# EES connector
__EES connector__ is a tools developed by the [SERG research group](https://www.dief.unifi.it/vp-177-serg-group-english-version.html)
of the [University of Florence](https://www.unifi.it/changelang-eng.html) for launching [EES](https://fchartsoftware.com/ees/)
calculation and retrieving results from python.
The beta version can be downloaded using __PIP__:
pip install EES_connector
Once the installation has been completed the user can import the tool and initialize the connector itself.
from EESConnect import EESConnector
with EESConnector() as ees:
# insert your code here
__Two important aspects to keep in mind for the initialization:__
* Please use the __with statement__ during the initialization as shown above
* A file-dialog will appear the first time that the connector is imported __asking the user to select the EES
executable path__ (usually it's _"C:\EES32\ees.exe"_).
Once the executable path has been selected, the program keep it in memory in order to avoid new appearance of the
file-dialog. The stored executable can be modified calling the following function:
from EESConnect import EESConnector
Finally, you can ask the program to launch EES calculation using the following command:
from EESConnect import EESConnector
from tkinter import filedialog
import tkinter as tk
#select the ees file path
root = tk.Tk()
ees_file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename()
with EESConnector() as ees:
ees.ees_file_path = ees_file_path
result = ees.calculate(["air_ha", 110, 1013.25])
Multiple call are possible passing a dictionaty in the ees.calculate() function in order to speed up the calculation
process (the program is loaded on the RAM only once):
from EESConnect import EESConnector
from tkinter import filedialog
import tkinter as tk
#select the ees file path
root = tk.Tk()
ees_file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename()
with EESConnector() as ees:
ees.ees_file_path = ees_file_path
result = ees.calculate({
"air_ha": ["air_ha", 300, 1013.25],
"R22": ["R22", 300, 1013.25],
"R236fa": ["R236fa", 300, 1013.25],
"R134a": ["R134a", 300, 1013.25]
Please notice that the EES file has to be configured properly in order to work.<br>
Here's an example, that works with the python code described above:
$UnitSystem SI K kPa kJ
$Import 'ees_input.dat' file$ F$ T P
h=enthalpy(F$; T=T; P=P)
s=entropy(F$; T=T; P=P)
$Export file$ h s
An explanation on how to set EES properly can be found [here](https://fchartsoftware.com/ees/eeshelp//hs605.htm).
Two important things had to be noted:
* The input defined in the EES file __must be consistent with the list provided to the calculation function__ as an input
* The input and output file in the EES code __must be called__ _"ees_input.dat"_ and _"ees_output.dat"_ respectively!
__-------------------------- !!! THIS IS A BETA VERSION !!! --------------------------__
please report any bug or problems in the installation to _pietro.ungar@unifi.it_<br/>
for further information visit: https://tinyurl.com/SERG-3ETool