# DevSqlite3
A python package to create sqlite3 database with python class.
## install by PyPI:
pip3 install DevSqlite3
python -m pip install DevSqlite3
if you have old version:
pip3 install --upgrade DevSqlite3
python -m pip install --upgrade DevSqlite3
## setup sqlite3 database
Note: You can add field and remove it from your class, it's will automatically removed or added from sqlite3 database
also you can use:
1- dropColumnNotExists=False or True # default True
2- addColumnNotExists=False or True # default True
that's mean when your remove some fields from your class, it's will removed from database table also when adding fields to your class, it's will added to database
to use:
@Database('DatabaseFileName', path='folderName', dropColumnNotExists=False, addColumnNotExists=False)
Note: path, dropColumnNotExists, addColumnNotExists is not requires.
create sqlite3 database:
from DevSqlite3.core import Database, Table
@Database('DatabaseFileName', path='folderName')
class Users(Table):
id = Table.integerField(primary=True, null=False) # id integer primary key not null
username = Table.stringField() # username text, if you want to add not null Table.stringField(null=False)
password = Table.stringField()
join_time = Table.dateField()
nicks = Table.listField()
owned_item = table.dictField()
# if you want to ignore column, make variable name starts with __, for example
__ignore__ = "any"
you can also add custom function like Dao in room database:
@Database('DatabaseFileName', path='folderName')
class Users(Table):
id = Table.integerField(primary=True, null=False) # id integer primary key not null
username = Table.stringField() # username text, if you want to add not null Table.stringField(null=False)
password = Table.stringField()
join_time = Table.dateField()
nicks = Table.listField()
owned_item = table.dictField()
def getUsers(self):
return self.execute("select * from User").all() # return list of class Users if detected else empty list
def getUserById(self, i):
return self.execute("select * from User where id=:id",
args={"id": i}).first() # return Users class if detected else None
def updatePassword(self, username, password):
return self.execute("update User set password=:password where username=:username",
args={"username": username, "password": password}).run() # return None if update or last row id if insert
## getting data from database
u = Users()
users = u.getUsers()
for user in users:
print(user.id, user.username, user.join_time)
# update all
user.password = "123"
user = u.getUserById(1)
if user:
# delete
# or update
user.password = "123"
user.nicks = ["1", "2", "3"]
user.owned_item = {"colors": ["red", "white", "etc"]}
## insert data to database
from datetime import datetime
u = Users()
u.username = "omar.othman"
u.password = "password"
u.join_time = datetime.now()
## are you noob with sqlite commands? don't worry we can help you
u = Users()
find = u.where('username').equals('omar.othman').andWhere('password').equals('password').first() # select * from Users where username='omar.othman' and password='password'
if find:
find.password = "newPassword"
find.save() # update
u.username = "omar.othman"
u.password = "newPassword"
u.save() # insert
# aslo you can add more tables to database
@Database('DatabaseFileName', path='folderName') # The database file name must be the same as the other name, or a new one will be created
class AnotherTableName(Table):
# etc ...
## python version requires >=2
# update info
* remove __superclass__ from custom class table
* change 'get_all' to 'all'
* change 'get_first' to 'first'
* added 'run' function
# next update?
* support MySql database!!!
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