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# CellDrift
CellDrift: temporal perturbation effects for single cell data
Perturbation effects on gene programs are commonly investigated in single-cell experiments. Existing models measure perturbation responses independently across time series, disregarding the temporal consistency of specific gene programs. We introduce CellDrift, a generalized linear model based functional data analysis approach to investigate temporal gene patterns in response to perturbations.
### Reference
CellDrift: Inferring Perturbation Responses in Temporally-Sampled Single Cell Data. BioRxiv. Apr 2022 (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.04.13.488194v1)
### Prerequisite
# It's recommended to create a new environment using conda (python 3.7 is recommended)
conda create -n celldrift_py python=3.7
# Install prerequisite package scikit-fda (development version)
conda activate celldrift_py # activate celldrift environment
pip install git+https://github.com/GAA-UAM/scikit-fda.git
### Installation
git clone https://github.com/KANG-BIOINFO/CellDrift.git
cd CellDrift
pip install .
### Tutorial
- [Example on HIV Infection Study](https://github.com/KANG-BIOINFO/CellDrift/blob/main/Tutorial/hiv_infection_tutorial.md)
- [Example on Pseudo-time Data of Brain Organoid Development](https://github.com/KANG-BIOINFO/CellDrift/blob/main/Tutorial/brain_pseudotime_tutorial.md)
- [Check the complete Document](https://celldrift.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html)
### Quick Start
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scanpy as sc
import CellDrift as ct
#### 1. Load data and preparation
adata = sc.read("example.h5ad")
adata.obs['size_factor'] = np.sum(adata.X, axis = 1)
#### 2. Set up CellDrift object
adata = ct.setup_celldrift(
cell_type_key = 'cell_type',
perturb_key = 'perturb',
time_key = 'time', # the name of time covariate. Must be numeric
control_name = 'Control',
perturb_name = None,
size_factor_key = 'size_factor',
batch_key = 'batch',
n_reps = 3,
n_cells_perBlock = 100,
use_pseudotime = False,
min_cells_perGene = 0
#### 3. Run GLM model
adata = ct.model_timescale(
n_processes = 16, # number of processes for multiprocessing
chunksize = 100, # number of genes in each chunk
pairwise_contrast_only = True,
adjust_batch = False
#### 4. set up FDA object
df_zscore = pd.read_csv('Temporal_CellDrift/Contrast_Coefficients_combined_zscores_.txt', sep = '\t', header = 0, index_col = 0) # CellDrift z scores
df_meta = pd.read_csv('Temporal_CellDrift/Contrast_Coefficients_combined_metadata_.txt', sep = '\t', header = 0, index_col = 0) # metadata of contrast comparisons
fda = ct.FDA(df_zscore, df_meta)
#### 5. temporal clustering
fd, genes = fda.create_fd_genes(genes = df_zscore.index.values, cell_type = 'Type_0', perturbation = 'Perturb_0')
df_cluster = ct.fda_cluster(fd, genes, n_clusters = 3)
#### 6. visualization for each temporal cluster
n_neighbors = 2,
bandwidth = 1,
cluster_key = 'clusters_fuzzy',
output_folder = 'Temporal_CellDrift/cluster_fuzzy/'