# CursesMenu
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## Description
CursesMenu is a GTK inspired widget engine using curses for use with command line interfaces. Also inspired by the Ubuntu Live Server installation menus.
## Installation
### Using pip:
pip3 install cursesmenu
### From source:
python3 setup.py install
## Tutorial
* Import the package into your script using:
from CursesMenu import *
* Create a new `CursesMenu` object:
myMenu = CursesMenu()
* Create widgets to add to the menu:
#Creates a text widget that gets a string of text as input from the user
textInput = CursesWidget("text", title="My Text Widget", onClose="listWidget")
#Creates a list widget that gets an index and value of a list item from the user
listInput = CursesWidget("list", title="My List Widget", items=["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"])
* Add widgets to the menu:
myMenu.addWidget(textInput, id="root")
myMenu.addWidget(listInput, id="listWidget")
* Draw the menu using Curses:
## Documentation
### `CursesMenu()`
* Menu object to handle widgets and drawing with curses.
#### **Methods**
* **`CursesMenu.addWidget(widget, margin=0, id=None)`**
* Adds a widget to the menu.
* widget: An instance of `CursesWidget` to add to the menu.
* margin: Empty space around the widget. Defaults to `0`.
* id: Identification for use with the `onClose` property of `CursesWidget` and also for `CursesMenu.draw()`.
* **`CursesMenu.quit(`)**
* Exits curses in the menu. Intended for use within `CursesMenu` class.
* **`CursesMenu.widgetHandler(widget)`**
* Drawing process for the menu. Intended for use within `CursesMenu` class.
* widget: Widget for the handler to draw.
* **`CursesMenu.draw(startWidget="root", inputWin=None)`**
* Initiates curses and hands off execution to `CursesMenu.widgetHandler()`.
* startWidget: ID of the widget to start drawing. Defaults to `"root"`.
* inputWin: Curses window object to use for drawing to. Indtended for use with `curses.wrapper()`, but can be used outside of `curses.wrapper()`. Defaults to `None`.
#### Properties
* **`CursesMenu.widgets`**
* Python dictionary of widgets with their respective ID's.
### `CursesWidget(type, title="", onClose=None, items=[], hide=False)`
* Widget object to handle associated data with a widget.
* type: Type of widget to create. Accepts `"text"` and `"list"`.
* title: String to display above widget. Defaults to an empty string.
* onClose: String with the ID of a widget added to the same menu to go to after drawing the current widget. Defaults to `None`.
* items: For use with `"list"` widget. A Python list of items to be displayed. Converted to strings when displayed. Defaults to an empty list.
* hide: Boolean value for whether to hide input. Replaces text input for asterisks if set to `True`. Defaults to `False`.
#### Properties
* **`CursesWidget.type`**
* Parameter of original object.
* **`CursesWidget.title`**
* Parameter of original object.
* **`CursesWidget.id`**
* Parameter of original object.
* **`CursesWidget.onClose`**
* Parameter of original object.
* **`CursesWidget.hide`**
* Parameter of original object.
* **`CursesWidget.data`**
* `items` parameter of original object.
* **`CursesWidget.value`**
* Dependent on `CursesWidget.type`. If `CursesWidget.type == "text"`, `CursesWidget.value = {"text": ""}`. If `CursesWidget.type == "list"`, `CursesWidget.value = {"text": "", "index": 0}`. Updated during `CursesMenu.widgetHandler()`.