# Alexandria
A project to decentralize and distribute literary infrastructure.
See [github](https://github.com/ObiajuluM/Alexandria#alexandria) for a detailed breakdown.
## Usage/Examples
import EthAlexandria # import the package
import ipfshttpclient # for connecting to ipfs
# url to connect to
NETWORK = "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/"
# currently supports Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, Evmos, etc.
# create an instance of the objects
contract_book = EthAlexandria.Book(NETWORK) # instance of the contract book
ipfs_book = EthAlexandria.BookIPFS(NETWORK) # instance of the ipfs book
library = EthAlexandria.Library(NETWORK) # instance of library
mnemonic = "your mnemonic here"
# ALWAYS LOAD_DATA(), before you begine working with the contract
# Load the addresses of already deployed contracts [ignore]
contract_book_address = "0xAD94E1Fd0158C64981D29B03eE0C4C350C5b0B69"
ipfs_book_address = "0x98126F0d49e3137355B71f708Bb564ff9f224ED7"
library_address = "0x80303A8EBF84aeDf25c75ea5e2C474b4aE6dFe3A"
# generate new contracts and return their addresses
# generate a new book contract
print(contract_book.new_book("Rich Dad", "MIT", mnemonic).contractAddress)
# generate a new ipfs contract book, this method deploys the book directly to ipfs before contract deployment
print(ipfs_book.new_ipfs_book("Rich Dad", "MIT", "rich_dad.pdf", "pdf", client, mnemonic).contractAddress)
# generate a new library contract
print(library.new_library("Library of Alexandria", mnemonic).contractAddress)
All the available methods
``` python
Method: deposit_ether_to_contract()
Doc: Deposit ether to the contract
Method: get_all_time_value()
Doc: return book all time value
Method: get_author()
Doc: return book author
Method: get_book_balance()
Doc: return book balance
Method: get_book_license()
Doc: return book book_license
Method: get_chapter_content()
Doc: return book chapter content
Method: get_chapter_name()
Doc: return book chapter name
Method: get_chapter_status()
Doc: return book chapter status
Method: get_chapters_count()
Doc: return book chapters count
Method: get_title()
Doc: return book title
Method: load_data()
Doc: load neccessary data to work with the object
Method: new_book()
Doc: create new book
Method: new_chapter()
Doc: create new chapter
Method: remove_chapter()
Doc: remove chapter
Method: transfer_ether_from_book_contract()
Doc: transfer ether from contract
``` python
Method: deposit_ether_to_contract()
Doc: Deposit ether to the contract
Method: get_all_time_value()
Doc: return book all time value
Method: get_author()
Doc: return book author
Method: get_book_format()
Doc: return book format as deployed to ipfs, used to build the book from the hash
Method: get_book_license()
Doc: return book book_license
Method: get_ipfs_book_balance()
Doc: return book balance
Method: get_ipfs_hash()
Doc: return book ipfs hash
Method: get_title()
Doc: return book title
Method: load_data()
Doc: load neccessary data to work with the object
Method: new_ipfs_book()
Doc: create new ipfs book this is also upload the book to ipfs
Method: resolve_book_from_ipfs()
Doc: return the book from ipfs
Method: transfer_ether_from_book_contract()
Doc: transfer ether from contract
Method: upload_to_ipfs()
Doc: upload book to ipfs
``` python
Method: add_book()
Doc: add book to library
Method: deposit_ether_to_contract()
Doc: Deposit ether to the contract
Method: get_all_time_value()
Doc: return library all time value
Method: get_book_address()
Doc: return book address
Method: get_book_author()
Doc: return book author
Method: get_book_count()
Doc: return book count
Method: get_book_status()
Doc: return book status
Method: get_book_title()
Doc: return book title
Method: get_librarian()
Doc: return library librarian
Method: get_library_balance()
Doc: get library balance
Method: get_library_name()
Doc: return library name
Method: get_quote()
Doc: return library quote
Method: load_data()
Doc: load neccessary data to work with the object
Method: new_library()
Doc: create new library
Method: remove_book()
Doc: remove book from library
Method: transfer_ether_from_library_contract()
Doc: transfer ether from library contract
Method: transfer_position()
Doc: transfer librarian position
## License