# ClikUpShift
ClickUp is a cloud based project management / ToDo environment. (url: https://clickup.com/?noRedirect=true).
This Python package adds some functionality that is currently not present.
It allows you to:
> * shift tasks (by a number of days),
> * score tasks (by using 4 custom fields),
> * based on the score give them a priority.
Reference to those custom fields have been hard coded. Therefore, scoring will not work out of the box, shifting tasks should work.
When you add the following fields the code could work, although the field references have been [hard coded](https://github.com/stevedep/ClickUpShiftScore/blob/4b2925c388e3eb26a6fdc039b0eee50dfd79ee0a/ClickUpShiftScore/core.py#L45).
<!--- # --->
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevedeP/ClickUpShiftScore/master/images\customfields.png" alt="drawing" width="700" style="max-width: 700px">
## Install
`pip install ClickUpShiftScore`
## How to use
Load the module and add your API code when you create an instance of `CU`.
from ClickUpShiftScore.core import *
test = CU("pk_42327425_81VOC277FIDWOA3R8AF8SZ0LH354CP2A")
test.updatetasks("score", 1)
Achter computer of buro
score updated for:
Python webscrape magister
Python Development
Feestje pepijn
koffie kalk
score updated for:
Fix hue
Op pad / Naar Winkel
# Documentation
Please view *[this documentation](https://StevedeP.github.io/ClickUpShiftScore)* to see the documentation for all modules and functions.
actor User
participant test as test #58; CU
participant updatetasks as updatetasks #58; test
participant urlrequest as urlrequest #58; helper
participant updatescore as updatescore #58; helper
participant shiftstartandduedate as shiftstartandduedate #58; helper
participant updatepriority as updatepriority #58; helper
User->>test:Init (with API key)
Note over User, test: User folders stored during init.
User->>updatetasks: updatetasks("score", 1)
loop folders
Note over updatetasks, urlrequest: Loop over folders to get the lists
updatetasks->>urlrequest: urlrequest(folderid)
urlrequest->>updatetasks: listdata
loop lists
Note over updatetasks, urlrequest: Loop over lists to get the tasks
updatetasks->>urlrequest: urlrequest(listid)
urlrequest->>updatetasks: taskdata
Note over updatetasks, updatepriority: for each task in a list one of following options is run [score, shift, priority]
autonumber 7
alt is score
updatetasks->>updatescore: updatescore(field, task, score)
autonumber 7
else is shift
updatetasks->>shiftstartandduedate: shiftstartandduedate(task, startdate, duedate, dagen, apikey)
autonumber 7
else is priority
updatetasks->>updatepriority: updatepriority(task, score, apikey)