# DerPyBooru-Nullforce
Python bindings for Derpibooru's API
License: **Simplified BSD License**
Version | [](https://pypi.org/project/DerPyBooru-Nullforce/)
Python Versions | [](https://pypi.org/project/DerPyBooru-Nullforce/)
Downloads | [](https://pepy.tech/project/derpybooru-nullforce)
## About this Fork
This is a fork of the [joshua-stone/DerPyBooru](https://github.com/joshua-stone/DerPyBooru)
repository; it is meant to be a drop in replacement for the modules in that package.
## Features
- High-level abstraction over Derpibooru's REST API
- Parameter chaining for ease of manipulation
- Syntactic sugar for queries, e.g., "query.score >= 100" compiling to "score.gte:100"
- Design focusing on iterables and lazy generation for network efficiency
## Dependencies
- python 2.7, 3.0 or newer
- requests
## How to install
pip install derpybooru-nullforce
## Checking documentation
pydoc derpibooru
## Typical usage
### Getting images currently on Derpibooru's front page
from derpibooru import Search
for image in Search():
id_number, score, tags = image.id, image.score, ", ".join(image.tags)
print("#{} - score: {:>3} - {}".format(id_number, score, tags))
### Searching posts by tag
from derpibooru import Search
for image in Search().query("rarity", "twilight sparkle"):
### Crawling Derpibooru from first to last post
from derpibooru import Search
# This is only an example and shouldn't be used in practice as it abuses
# Derpibooru's licensing terms
for image in Search().ascending().limit(None):
id_number, score, tags = image.id, image.score, ", ".join(image.tags)
print("#{} - score: {:>3} - {}".format(id_number, score, tags))
### Getting random posts
from derpibooru import Search, sort
for post in Search().sort_by(sort.RANDOM):
### Getting top 100 posts
from derpibooru import Search, sort
top_scoring = [post for post in Search().sort_by(sort.SCORE).limit(100)]
### Storing and passing new search parameters
from derpibooru import Search, sort
params = Search().sort_by(sort.SCORE).limit(100).parameters
top_scoring = Search(**params)
top_animated = top_scoring.query("animated")
### Filtering by metadata
from derpibooru import Search, query
q = {
query.width == 1920,
query.height == 1080,
query.score >= 100
wallpapers = [image for image in Search().query(*q)]
### Getting the latest images from a watchlist
from derpibooru import Search, user
key = "your_api_key"
for post in Search().key(key).watched(user.ONLY):
id_number, score, tags = post.id, post.score, ", ".join(post.tags)
print("#{} - score: {:>3} - {}".format(id_number, score, tags))
## Changelog
## [0.10.0]
### Added
- Image class now has an `image_json` property to get to the underlying JSON
field (`image` still returns `representations["full"]` but will change to
the JSON value in a future version).
### Fixed
- Updated `Search` methods to use `q=` params:
- `faves` uses `my:faves`
- `upvotes` uses `my:upvotes`
- `uploads` uses `my:uploads`
- `watched` uses `my:watched`