# CyTOF Dimension Reduction Framework
> A framework of dimension reduction and its evaluation for both CyTOF and general-purpose usages.

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## About
CytofDR is a framework of dimension reduction (DR) and its evaluation for both Cytometry by Time-of-Flight (CyTOF) and general-purpose usages. It allows you to
conveniently run many different DRs at one place and then evaluate them to pick your embedding using our extensive evaluation framework! We aim to provide you with a reliable, extensible, and convenient interface for all your DR needs for both data analyses and future research!
## Installation
You can install our CytofDR package, which is currentl on ``PyPI``:
pip install CytofDR
Python (>=3.7) is **required**. This pacackage is architecture agnostic: it should run where PyPI or conda is available. All dependencies should be automatically installed. For a list of optional dependencies, please visit our documentation page's detailed [Installation Guide](https://cytofdr.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html).
Intallation should take less than a few minutes for most computers with reasonable network connections.
### Conda Installation
I personally recommend using ``conda`` to install everything since it's so easy to work with virtual environments. If you need help on how to get ``conda`` installed in the first place, take a look [here](https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/).
To install the package with ``conda``:
conda install -c kevin931 cytofdr -c conda-forge -c bioconda
The core dependencies should automatically install!
### Dependencies
Our dependencies are broken down core dependencies and optional dependencies. Below is a list of core dependencies:
- scikit-learn
- numpy
- scipy
- umap-learn
- openTSNE
- phate
- annoy
- matplotlib
- seaborn
The most current compatible versions will work with ``CytofDR``, except for ``numpy``. New versions of ``numpy`` can cause issues with ``conda``. If you wish to use ``PyCytoData``, you need to install ``numpy`` version 1.20 or 1.21.
We also have some optional dependencies which are much trickier to install and manage. Refer to our [Installation Guide](https://cytofdr.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html) for more details.
## PyCytoData Integration
``CytofDR`` is a member of the **PyCytoData Alliance Plus**, meaning that we're compatible with the ``PyCytoData`` package. The ``PyCytoData`` package is used mainly for loading datasets and managing every step of the CyTOF workflow. By creating and maintaining this ecosystem, we hope to create a robust workflow as a one-stop solution for CyTOF practioners using Python. To install ``PyCytoData``, you can simply use the following command:
pip install PyCytoData
To view how you can perform DR using ``PyCYtoData``, [this tutorial](https://pycytodata.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial/dr.html) walks through every ste
## Quick Tutorial
``CytofDR`` makes it easy to run many DR methods while also evaluating them for your CyTOF samples. We have a greatly simplified pipeline for your needs. To get started, follow this example:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from CytofDR import dr
# Load Dataset
>>> expression = np.loadtxt(fname="PATH_To_file", dtype=float, skiprows=1, delimiter=",")
# Run DR and evaluate
>>> results = dr.run_dr_methods(expression, methods=["umap", "pca"])
Running PCA
Running UMAP
>>> results.evaluate(category = ["global", "local", "downstream"])
Evaluating global...
Evaluating local...
Evaluating downstream...
>>> results.rank_dr_methods()
{'PCA': 1.0, 'UMAP': 2.0}
# Save Results
>>> results.save_all_reductions(save_dir="PATH_to_DIR", delimiter=",")
>>> results.save_evaluations(path="PATH_to_FILE")
We strive to make our pipeline as simple as possible with natural langauge-like method names. Depending on your dataset size, the above example's runtime may vary. PCA is extremely fast, whereas can take upwards of 10 minutes if the dataset is much larger than 100,000 cells. For the `evaluate` command, the downstream command's silhouette score and clustering step can take some time, but for a small dataset, it can accomplish evaluation within a few minutes.
For large dataset, we recommend using efficient DR methods and providing your own clustering algorithm if possible.
### Example Dataset
We have included an example dataset generated by ``cytomulate`` in the `/example` folder. The data is an artificial data with 1000 cells to mimic real CyTOF data. To use the dataset, you can subsitute `PATH_to_file` with the path to the example dataset `exprs.txt`, which is in the expression matrix format.
### Examples using PyCytoData
You can use ``PyCytoData`` to load your dataset:
>>> from CytofDR import dr
>>> from PyCytoData import FileIO
# Load Dataset
>>> dataset = FileIO.load_expression("PATH_To_file", col_names = True)
# Run DR and evaluate
>>> results = dr.run_dr_methods(dataset.expression_matrix, methods=["umap", "pca"])
Running PCA
Running UMAP
Or with a benchmark dataset:
>>> from CytofDR import dr
>>> from PyCytoData import DataLoader
# Load Dataset
>>> dataset = DataLoader.load_dataset(dataset = "levine13")
# Run DR and evaluate
>>> results = dr.run_dr_methods(dataset.expression_matrix, methods=["umap", "pca"])
Running PCA
Running UMAP
All subsequent workflows remain the same.
### Documentation
Of course, there are many more customizations and ways you can use ``CytofDR``. So, for detailed tutorials and other guides, we suggest that you vists our [Official Documentation](https://cytofdr.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html).
There you will find ways to install our package and get started! Also, we offer tutorials on customizations, working with DR methods, and finally our detailed evaluation framework. We hope that you can find what you need over there!
## Latest Release: v0.3.0
This releases adds some new features along with some minor improvements and fixes.
### Changes and New Features
- Add `minmax` normalization option for the `evaluation.EvaluationMetric.EMD` method
- Add alternative implementation of `evaluation.EvaluationMetric.NPE` with total variation distance (TVD)
- Allow both min-max EMD and and TVD NPE for automatic evaluation of DR methods
### Improvements
- Docstrings and documentations reformatted for clarity
### Deprecations
- (Since v0.2.0) The `comparison_classes` parameter of the `EvaluationMetrics.embedding_concordance` method will no longer accept `str` input.
## Issues and Contributions
If you run into issues or have questions, feel free to open an issue [here](https://github.com/kevin931/CytofDR/issues). I'd love to help you out! We also welcome any contributions, but you may want to also look our [contribution guide](https://cytofdr.readthedocs.io/en/latest/change/contribution.html). Even if you just have an idea, that'll be great!
## References
Our preprint "Comparative Analysis of Dimension Reductions Methods for Cytometry by Time-of-Flight Data" is on bioRxiv and can be accessed [right here](https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.04.26.489549). If you use our package in your research or deployment, a citation of our paper is highly appreciated:
title={A Comparison of Dimension Reduction Methods for Cytometry by Time-of-Flight Data},
author={Wang, Kaiwen and Yang, Yuqiu and Wu, Fangjiang and Song, Bing and Wang, Xinlei and Wang, Tao},
publisher={Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory}
For a list of references of the methods, metrics, etc. used in the package, please visit our [References](https://cytofdr.readthedocs.io/en/latest/references.html) and bibliography of our paper.