price <int>`
* `--sender <address>` - address of `ORIGIN`
* `--receiver <address` - address of `ADDRESS`
* `--input <code>` : `CALLDATA`
* `--value <int>`
* `--json` - boolean flag, output json output for each opcode or not (it's useful to disable json when benchmarking)
* `--nomemory` - disable showing the full memory output for each op
* `--create` - if specified, it's executed as initcode
* `--prestate` - a chain specification, the same one that the client normally would use.
Basically, the `evm` should be able to run things very simply, like so:
$evm --code 6040 --json run
But it should also be able to reconstruct an actual on-chain transaction, with complex options including prestate, where no `code` is passed, since it's already been showed into the `prestate`:
$evm --prestate /home/martin/workspace/evmlab/output//0xd6d519-genesis-geth_wq38zsy5.json --gas 150000 --sender 0x69ea6b31ef305d6b99bb2d4c9d99456fa108b02a --receiver 0xb97048628db6b661d4c2aa833e95dbe1a905b280 --input a9059cbb0000000000000000000000008eef795fd9150f118bddeca556a5a2a2438ab865000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000081ebd8ffd6b2a58000 --json run
### Output
The `evm` should output a `json` object for each operation. Example:
Required: `pc`, `op`, `gas`, `stack`, `depth`
Optional: `opName`, `gasCost`, `error`
The `stack`, `memory` and `memSize` are the values _before_ execution of the op.
At the end of execution, some summarical info is good, e.g.
When errors occur, geth and parity handles them differently.
Minor changes to how things work is ok, we can handle discrepancies in format and minor quirks.