DzenStatus is a configurable python script meant to drive a statusbar program
like dzen_, for use with window-managers like xmonad_ or ratpoison_. It is
still in early development, so your mileage may vary. (**Do** email me
with bugs or, preferrably, patches if you find breakage.)
Additional documentation will be added to the wiki_ as it is produced.
So without further ado...
.. _dzen: http://gotmor.googlepages.com/dzen
.. _xmonad: http://xmonad.org
.. _ratpoison: http://www.nongnu.org/ratpoison/
.. _setuptools: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools
.. _Distribute: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/distribute
.. _pip: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip
.. _easy_install: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall
.. _ConfigParser: http:///docs.python.org/library/configparser.html
.. _wiki: http://bitbucket.org/enimihil/dzenstatus/wiki
.. contents::
Version 0.1.4
- Fix packaging. Should now actually be installable with ``easy_install``
or ``pip``.
Version 0.1.3
- Make simple changes to run on python3 and python2.6 or higher.
- Added a simple mpd plugin, requires python-mpd to work. (No dependency
has been added, you can safely ignore the plugin entirely without any ill
effects, but python-mpd is required to use the plugin.)
Version 0.1.2
- Fix hardcoded battery and AC adaptor names in the battery plugin.
Version 0.1.1
- Fixed an issue with trying to be too smart with encodings.
Version 0.1.0
- Initial release.
Installing DzenStatus should be a simple matter of using pip_ (or easy_install_
if you must)::
pip install DzenStatus
If you don't want, or can't, install using easy_install_ then, assuming you
have setuptools_ installed (which is *required* for DzenStatus to run, or at
least `pkg_resources`_), you can download the egg-file, mark it executable (or
eggsecutable, as it were), and run it directly. This is not recommended.
Source distributions are also provided. (``python setup.py install``)
.. note::
Setuptools_ is *required* for DzenStatus to work, in particular, it uses
the ``pkg_resources`` entry point tools to discover and load plugins.
There are no other requirements (other than a python installation). This
requirement *is* fulfilled by the Setuptools_ fork, Distribute_.
After installing with easy_install_ you should have two new commands in your
path, ``dzenstatus`` and ``dzenstatus_pipe``. The ``dzenstatus`` command runs
the configured statusbar program (from the `configuration file`_), typically
dzen_ and directly pipes it's output to the standard in of that process.
``dzenstatus_pipe`` is available for those who would rather pipe the output of
``dzenstatus`` to its destination manually (helpful if you want to integrate
DzenStatus into an existing statusbar script).
.. _`configuration file`:
DzenStatus is configured by a single configuration file located in
``~/.dzenstatus/config.ini``. The configuration file uses the standard python
ConfigParser_ format. An `example configuration file`_ is available in the
Full documentation for each plugin is provided in the `source code`_ as
.. _`example configuration file`: http://bitbucket.org/enimihil/dzenstatus/src/tip/config.example.ini
.. _`source code`: http://bitbucket.org/enimihil/dzenstatus/src/tip/dzenstatus.py
Running DzenStatus
Once you have a configuration you like, you can add it to your ``.xinitrc`` or
``.xsession`` file in several different ways::
This is the simplest way, just invoking DzenStatus, letting it take care of all
the statubar startup and not using a plugin that reads from standard input. If
you have a window manager that writes useful information to standard output you
may wish to capture it like so (assuming you have a suitable DzenStatus plugin
configured to read standard input)::
/path/to/my/wm | dzenstatus
If you wish to have DzenStatus write it's output directly to standard output,
instead of spawning the statusbar program itself, you would use something like::
/path/to/my/wm | dzenstatus_pipe | /path/to/my/statusbar_sink
It is also possible to use a FIFO (named pipe) to allow you to restart
DzenStatus without restarting the window manager yet keeping the ability to read
the output.
mkfifo .status_fifo
cat .status_fifo | dzenstatus&
/path/to/my/wm > .status_fifo
Or you can tell DzenStatus to directly read the FIFO with the ``read_fd``
plugin, instead of reading from standard input.
mkfifo .status_fifo
/path/to/my/wm > .status_fifo
Writing DzenStatus Plugins
DzenStatus uses pkg_resources_ to load plugins, so writing a plugin doesn't
require you to patch or modify the base DzenStatus installation at all.
.. _pkg_resources: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/PkgResources
Plugin Structure
A plugin will be found by DzenStatus if it declares an entry point for
``dzenstatus.plugins.v1`` (where the ``v1`` is the version number of the plugin
interface). The entry point must be a callable that takes a dictionary mapping
strings to strings of configuration data, and returning a tuple of three
- The configured name of the *instance* of the plugin (passed in as
- The *update predicate* of the plugin instance. This must be a callable
taking two arguments, the current seconds since the epoch, and the last
time (in seconds since the epoch) an update was checked for.
- The *update function* this is a callable that takes no arguments and
returns a string that will be included for this instance of the plugin in
the output. It should *not* contain newlines.
As an example, let's reimplement the ``static`` plugin that is already included
with DzensStatus.
First, since DzenStatus uses entry points, we need a ``setup.py`` file::
#!/usr/bin/env python
from setuptools import setup
name = "ExampleDzenStatusPlugin",
version = "0.0 example",
packages = find_packages(),
entry_points = {
'dzenstatus.plugins.v1' : [
'example_static = example_dzenstatus:example_plugin_static',
description = "A minimal example plugin for DzenStatus",
license = "GPL",
The key thing to note is how to declare the entry point for the plugin. All the
other parts are standard setuptools_ that you should already be familiar with.
Now the implementation of our plugin::
# example_dzenstatus.py
An example DzenStatus plugin.
from dzenstatus import UPDATE_ONCE
def example_plugin_static(config):
A simple plugin that returns static text.
text is the only required config parameter.
return (config['name'], UPDATE_ONCE(), lambda: config['text'])
Now, you can install the plugin using ``easy_install`` or by running the
``setup.py`` file.
$ python setup.py develop
Now, you can place a section into your DzenStatus config file that looks like::
text=I'm an example!
If you run DzenStatus you will now see that the plugin is loaded and the text is
The simplest way to distribute your plugin is via an egg that is placed in the
plugins directory configured by the config file. This requires no additional
installation and makes the installation as easy as copying a file.
See the code_ of DzenStatus for more examples (especially for how to deal with
file descriptors and polling for available input).
.. _code: http://bitbucket.org/enimihil/dzenstatus/