Cyther: The Cross-Platform Cython/Python Compiler
|repo| |python| |implementation| |status|
|license| |format| |downloads|
|travis| |codacy|
We all know the beauties of Cython:
1) Writing C extensions is just as easy as Python
2) Almost any valid Python is valid Cython, as Cython is a super-set
of Python
3) It has the readability of Python, but the speed of C
4) Minimal effort has to be taken in order to speed up some programs
by two to four orders of magnitude
However, compiling is not always easy. There are a few places that disutils' ```` can get tripped up.
1) ``vcvarsall.bat not found`` error
2) gcc: undefined reference to...
3) Other errors basically referring to ``compiler not found``
Cython may be almost as easy to write as Python, but sometimes nowhere
near the level of easiness that it takes to run Python. *This is where
Cyther comes into play*. Cyther is an attempt at a cross platform
compiler that wields both the standard Cython compiler and gcc to *make
sure that these errors don't happen*.
How to use:
Cyther is extremely easy to use. One can call ``cytherize`` from the
command line, or import ``cyther`` and call ``cyther.core`` from the
module level.
from cyther import core
same can be done with:
$ cytherize example_file.pyx
And as expected, one can call ``$ cytherize -h`` for all the argument
help they need. See below.
A few nifty examples:
Compile a Python file. This is the simplest usage of Cyther
Compile a Cython file while building the C files in-place (-l), and compiling only if the source file has been updated (-s)
core('example_file.pyx -s -l')
Run an infinite loop, watching the given file(s) for changes, and automatically compile them (-w) when detected
core('example_file.pyx -w')
And don't forget, this can also be done from the terminal!
$ cytherize
$ cytherize example_file.pyx -s -l
$ cytherize example_file.pyx -w
The command line interface of the ``-w`` option
$ cytherize example_file.pyx -w
cython -a -p -o X:\Cyther\__cythercache__\example_file.c X:\Cyther\example_file.pyx
gcc -fPIC -shared -w -O3 -ID:\Python35\include -LD:\Python35\libs -o X:\Cyther\example_file.pyd X:\Cyther\__cythercache__\example_file.c -lpython35
Compiled the file
...<iterations:1, compiles:1, errors:0, polls:12>...
Compiled the file
...<iterations:2, compiles:2, errors:0, polls:19>...
Error compiling Cython file:
def inverse_triangular(n):
x = (sqrt(8 * n + 1) - 1) / 2
n = int(x)
if x - n > 0:
return Flse
example_file.pyx:15:19: undeclared name not builtin: Flse
Cyther will wait for you to fix this error before it tries to compile again...
...<iterations:3, compiles:2, errors:1, polls:31>...
Compiled the file
...<iterations:4, compiles:3, errors:1, polls:51>...
Compile these two files and pass in the Cython argument ``-l`` (\_l) to the Cython compiler before using ``gcc``
$ cytherize example_file.pyx -l -w -cython _l
You can also write something like this to execute tests directly after the build procedure
# example_file.pyx
from math import sqrt
cdef int triangular(int n):
double q
int r
q = (n * (n + 1)) / 2
r = int(q)
return r
def inverse_triangular(n):
x = (sqrt(8 * n + 1) - 1) / 2
n = int(x)
if x - n > 0:
return False
return int(x)
a = ''.join([str(x) for x in range(10)])
The ``@Cyther`` line tells Cyther that it should extract the code after
it in the single quoted multi-line string and execute it if the build
passed. One can also tell Cyther to time the ``@Cyther`` code, returning
an IPython-esque timing message. Here are a few examples of how to use
these features.
The wonderful ``-x`` option, and its output to ``stdout``
$ cytherize example_file.pyx -x
The ``-t`` option is also super helpful
$ cytherize example_file.pyx -t
10000 loops, best of 3: (2.94e-06) sec per loop
The help text of ``cytherize``:
$ cytherize -h
usage: [-h] [-c] [-p PRESET] [-s] [-o OUTPUT_NAME] [-i INCLUDE]
[-l] [-w] [-e] [-x | -t] [-X | -T]
[-gcc GCC_ARGS [GCC_ARGS ...]]
filenames [filenames ...]
Auto compile and build .pyx or .py files in place.
positional arguments:
filenames The Cython source files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --concise Get cyther to NOT print what it is thinking. Only use
if you like to live on the edge
-p PRESET, --preset PRESET
The preset options for using cython and gcc (ninja,
beast, minimal, swift)
-s, --timestamp If this flag is provided, cyther will not compile
files that have a modifiedtime before that of your
compiled .pyd or .so files
-o OUTPUT_NAME, --output_name OUTPUT_NAME
Change the name of the output file, default is
basename plus .pyd
-i INCLUDE, --include INCLUDE
The names of the python modules that have an include
library that needs to be passed to gcc
-l, --local When not flagged, builds in __cythercache__, when
flagged, it builds locally in the same directory
-w, --watch When given, cyther will watch the directory with the
't' option implied and compile,when necessary, the
files given
-e, --error Raise a CytherError exception instead of printing out
stderr when -w is not specified
-x, --execute Run the @Cyther code in multi-line single quoted
strings, and comments
-t, --timeit Time the @Cyther code in multi-line single quoted
strings, and comments
-X A 'super flag' that implies these flags: '-x', '-s',
'-p swift'
-T A 'super flag' that implies these flags: '-t', '-s',
'-p swift'
Arguments to pass to Cython
-gcc GCC_ARGS [GCC_ARGS ...]
Arguments to pass to gcc
Python (D:\Python35\python.EXE):
Version: 3.5
Operating System: Windows-10-10.0.10586-SP0
OS is Windows: True
Default Output Extension: .pyd
Installation Directory: D:\Python35
Cython (D:\Python35\Scripts\cython.EXE):
Nothing Here Yet
GCC (D:\MinGW\bin\gcc.EXE):
Nothing Here Yet
(Use '_' or '__' instead of '-' or '--' when passing args to gcc or Cython)
(The '-x' and '-b' Boolean flags are mutually exclusive)
Assumptions Cyther makes about your system:
Cyther isn't quite perfect yet, so all the incompatibilities and
assumptions that Cyther makes are listed below. We strongly recommend
that you look them over before even considering usage. In the near
future I hope to make Cyther as polished as possible, and bring the list
of assumptions listed below to zero.
1) Cython and gcc are both installed, and accessible from the
2) Your Python version supports ``shutil.which``
3) Your environment path variable is able to be found by
4) 'distutils' is able to find the Python runtime static library
(usually ``libpythonXY.a`` or ````)
5) Windows will support gcc compiled C code
Hey you! Yes you. If you notice any bugs or peculiarities, please report
them to our bug tracker, it will help us out a lot!
If you have any questions or concerns, or even any suggestions, don't
hesitate to email me at:
*Happy compiling! - Nick*
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