# | A very Ruckusist Production |
## A console program manager for python apps.
## Install
`pip install deskapp`
TODO: find out how to add on the additional modules so that the raspberry pi
built in stuff can be installed. wifi scanner, bluetooth scanner, deauther.
yeah, and the android stuff. I havent started in on the level access we have
on android, but this app works real good in termux.
## Run
`deskapp` from the console will invoke the app. (why? what else should it do here?)
What kinds of run commands would you want to provide here? Maybe if i had
a single file app, and i wanted to create an .exe, i could call
deskapp build filename.py ... maybe.
nearly this shouldnt be a thing. questioning the wisdom of a run command
at all.
- Desklike
- DeskHunter
- Desk2042
- DeskType
- DeskShip
- DeskSnake (in progress)
- Linux builder. This seems like a fun challenge. It should have all the
features of the standing linux config building system, but should offer
the clickability, and UX of a proper deskapp. You could click this onto
the deskapp.server and use it for cross-compiling remotely. so a piNano
deskserver weather station, that is solar powered, could still stay up to
date because the main system build handles it. good idea.
- Bitcoin Trader (obviously)
- MP3 player / organizer
- RoboDog
[ ] Unify the printing mechinism. There are like 3 different printing
schemes going on in here, and that needs to be fixed. like formost.
[ ] Freshen up the examples folder; do a new example based on the login
page where clicking somewhere spawns further pages, and destroys
spawned pages.
[ ] Add in the Web sub-module. see what the viability is of printing
what we see as deskapp in the terminal to the screen space of a
[ ] Use the Pop Up warnings in a demo and see what their viability is.
[ ] So much...
- Shortcuts. Everything in the module needs a functional shortcut. we
should not be making calls directly to curses, from 3 libraries
up, that is silly. there has to be a better way to wrap those.
- Further Mouse support. Mouse handling is now passed to the module,
and it is useable. but it is far from clean/good.
- further draw support. the logic class has draw functions in there.
those functions to redraw the screen should either be in the
frontend class, as an extention, or in a intermediate class that
can redraw any prebuilt setup of screen.
- remove all the parts from the screen by toggle.
- !! Also i want to be able to start with the visibility of everything
turned off. so the module is full screen.
[ ] Toggle Menu.
[ ] Toggle Header.
[ ] Toggle Meta.
[ ] Toggle Footer.
[ ] Toggle Messages.
- Fullsceen messages, full screen module page.
[ ] Reproduce all this work in other programming languages. I have heard a
legend of a javascript module that if you write the code out in their
style, then it can just output many different languages from one template.
this would be a cool exercise. its fun to think that this might be a
cooler idea outside the python community than within it.
[ ] Stream all this work on twitch. Then clip that into coherient tutorials
for youtube. your gonna do the work anyway, record it.
Sub Projects have been moved into this namespace. This might be a bad idea in the
long run. But for the short term, having all the moving parts in one project
directory is a boon.
The Server is a python socket server. With a login database, Messaging
protocol for arbitary file sizes, Compression/Encryption, a message passing
protocol for multiplayer apps, like a chat server.
The Web Server should come with a javascript library that can connect
to 'The Server'. and a login page, start with some ping-pong after that.
## ChangeLog
11.11.22-Ruckusist v.0.0.8: Added in the Server. The server has a long todo list
please check this out if you want to help.
11.11.22-Ruckusist v.0.0.7: Added in mouse support. Refactored some parts in
previous 4-6 updates. No changes to the working API
7.26.22-Ruckusist v.0.0.4: release of version 4. This version come with new, and
significant bugs, But with new functionality. This is just a transition point
from one stable/working version, to the next.
4.20.22-Ruckusist v0.0.4: started working version 4.
4.6.22-Ruckusist v0.0.3: added the demo_mode flag to the App Object to turn off
the About and Fire functionality. This gives me the idea to put more demo
stuff there. I want to copy cmatrix, dropping snowflakes, video player, other