THIS IS A PACKAGE For creating built_in dataset to import it directly by importing it
this package helps any developer to import built_in, preprocessing dataset and pass it to models to use it whether
multi_variate or uni_variate timeseries forcating, this dataset about Measurements of electric power consumption in
one household with a one-minute sampling rate over a period of almost 4 years.Different electrical quantities and
some sub-metering values are available.
# Installation
**pip install EnergyData**
# electricpower_package
* EnergyData
* data
* householdpower.csv
* test
* tox.ini
# how to use the package
from EnergyDataset import electricpower as pw
**Then we**
# import load_data to get the built-in, preprocessing data by this code:
X_train,X_test,Y_train,Y_test = pw.load_data()
# write functions that we will import in load_data() like:
1- train_test_split() : take data and return train_data, test_data
def train_test_split(data_frame, test_size=0.3):
:param data_frame: The whole dataframe needed to split the data
:param test_size: setting the size of test set , initially equals 30%
:return: two sets after splitting the data , one for training and the other for testing
train_size = 1 - test_size
end_idx = int(data_frame.shape[0] * train_size * 100 // 100)
train = data_frame.iloc[:end_idx, :]
test = data_frame.iloc[end_idx:, :]
return train, test
2- scale_data() : take train_data, test_data and perform scaling on them
def scale_data(train, test):
scaler = MinMaxScaler().fit(train)
return scaler.transform(train), scaler.transform(test), scaler
3- univariate_splitter() : take data and return arrays of input_feature and output_feature
def univariate_splitter(data_frame):
:param df:
:return: two arrays one for features and the other for output
input_features = []
ouput_feature = []
len_df = data_frame.shape[0]
for i in range(len_df):
end_idx = i + 1
if end_idx > len_df - 1:
input_x, output_y = data_frame[i:end_idx, 1:], data_frame[end_idx: end_idx + 1, 0]
return np.array(input_features), np.mean(np.array(ouput_feature), axis=1)
4- multivariate_splitter() : take data and return arrays of input_feature and output_feature:
def multivariate_splitter(df, input_size=21, output_size=7):
:param df:
:param input_size: how many samples added to each input
:param output_size: how many values will be predicted from each output
:return: two arrays one for features and the other for output
input_features = []
ouput_feature = []
len_df = df.shape[0]
for i in range(len_df):
end_idx = i + input_size
if end_idx > len_df - output_size:
input_x, output_y = df[i:end_idx, 1:], df[end_idx: end_idx + output_size, 0]
return np.array(input_features), np.array(ouput_feature)
**first we read data by pkg_resources**
**then we import all of these functions to load_data(), so once we import it we get data splitted,scalled and converted:**
# NOTE:the __name__ variable stores the module name
def load_data():
stream= pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__, r'data\householdpower.csv')
data_fram=pd.read_csv(stream,encoding='latin-1',parse_dates=['date_time'], index_col= 'date_time')
data_fram['sub_metering_remaining'] = (data_fram.Global_active_power * 1000 / 60 ) - (data_fram.Sub_metering_1 + data_fram.Sub_metering_2 + data_fram.Sub_metering_3)
data_fram = data_fram.resample('D').sum()
data_fram = data_fram.resample('D').mean()
X_train, X_test = train_test_split(data_frame=data_fram)
X_train, X_test, scaler = scale_data(train=X_train, test=X_test)
choosing=input('UNivariate or Multivariate (U or M)?')
if choosing=='U':
X_train, Y_train =univariate_splitter(X_train)
X_test, Y_test = univariate_splitter(X_test)
if choosing=="M":
X_train, Y_train =multivariate_splitter(X_train)
X_test, Y_test = multivariate_splitter(X_test)
return X_train,X_test,Y_train,Y_test