# ConfigHandler
## Description
Create, update, and remove values from a configuration file made by ConfigHandler.
+ ***Simple Mode***: Store simple data (e.g., version, program statistics, etc.) in a single file.
+ ***Advanced Mode***: Store configuration data using JSON data format. Supports metadata, encryption, and compression.
## Installation
+ via pip: `pip install confighandler-python`
+ as a Git submodule: `git submodule add https://github.com/Chris1320/ConfigHandler-python.git`
### Requirements
The following modules are optional:
+ `pycryptodomex`: AES256 encryption
+ `prettytable`: Prettier layout in interactive mode
+ `lz4`: LZ4 compression support
## Usage
### Simple Mode
**[QuickStart]** Creating a New Configuration File
from config_handler.simple import Simple
config = Simple("test.conf") # Create a new Simple ConfigHandler object.
# Add key-value pairs to the configuration file.
config["foo"] = "bar" # "foo" is the key, "bar" is the value.
config["nums"] = 123
config["dec"] = 3.14
config["Aboolean"] = True
config["unintentional variable!"] = "unintentional value."
# Remove values
del config["unintentional variable!"]
print(config.exists) # It will print `False` because the file does not exist yet.
config.save() # Save the data to the file.
print(config.exists) # It is now True.
**[QuickStart]** Loading an Existing Configuration File
from config_handler.simple import Simple
config = Simple("test.conf")
config.load() # Load the data from the file.
# Get values from the loaded data.
print(config["foo"]) # "foo" is the key.
config["foo"] = "barred" # Change value of a key.
config["new_key"] = "new_value" # Add a new key-value pair.
config.isbase64 = True # Encode configuration file to Base64.
# Save changes
A key can be any string, but must not start with a `#`, include a `=`, or include a `\n`.
A value can be any string, integer, float, or boolean.
### Advanced Mode
**[QuickStart]** Creating a New Configuration File
from config_handler.advanced import Advanced
config = Advanced("test.conf", "p4ssw0rd") # Password is required when encryption is not None.
config.new( # Initialize a new configuration file.
name="Advanced Mode Test",
# Add key-value pairs to configuration file.
config["foo"] = "bar" # "foo" is the key, "bar" is the value.
config["nums"] = 123
config["dec"] = 3.14
config["Aboolean"] = True
config["unintentional variable!"] = "unintentional value."
# Remove values
del config["unintentional variable!"]
config.save() # Save the data to the file.
**[QuickStart]** Loading an Existing Configuration File
from config_handler.advanced import Advanced
config = Advanced("test.conf", "p4ssw0rd") # Password is required when encryption is not None.
# Load the data from the file.
# Get values from the loaded data.
print(config["foo"]) # "foo" is the key.
config["foo"] ="barred" # Change value of a key.
config["new_key"] = "new_value" # Add a new key-value pair.
config() # Get metadata of the configuration file.
# This is formerly called as `config.metadata()`.
config.save() # Save changes