# EZobject2xml
Save and load easily any python object data into/from a xml file.
This module has only one object _xmltool_ with 2 functions.
#### For saving an object into a xml file, you just have to code (python):
from EZobject2xml.xmltoolMod import *
myXmltool = xmltool()
>_myObject_ is the object to save
>_myFileName_ if the xml file
#### And for loading:
#### Not wanna save a data of your object ?:
Just add "__" at the end of the name of the data and "saveObject2xml" function won't save this data.
#### Wanna save a single value data such as integer, float, string, set, tuple, list or dict ?:
You just have to use SingleType class object:
from EZobject2xml.xmltoolMod import *
myxmltool = xmltool()
myvalue_object = SingleType(myvalue)
For loading:
myvalue = myvalue_object.value
>_myvalue_ is any basic data type as int, float, str, set, tuple, list or dict
#### Exception:
If objects have to be dynamically initialized during the data reading process
(i.e. if your object has a list of an undefined number of other objects),
we have to create them first before reading their saved data.
In order to do that, we give a list of object class that we could use to create a new instance of these objects.
This list of class objects is a initDataList object and we pass it as:
myInitDataList = initDataList()
myInitDataList.addInitData(mySubObject1Class,(a tuple containing the parameters to initialize this SubObject))
myInitDataList.addInitData(mySubObject2Class,(a tuple containing the parameters to initialize this SubObject))
myXmltool = xmltool()
>_mySubObject1Class_ is the class of an object which can be contained in myObject
>_myObject_ is the object to save
>_myFileName_ if the xml file
As seen, myInitDataList is optional and only needed when your object has a list of an undefined number of other objects.
The [test file](https://github.com/JoshuaWar/EZobject2xml/tree/master/tests "test file") has a concrete example.
Please see the python help() function to see more technical information about these functions.
To install the package :
-m pip install EZobject2xml